Medics try to revive man shot by officer in his own home: Video

Medics try to revive man shot by officer in his own home: Video

The Dallas police officer said she saw Botham Jean’s silhouette and thought her home was being burglarized, according to a warrant.




27 thoughts on “Medics try to revive man shot by officer in his own home: Video

  1. Being killed in your own apartment!!!! Really America! You are all ok with the murderer getting only 10 years? I can't even say a word I am disgusted, appalled and in complete disbelief that that's what that man's life was worth. She even got a hug from the judge. As an african from Africa I am disappointed and disgusted by this. She will be out in 10 years and the mans family will not have him around and they will be affected for ever. Where is your fighting spirit. This will continue to go on with other people thinking a black life is jachshit if you let this murder come out in 10 years. You need to fight the system harder. I have 2 black boys who will soon be black men and I am raising them to respect the law but if the law is failing them and the judges hug people who murder them even I their own houses and you are ok with 10 years and giving hugs to the murders I am scared!!

  2. Let's hope those neighbors made the call to police as well or they may not going to be credible maybe even walked out their door to take a look in their hallway could be why the murderer seen in hall PACING telling LIES to 911 dispatch I'm sorry I'm sorry how did I do that… NO DEVIL the question is WHY did you DO THAT…

  3. I find it too suspicious. Took the department way too long to arrest her. They got a warrant to search his place instead of hers, how fortunate.. Plus the chances of someone leaving their door slightly ajar and being home without the lights on is basically 0. It's like winning the lottery twice in the same day. I bet she got angry over some petty shit like noise and knew she could lie her way out of it.

  4. Strains the bounds of credulity that the victim was sitting around in his own apartment at night with the door unlocked and partially ajar.

    Unless the witness accounts of hearing her knock and demanding entry can be disproven, this officer is done for. I do believe that she actually thought it was her apartment, but I don't believe the door was unlocked and open.

  5. I support the police 150%, and fly the thin blue line flag all the time….However whether you are a police officer or a citizen who carry’s a firearm YOU have the responsibility to make sure you use it correctly. She should be in jail for the negligence and murder of this man.

  6. SUGAR XYLER You say he should've kept his door locked? Ok,where in the law is it written that you must keep your door locked or get shot and killed by a police officer? I'll wait for your very well thought out factually based answer."Jeopardy them music playing"

  7. Safer with police shooting than calling medic to push up down on wound. Glad I seen this if I ever come up on a gun shot victim I know now to keep pumping on the wound. Guess you want to get as much blood out as you can.

  8. And she considers herself a cop that protects and serves….. dang black people cant even get killed in their own home without people thinking they did something wrong to cause their death what a shame suck a half ass story is accepted as the truth. Even a child will have questions about an adult who quote assumed it was there home. First off she has to be the only cop let alone human who mistakes the place the reside in… who even does that. If you want to kill someonme become a cop smfh. They have special rules.

  9. Yea cause I sometimes walk into my neighbors place by accident and shoot him in the chest , I mean You have to be insane to think that story would work , you gotta be the dumbest person on earth , oh wait we live in America where we have some of the stupidest people on earth .

  10. If HE had shot HER in her apartment, how far do you think the "I thought it was my apartment" defense would've gone? And do you think the charges would stop at manslaughter? Double standards.

  11. So wait, why do I hear ABC news says the door was cracked open but then CBS says they have a witness saying the cop was banging on the door shouting "let me in" so who is telling the truth????

    I'm trying to find out what happen but when you have news who twist stories, it just frustrates me.

  12. he wad groggy at ten at night he was in his home people blame him but he was likely asleep an startled she is a liar needs death penalty but cops will cover up for one of their owm there are no good cops good shot in dark no red rug outside her apt she lives on 3 but went to 4 what a dumb cop or coverup an who yells at their own place let me in she did it on purpose an trusy me she will get away with it

  13. So..

    1) You walk into the WRONG apartment

    2) You don't even know WHO your neighbor is or HOW he looks like

    3) You shoot him on sight WHILE WEARING POLICE UNIFORM (who needs to talk to the person or give orders or hold him at gunpoint right?)

    A pristine example of fine policing. Definitely doesn't give other cops out there a bad name.

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