McConnell Compares House Plan To Increase Stimulus Checks To ‘Socialism For Rich People’ | NBC News

Sen. Mitch McConnell compared a plan passed by the House of Representatives to increase coronavirus stimulus checks to “socialism for rich people.” Sen. Bernie Sanders called for the Senate to vote on the plan, but Sen. McConnell objected.
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#MitchMcConnell #CoronavirusStimulus #NBCNews

McConnell Compares House Plan To Increase Stimulus Checks To ‘Socialism For Rich People’ | NBC News


Author: avnblogfeed


44 thoughts on “McConnell Compares House Plan To Increase Stimulus Checks To ‘Socialism For Rich People’ | NBC News

  1. According to libs, buying votes by passing problems onto your children in the form of debt is noble. But refusing to do so at no benefit to yourself makes you greedy and selfish somehow.

  2. Remember when libs cried about the Iraq War costing $3 trillion dollars? Now they throw around 1.9 trillion likes its nothing. Liberals the most conniving, disingenuous, double-talking weasels on the planet.

  3. POPCORN ready, sitting back, and waiting in expectation to see this wonderful stimulus power that democrats have been bragging they would have. I’m ready democrats, show us your wonders. All eyes are on you.

  4. Us the tax payers are paying for his job , Position in Washington we need that money to survive in this pandemic. I as a tax payer i Want for Mitch TO RESIGN. His thinking 🤔 on his own interest . Americans 🇺🇸 need this Stimulus money to survive is our money and we need it now. Mitch , Community taxpayers we paying for your job in Washington i want for mitch to RESIGN he isn't for the people only for his OWN INTEREST THE SAME AS PELOSI THERE own interest we gave you a job in Washington the TAXPAYERS RESING MITCH AND PELOSI


    McConnell's wife's family business appears on Trump admin's list of companies that received most PPP money

    4 – 5 minutes

    A shipping business started by Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao's family received at least $350,000 in loans set aside for companies struggling as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, according to data published Monday by the U.S. Small Business Administration.
    Chao's parents launched Foremost Group in New York in 1964. The company is currently run by her father and sister, according to the company's website. Its application for a Paycheck Protection Program loan was approved on April 15, the SBA's data shows. While the exact loan amount was not included in the report, the SBA said a loan between $350,000 and $1 million was approved, enabling the company to save 20 jobs.
    "The PPP is providing much-needed relief to millions of American small businesses, supporting more than 51 million jobs and over 80 percent of all small business employees, who are the drivers of economic growth in our country," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a news release announcing the PPP data.
    "We are particularly pleased that 27% of the program's reach in low and moderate income communities which is in proportion to percentage of population in these areas," he said, adding that the average loan size was $100,000.


    Secretary of the Department of Transportation Elaine Chao speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference 2020 (CPAC) hosted by the American Conservative Union on February 28, 2020 in National Harbor, MD. According to data released Monday by the U.S. Small Business Administration, Chao’s family’s business received at least $350,000 in Paycheck Protection Program loans. Samuel Corum/Getty
    The SBA said it approved about 4.9 million loans through the PPP program. The loan amount approved for Foremost Group is part of the second group of loans—those valued at $150,000 and above—that account for nearly 75 percent of PPP loan dollars allocated by the SBA. The SBA's news release said some loans reached values as high as $10 million.
    The PPP was built into the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, a bill President Donald Trump signed into law in late March to provide Americans and business owners with financial assistance as states across the U.S. shuttered temporarily to prevent further spread of the virus. Though $349 billion was allocated for distribution through the PPP, the program ran out of money less than two weeks after it launched, frustrating small business owners who were unable to receive loan approval before the funds dried up. Though additional funding was later directed to the PPP—with the application deadline extended as recently as last weekend—reports of large businesses receiving loan approvals from a program that was theoretically designed to assist small businesses frustrated many within the latter group.
    Foremost Group hasn't come under the same amount of scrutiny for its PPP loan as large companies like Shake Shack, which returned its $10 million PPP loan in April, or Harvard University, which received more than $8.5 million, but Chao's relationship with the company has in the past been the subject of an ethics investigation launched by the House of Representatives after Chao assumed her role within the Trump administration in early 2017. Chao, who is married to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has also received criticism for possessing stocks after she said she would sell them before stepping up to lead the Department of Transportation.
    According to a report by CNBC, several other companies with connections to politicians also received PPP loan amounts greater than the $100,000 average the SBA cited in its news release, including a school in New Jersey named after Trump's son-in-law and political organizations with Democratic and Republican ties.
    Newsweek reached out to the Department of Treasury for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.

  6. Unfortunately, even McConnell doesn't know what socialism is. I believe 80 plus percent of Americans don’t know what socialism or capitalism are. Why? Because economic terms are a dry subject and sometimes they simply don’t want to admit they don’t know. What is the implication of this ignorance? People on all sides of an argument about socialism vs. capitalism often don’t know what they are talking about. How do we fix this? Beyond telling people to look up the definitions in the Oxford Dictionary, I don’t know. I will try again. The only difference between Socialism and Capitalism is that socialism is public ownership and capitalism is private ownership. Ownership of what? Any means of production. What is production? Production is the creation of goods and services. What is so important about this difference of public and private ownership? The answer is that it is basic human psychology…meaning people will work hard if they have an incentive, and they won’t if they don’t.
    Ambition is a far superior incentive to just surviving. Capitalism gives people ambition, while socialism kills ambition. Ambition is not the same as greed. Ambition applies to a broad spectrum of life achievements that involves others, while greed, on the other hand, focuses on only the self. Ambition and greed can exist in capitalism, yet only greed can exist in socialism because ambitions cannot be realized. In addition, social programs, charities, service organizations, etc. cannot exist in socialism as there is no taxation of private business. This means socialism IS the ONLY social program in socialism…but there exist no incentive to risk, discover, invent, develop, innovate, improve, etc…because you are not allowed to, or if you do…you cannot benefit from it. Eventually this translates to rationing scarce goods and services. This is the basic logic of socialism’s failure. The historical failure is documented for all to dare to research it. Giving out stimulus checks has nothing to do with socialism.

  7. Hey Mitch ask jeff bezos if he would give back the 128 million dollar stimulus check that he didnt need. Maybe that money could finance the many American families who are being evicted

  8. So all the stimulus money goes to corporations that just pocket the money at taxpayer expense. In Texas, companies attack workers that wear their masks and no one protects their worker's rights…they are at will employment. The rich don't abide by the laws that they make the poor cower to. Just another government scam to oppress those that make under 40k. The system is corrupt.

  9. Im gonna need a financial planner to figure out how to diversify this whopping $600. Its too big a figure to really give one person at one time! Do you realize how cheap we look to ALL the other countries giving stimulus? They must think we are trying to ruin the economy.

    How is giving $600 going to stimulate the economy. This isnt even one month of bills let alone anything towards a shopping spree.

    Canadians get $1400+ per month for many months now. In December 2020 Mexico gave the green light on $1200. Are you telling us we are worth half as one and a lot less than the two neighboring countries? Dont even get me started on what European countries have been giving in stimulus this whole time. They actually care about their people. It makes us look like a 3rd world country!

    What they really are trying to say is that weve been skimming tax money for decades for ourselves and dont have enough now to pay back the American people because the deficit is already too large.

  10. Mitch made no comment about the $200 billion they are giving to the rich for MORE tax breaks and loan forgiveness. Oh, what, you cant mention the perks you give to your rich buddies, Mitch? The business stimulus is actually LARGER than the all the stimulus checks combined are! Its appaling. Of course he made NIO MENTION of this. Hes only worried about the poor getting checks. Rich people like Mitch HATE when the poor get some money back because this is against their ideology. They are rich off the backs of the poorer afterall. Thats how they view capitalism.

  11. MCconnell what about the people who make less than 20K per year or cant find work during COVID> Do you think $600 is enough to fund them for another 6 months of this? COVID isnt going anywhere for a long while.

  12. Unless you’re in the middle of a pandemic. These are not ordinary times. The American people need support while the vaccines are on the way.

  13. mitch is so bad
    maybe he should re-register as a democrat and join the socialist party
    if bernie does better and has more conservative views later on
    he could become a republican

  14. How big is McConnell mouth ?…. how many rich wieners can u put in it that’s how big it is

  15. Romans 5:8 ESV But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us. Jesus Loves everybody. Love each other. Jesus always takes care of us. we will overcome this situation with Holyspirit. I am in a very bad financial situation. but Jesus always guides me day by day. I am Pastor. Our Ministry lost a very good church elder. I am so sorry to write this comment but I have to. Please, Memory forgiveness, and Patience are the fruit of HolySpirit.

  16. Mitch don't agree with the vandalism but what do you expect really. You are taking away potential help for the Americans that need it most. $2,000 can help the struggling. Last I checked you had to make under a certain amount to get the stimulus, so how are you saying it's going to people not in need? It is sending it to majority that are in need. When you say things like that it infuriates people. You are stopping the bill not Trump not Democrats, it is only you. Why??That's why your house was being vandalized, to some that money is going to be survival to make it through this pandemic and for you to play around with it is really messed up.


  18. Here is the optics regardless of your political affiliation or your economic savviness
    Mitch McConnell for a $2000 stimulus check: NO
    Mitch McConnell for a tax break for a the super rich for an antediluvian trickle down economy that FAILED to serve the working class during the pandemic: you got me at tax break for the super rich.

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