Michael Bloomberg to make 1st Democratic debate appearance l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Other Democratic candidates including Sen. Bernie Sanders and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg said the former New York City mayor won’t be able to buy this election.

Democrats set to clash at Las Vegas debate with Bloomberg in their sights: https://abcn.ws/2T1tRd7
Michael Bloomberg qualifies for Democratic debate, showdown with candidates looms: https://abcn.ws/2SEM4OA
Ahead of debate, Bloomberg plays defense as Warren goes on the attack: https://abcn.ws/2HDunsh

#ABCNews #DemDebate #Bloomberg #LasVegas #Politics


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Michael Bloomberg to make 1st Democratic debate appearance l ABC News”
  1. Why does everyone hate mike ? He seems very enthusiastic in making positive change to the world and I love his constant talk about helping climate change

  2. If you think being rich is bad; You might be a Demo-Rat!

    If you can't run your own life and need the government to do it; You might be a Demo-Rat!

    If you want to be a slave to the state and give three quarters of your hard earned money to the government; You might be a Demo-Rat!

    If you are a believer of lies; You might be a Demo-Rat!

    If you think getting FREE stuff is the way to go; You might be a Demo-Rat!

    If you work hard to own your own home then let the government take it from you; You might be a Demo-Rat!

    If you think making money in the stock market is bad; You might be a Demo-Rat! Where do you think your 401K is?

    Need I go on?

  3. What struck me about Bloomberg in this debate, was seeing full on his arrogance, disconnectedness from ordinary people, and his overall sense of entitlement. He reminded me that these are the same character flaws we see in other oligarchs like Trump and Jeff Bezos.

  4. Socialism. (a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole). Your taxes collected for just a few of the 75 socialist programs in America
    The Military/Defense, Politicians, Public Libraries, Police, Fire Dept. Postal Service, Student Loans and Grants, Garbage Collection, Farm Subsidies, Congressional Health Care, Social Security, Museums, Public Schools, Jail/Prison System, Corporate/Business Subsidies, Veteran's (VA) Health Care, All Elected Government Officials, Food Stamps, Sewer System, Medicare, Court System, Medicaid Health Care for 9/11 Rescue Workers, Disability Insurance (SSDI).

  5. This debate proved the elitist, out of touch, pompous ass that Bloomberg – the oligarch – really is. It’s so crazy that this guy just spent four hundred million dollars and just exposed himself to be the narcissistic monster that he really is. Bloomberg is the Democrats version of Donald Trump. They are the same sociopaths sewn from the same cloth. Democratic voters reject this!

  6. I will confess I have a political ❤️❤️❤️ crush ❤️❤️❤️ on Bernie Sanders. I love this man!!!

  7. Doomberg can only bloom by turning his role into funding thee frontrunner progressive who can beat Trump by a literal landslide.

  8. Bernie is a traitor to his supporters. He said if Bloomberg is nominated he would support him. This is hypocritical of Bernie who tells people "There are to many Billionaires in office". Yes the Socialist contradicts himself by supporting a Billionaire. Bloomberg wants to make the USA what HE wants it to be and if that includes buying this election and making slaves of Bernie supporters, then so be it. So much for your revolution… in the end you get thrown under the bus…

  9. If you truly want to get orangeman out of the White House, THIS is how to do it. You don't try to replace one cartoon version of an aspiring demagogue plutocrat with another soulless power-hungry prick of the same ilk, simply because his disguise is more palatable. No. And mike bloomberg would lose against orangeman anyway. Yes. If you really want to get rid of trump (and more importantly, have a once in a lifetime President who will inspire us to make our country truly great), then this is how you do it. Everyone should watch and share this little video::  https://www.facebook.com/berniesanders/videos/785677015262927/
    For every reason under the sun #BERNIE2020

  10. King Bloomberg, the oligarch buying the Presidency for two thousand million dollars (aka 2 billion) … for this as*hole oligarch, chump change for a chump.

  11. I don't care about politics but, my man Michael Strahan is a Hall of Fame Defensive End who made a seamless transition into broadcasting. This man is out here doing the news for ABC. Respect.

  12. No matter what their political leanings, is anybody else getting sick of newscasters trying to be movie stars ?? We need Huntly/Brinkly type reporters back not drama kings and queens… Just straight forward reporting of the news. what a concept…

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