Michael Cohen on Trump: ‘Don’t believe what he is saying’

Michael Cohen on Trump: ‘Don’t believe what he is saying’

The president’s former personal lawyer gave his first interview since being sentenced to three years in a federal prison.




34 thoughts on “Michael Cohen on Trump: ‘Don’t believe what he is saying’

  1. I believe everything Michael Cohen is saying. If he is or is not in jail. I’m am sure GOD will help him. Yes he admits he did wrong and that there is what GOD likes in an individual. And best believe he will be on Michael Cohan side 100 %. Mock my words. Thank you Me. Cohen. You have taken the steps that was needed to be take. And that is let it all out. No kore coving up. You all ready lots everything you and your parents worked hard for. What else can you lose really there is nothing other then you got GODs forgiveness and that is a great honor. Move forward. You never know GOD will give back some of what you lost.

  2. What truth cohen your truth your just another line of sore losers who failed the american people and like all the losers who came befor you trys to salvage his pathetic reputation by blaming the president mr trump, if trumps a liar your a liar cohen and your book is good for one thing left in a toilet when the toilet paper runs out and thats the only good use its got.🚽🍼🤒

  3. I Believe Mary Trump The MD. And Cohen Trump humps Golden Shower Buddy 😁👬

  4. Your a lying scumbag trump, we don't believe you, never will. You have to instruct a lawyer, you're responsible. Cohen is saving his own skin, but I have no doubt, your a wierdo and a conman, and now ur going to pay.

  5. Michael if your reading this. Don’t forget to mention the name of the thug, that trump sent out to threaten stormy Daniels. Wasn’t this in Vegas? Did trump order the threat.

  6. Who’s here after the news broke that Cohen will be released from prison tomorrow (7/24/2020)

  7. It's about time someone spoke up about Trumps lies. Thank you Cohen for your courage. Why would anyone believe what comes out of Trumps mouth when he can't even answer a question from the media without going on a rabbit trail. I have yet to hear one intelligent answer from Trump
     to any of their questions.

  8. for cohen at this point its about reducing his jail term ..you can se he is shaken and distrote..he is a broken man ..the democrate has him to say any story they want he is at their mercy..

  9. Cohen will say anything against Trump to stay out of Prison. What makes any person want to believe a Liar in the first place? An admitted Liar gets the gold star treatment just so the Democrats can "get something on Trump". This has become more sickening as each trick the Democrats try to "get Trump". There is not one thing a sane person should believe that Cohen makes up about President Trump. All the trickery the Trump Haters have pulled so far is pure disgusting, and the ignorant Liberals Leftry's will jump to believe anything a Liar will say – including a Porno Prostitute. What has the US Government become? A Nation bent on doing their best to "impeach our Great President", who BTW has done more for our Country than all the Democrats put together in Decades. But will the MSN Media(s) Report that? H…NO! The PROVEN Corruption of the Democrats of course go no where, except in the back of some file. Grow up you Demented Democrats and start running our Nation as you were elected to do..try getting the Economy going strong, try getting our Veterans their Due Process, Try Helping the American People instead of spending Billions of Dollars of our Tax Dollars on your Fake News and False Investigations against one of the Greatest Presidents we've elected in decades. So very sick of the Democrats, it's hard to put into words without using language their willing use daily int their Fake News stories about Trump. However a Conservative Christian Republican will not stoop as low as the Democrats do daily – hourly- in their lies and spending Tax Dollars because they lost the Election 2 years ago..still cry babying over Hillary's loss..try and take her to court and convicted for her many many crimes against America,(and Obama's)..even going so far as to deliberately getting Honorable American Military Men killed trying to defend their Ambassador in Benghazi while the Secretary of State refuses to send one Soldier to help them. Who BTW were ready and willing to go and Help our Ambassador and Americans working in Benghazi. It does not get much dirtier corrupt than that. American Hero's buried for the Corruption and unwillingness to give help by our Secretary of State who the Democrats wanted as President! No Democrat is an American, in the Majority of Americans (who love America) Book. All full of demonic possession of hatred..hatred comes from One Source Only..and the Democrats worship him.

  10. Trump's such a narcissistic piece of shit. He lives in his own world. I can't believe I was duped by him. Nothing is ever his fault. No wonder people dont vote anymore. It's the same old shit. This is just a distraction from trump's loyalty to Israel not Russia.

  11. Michael Cohen lied to congress and got caught. His fault not Trump. Even the Democrats know this is just another "big nothing burger" to distract people from the surging economy, peace with north korea, and fixing our criminal system.

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