Michigan governor responds to unemployment from coronavirus amid protests l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer talks to “GMA” about her state, which was one of the hardest hit by the pandemic and how she plans to quell frustrations.

Country grows more pessimistic about a return to normalcy post-coronavirus: POLL: https://abcn.ws/2XJlfeQ

#ABCNews #Covid19 #Whitmer #GovWhitmer #Michigan #Unemployment


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Michigan governor responds to unemployment from coronavirus amid protests l ABC News”
  1. Gretchen Whitmer is absolutely crazy by offering extended unemployment benefits after one has returned to a job. That money is "TAXPAYER" money. She is abusing taxpayer funds while also discriminating against those "essential workers" such as grocery cashiers, nurses, hospital workers, EMTs, and firemen and women that were expected to remain on the job during covid-19.
    In my opinion, this out-of-her-mind, self important, and "rules-are-for-thee-but-not-for-me" governor needs to be RECALLED.

  2. One year later… and she is the worst governor in the history of the state of Michigan. Which I thought would be nearly impossible… After the Granholm Administration.

    The amazing thing to understand here is… we still haven't been able to find a road for her to fix?

    But given what we know now about the Dominion selection system… Did we really elect her?

  3. MUST READ!!! Henry Ford HEALTH??? system of southeast Michigan is sending employees diagnosed with COVID back to work after just seven days of diagnosis! One employee I know personally is still very sick and forced back to work! What is the point of masks or social distancing if you purposely put a covid infected person to draw people’s blood at a doctor”s office??? She no longer has a cough but she’s still very sick and CONTAGIOUS! I never agreed with masks, but I do agree with social distancing. They all scream “Masks” BECAUSE they are against the most important thing: SOCIAL DISTANCING!

  4. She said she can take four Sherrif who are going easy and then she's using it to play victim!!
    I heard one of Sherrif speak. One of the things he spoke about was that it's common sense to get on a boat and go on the lake because the distances will be ample. I agree with him. I think the governor is against logical thinking. Just blabbering her nonsense about concern for saving lives while the abortion clinics are open for murdering innocents. Nice logic.

  5. No one talks about previous Obama & Biden Admin that depleted our State & National Stockpiles without restocking them. It’s Obama & Biden & their Admin failure to heed expert warnings since 2011. A lot of Americans could have been saved if stockpiles were stocked properly.

  6. Governor Wit-nut… its not about and never was about saving everything single life. Open your damn state you control freak Demon-rat

  7. Welcome to the fake news and a created narrative to make anyone protesting look crazy. It’s all planned to do exactly what you are seeing. The deaths are not true.
    Real protesters would be taking control of the propaganda media Now and real journalists would be asking real questions instead of everyone getting brainwashed by prepared brainwashing news segments. All mainstream news is government propaganda. We are the same as North Korea. If you want to know what is going on in America you have to leave America. All facts

  8. My fellow Michiganger have faith. God controls who lived or die in this situation. Stop protesting and get out and vote. 2020 and 2022 makes some changes.

  9. 🖕🖕🖕

  10. After symptoms doesn’t change that they’ve been spreading it for 2 weeks. She is reckless.

  11. Coronavirus: dal castigo minore al castigo superiore, è sperabile che si ravvedano e tornino (a Dio)
    Su tierra será devastada y su polvo envolverá el espacio del mundo
    El Imán Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

  12. 🙏🏻🍃 Honorable Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni: "it is a mere human virus", meaning; it has nothing to do with animal surely it began in human and transmitted from human to a human and there is no intervention for animal therein as they claimed that bats, ducks, and pigs yet they burned it and committed crimes therein..


  13. El coronavirus es del castigo menor antes del castigo mayor , quizás así recapaciten..
    El Imám Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    En cuanto a los que se inclinan ante lo que llaman el polvo de Al-Hossín, ¡eso no les salvará ! Seguramente Dios no ha derribado ninguna evidencia de lo que hacen, ya sea en el Corán o en las interpretaciones de la Verdadera Sunnah de su Señor,sino que lo inventaron por su cuenta, en otras palabras, ¡las personas que están en sus tumbas no pueden hacer nada para alejar el mal de quienes las imploran! Debido a que no escuchan su invocación, e incluso si los escuchan, no los revenderán. De hecho, negarán su asociación en el Día del Juicio, los rechazarán y estarán completamente en su contra ; Si bien no he dejado de advertirles y aconsejarles que llamen a Dios, Solamente a Él pero lamentablemente, la mayoría de ellos solo creen en el Señor al ponerLe asociados. Mientras tanto, advertimos a los injustos en general, a sus altos mandatarios y a sus aliados en países musulmanes como en el resto del mundo, del Castigo menor del Señor y de otras maravillas, hasta que sean tomados por el Castigo mayor destinado a las personas que transgreden en los países, cometen muchos desordenes allí y que oprimen injustamente a sus pueblos. Su Señor ciertamente permanece al acecho.
    Además, les advertimos del Castigo del pequeño planeta de Castigo, el meteorito que bombardeará los Estados Unidos de América, detrás del Océano Atlántico y hacia el oeste, su tierra será devastada y su polvo envolverá el espacio del mundo;habrá también una ola sorprendente que se propagará en todos los rincones de este mundo y ya sabrán que somos sinceros con el permiso de Dios , Señor de los mundos,y el planeta "Saqar" será para más tarde, si el pequeño planeta no les sirve de lección. ¡Temed a Alá, por lo tanto,ô gente inteligente!


  14. 🙏🏻🍃 and i see international health organization do not consider it an international disease yet! For the fact with their claim they will control it yet they indeed are liars. How can they control Allah’s chastisement?!


  15. I’m good I don’t need work. I work in landscaping. Getting 16 an hour cash and a part time making 18 cash. So glad white people don’t know how to cut grass or to lazy

  16. We can still get abortions (kill babies), we can still buy weed and booze, and we can still play the lotto. We cannot buy tomato seeds or an American flag. There is a special spot in hell for Gretchen whitmer.

  17. @Matthew White That’s cute. If only your words were saving the world instead of cutting ppl down. We would all be saved. If you’re so godly, why don’t you rid the world of this virus completely at the snap of ur fingers? Hmm…..

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