Steven Reed, mayor of Montgomery, Alabama, discussed his city and how hes setting a course for the future.
#Pandemic #MayorStevenReed #Montgomery #Alabama
Steven Reed, mayor of Montgomery, Alabama, discussed his city and how hes setting a course for the future.
#Pandemic #MayorStevenReed #Montgomery #Alabama
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It is amazing how little coverage of looting and violence there is on ABC. Nevertheless, if this guy has found a way to stop looting then good for him and he should be heard. There are two groups of people on the streets with completely different motivations. Legitimate protestors are being used as cover by thugs and looters that have decimated blocks of businesses, beaten people to death, and attacked and shot scores of cops. Nevertheless, there are experts like Giuliani that know how to stop them. I have not seen Giuliani on ABC. Too bad.
Sad it took 105k deaths before they started pushing masks as masks are associated with every C19 success and with eye protection the primary means that every healthcare worker uses to stay safe when treating people with infections that spread through the air. Sadly, many people if not most people in public are not wearing them and that is a mistake. Masks and testing are the teo most important factors to stop C19.
Death by pandemic or by police? By systemic poverty or by systemic policy? Perhaps desperation is a gift…
breakin news USA 4 cops handcuff n X a cute unarmd citizen on city street 3 still on the luss
I praise his human efforts!
Marching to the edge
you make it a challenge
And we will all revenge
AntiFa didn't go to Alabama!
Good to see some rational minded, sensible protests amidst the insanity and outright war on society.
wtf how the f*&# did this person become mayor lol?
remember western media call looter like these in hongkong
!! pro democracy protester !!
innocent business men and people who got hurt by brainless animals
like this do anyone still remember?
hongkong men set on fire
hongkong businesee burn down
hongkong subway stop
"" antifa are in your school ""
"" brain washing your kids ""
this is organized by group like antifa they are in the schools behind the teacher and organizer
are left political group and d.n.c
this is for the comming ""election""
they done the same thing in hongkong and "" left ""
democratic party won
the hongkong election
d.n.c use antifa
g.o.p use alt right
to mobilize their voter
so after they won election
their suppored businesses
get what they want. $$$
media you are watching is own
by "" them ""
"" dont trust your gov ""
Protests don't change anything, just ask Rodney King.
Hell yeah lets have a race war and settle this once and for all.
we need to fighting with white people and the black we need to stop it
Go to A Call for An Uprising for the truth.
Black's and White's united can end this demonic political tyranny
he has da same lips as me 😀
I guess anyone who speak against the rioting and looting is automatically the enemy