Miami Beach mayor: Florida governor taking ‘entirely wrong approach’ on COVID – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber on Florida’s spike in COVID-19 cases, as he says Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has mishandled the latest surge.


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Miami Beach mayor: Florida governor taking ‘entirely wrong approach’ on COVID”
  1. How is this form of killing people different that pointing a gun at an innocent persons head? One is murder…the other is politics? So politicians can lead an entire state to their death? I am so glad to hear this Mayor speaking so intelligently. Please listen to him.

  2. This guy does not know what he's talking about. I'd like for someone to look into the military reserves in Florida where the did their two week reserve and their weekend reserves and people with covid are sharing bunks and getting sick as well so they could take it to their families.
    So the army doesn't care for them.
    Rserve based in Orlando my darling niece did her two weeks in July and then again last week for her monthly reserve and she was driving people who were sick to medical and they still had to train?
    Now she brings Covid to my house and I have to take care of my mother and she her mother who sickly as well and she has covid now.

  3. Mayor Gelber is trying to benefit politically from the outbreak, but Gov. De Santis has it right: the virus outbreak is cresting at this moment and will soon decline, as it has before. A general lock down is absolutely the wrong approach to take. It does not prevent infections or save lives. The governor might set up emergency care facilities to handle the overload of cases to help hospitals in specific areas. But Gov. De Santis is taking the right approach. He is standing up bravely to his Democratic critics and the hysteria of the media — a strength of character that will stand him in good stead for the 2024 election — which is the fear of those on the Left who are attacking him now.

  4. Hey…I'm a strong DeSantis fan. With his stance, we get a two-fer! We get a trumper and an anti-vaxxer all rolled up into one that's going down. We're looking at this all wrong. Let's continue letting him do what he does best, nothing. We'll thin the herd……

  5. Why don’t these panic freaks state the amount of deaths from the delta variant? Because it’s not even close to what the yearly flu kills. Disingenuous media POLITICALLY FEAR BAITING AGAIN. Stop being a fool, ask your media to state the deaths from the delta, and you’ll find out the truth.

  6. Fear-mongering at it best
    If hundreds of people was dying every week the number would be a lot more !

    It is easier to fool people then convince them they've been fooled

  7. Thank-you mayor for having the courage to speak up against the Governor who is politically motivated to take a stance against preventive common sense measures proven by science and experience to be highly effective against covid and saving millions of lives. And available to everyone. Get the vaccine to protect the children, by herd immunity, that are too young to receive the vaccine.

  8. Why aren’t you people pushing the therapeutical medicine that’s out there and not just a vaccine are you hiding something from that we know you are

  9. Yeah we’re going to listen to the CDC that one to lie to us from the beginning about this coronavirus yeah we’re gonna take them believe what they say all the time they’re corrupt just like you politicians that want people to take the vaccine it’s not about saving people it’s about power and control other peoples lies we know what it’s all about

  10. This is going to lead to our President taking drastic action, against these Florida and Texas governors. Shameful behavior they’re displaying. Go ahead continue to kill off your voting support

  11. Hes taking the right one.
    Ur lockdowns dont work.
    Had enough for 1 year.
    We dont need you to ruin lives for another year with ur stupid non working restrictions

  12. Governor Desantis is Presidential! He should run with President Trump in 2024🇺🇸

  13. I mean if an entirely wrong approach includes keeping small businesses open, keeping an economy flowing properly, encouraging employment opportunities, protecting against forced and excessive Covid measures, and preventing against unnecessary mask wearing, then I guess I’ll take the “wrong” opportunity.

  14. President Biden should invoke some form of Presidential decree or Federal Human rights law to overturn the Desantis ban on children wearing masks in schools . This Delta varient is killing kids and young adults , and school children have the right to stay safe and healthy by distancing , mask wearing and sanitizing if they want to !

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