Michael Bloomberg campaign reacts to New Hampshire primary

Michael Bloomberg campaign reacts to New Hampshire primary

ABC News Tom Llamas speaks to Bloomberg campaign national spokesperson Sabrina Singh, who defends newly emerged comments on stop and frisk by the candidate.


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23 thoughts on “Michael Bloomberg campaign reacts to New Hampshire primary

  1. Damn. A little money will make people say and do literally anything. I wonder if her boss has made her sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement too.

  2. A reminder to all Democrat primary voters –
    Only Joe Biden and Michael Bloomberg maintain a prohibitionist stance on cannabis and are against legalization. All other Democrat candidates are in favor of legalization.


    I have been upset at the choices we've had to deal with in the past few months in the Democratic field for 2020. A year ago I was a passionate member of the KHive, before that…I was a 'Beto' bro. Buttigieg is a little too young (let's be real, millennials like you and me aren't ready for one of us to be President yet). Bernie and Biden are both old white dudes, and obviously we have already had WAYYYYY too many of them. But honestly? This guy makes me think it will be worthwhile

    Meme arrow time!

    >self made billionaire, MUCH MUCH richer than Trump. In the same way Trump is miles richer than you, Bloomberg is richer than Trump. This will be a HUGE asset in the election

    >centrist, reasonable, sane. He isn't proposing ideas that will bankrupt the country and collapse our economy like those basement dweller backed candidates (Bernie, Yang, Warren)

    >rational. pragmatic approach to the gun violence epidemic…there's a reason all these school shootings happen in shitholes like Florida and Texas but NOT in New York City

    >rational pragmatic approach to climate change..he won't wreck the economy in a vain attempt to fix it, but he also doesn't deny it like the idiot we have in the white house and isn't anti-science like most Republicans

    >From what I know some of you like making fun of those silly "SJW" on those YouTube meme videos so you may be delighted to know that Bloomberg isn't this super politically correct guy like Bill De Blasio. He is willing to target the toxic masculine groups, some of whom are…well, sorry to say, and I hope to not offend anyone…young minorities
    >experience managing the LARGEST CITY in the United States, with a non-ideological problem solving based approach. People from ALL SIDES of the spectrum supported Mike in his run

    >and lets face it…his memes are hilarious, maybe even the spiciest AND chillest of all the bois on instagram/facebook/twitter

  4. All the money in the world won't keep secret all of Bloomberg's his past history. For a man who apparently apologized for the damage he caused with stop and frisk, he sure is doing everything he can to bury video/audio of things he had no problem saying back in the day as mayor of New York. He is the least electable candidate in the Democratic race, running on maintaining the status quo of the rich having power over the people, there is no difference between him and Trump, both are corrupt and greedy and both only care about themselves.

  5. Buttigieg is a failed Mayer in his own town with many issues against the non-white population. He loves billionaires and they only consist barely of 40 votes since his Iowa campaign. He is true manipulative hypocrite and centrist working for the establishment full heartedly! He has no policy and discusses no issues, only hot air. Bernie is consistent since the last 40 years, appeals to the young, the old, the poor, multi cultures and working class, and of course focuses on issues with a resounding clear message. Bloomberg is also full of crap as his past will get to him in his mistreatment of his city citizens through money. Others will lose when each time they attack Sanders such as Warren and the media. Biden elect-ability pumped up by the mainstream media for a year resulted in what? Admit you have lost.

  6. Michael Bloomberg is a two faced micromanaging tyrant who thinks Xi Jinping is not a dictator. Arresting Journalists and organizing police attacks on OWS is what he did and what we can expect from him.

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