Mayhem on Wall Street after amateur investors take on billionaire hedge funds

Mayhem on Wall Street after amateur investors take on billionaire hedge funds

The decision by RobinHood and other online brokerages to restrict trading in stocks like GameStop on Thursday has triggered a class action lawsuit and drawn bipartisan condemnation from Congress.


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30 thoughts on “Mayhem on Wall Street after amateur investors take on billionaire hedge funds

  1. These banks.. And hedge fund billionaires..they are nothing compared to bond market arbitrage occurring between negative European Bonds to positive US bonds market. Lol but this government bonds arbitrage occurring between West nations based on fiat infinite paper monetary system is nothing compared to Shanghai Gold Exchange yuan denominated gold future contracts that Russia Iran and China are using and China's CIPS to compete with West's SWIFT.

    Now do you understand why Globalists are so eager to pull off Great Reset and start a war with Russian in Ukraine and with China in South China Sea and with Iran??

    Follow the money.
    Then follow the guns.
    I told you already. Lol

  2. that serves those evil and selfish billionares right😂😂😂😂😂

  3. And nothing will happen, Hedgefunds Managers get to take all their money, Robinhood blocked others to make money 💰, it's all wrong

  4. The ongoing corruption among Wall Streeters and banks, which was actually admitted a video cited below! It is not the greatest corruption ongoing. All of the concealment and corruption among those crooks and other crooks will soon collapse the US economy which has ceased rewarding merit and now rewards the worst criminals and most corrupt!

    Imagine that a lot of the banks' assets are in that same situation as Deutche Bank and its recent, foreclosed, mall company’s non-sale: there are no purchasers who are likely to pay anywhere close to the book value at which the banks have their "assets" reported on their balance sheets. I believe that that event story reveals a GIGANTIC amount of corruption in real dollar terms, enabling massive, fraudulent transfers and concealing insolvency among banks/Wall Street entities, which the "Federal" Reserve has been complicit in concealing for years. My belief, for which I cannot state any reason, is that this has been going on for more than a decade in many areas by many banks.

    Thus, if these banks were dissolved by a non-corrupt, third party, agency (if there were one), they would be revealed to have been legally insolvent (because the realizable, net FMV of their assets had been below the amount of their total liabilities) for years. That would mean that their dividend payments and other transfers of funds, e.g., with outrageous benefits to shareholders, would have been fraudulent transfers under most states' laws and/or illegal distributions under other states' laws FOR YEARS for which the corporate officers and shareholders (often the beneficiaries of these corrupt payments which their "Federal" Reserve has covertly enabled, e.g., by buying $2 TRILLION in mortgage-backed securities to bail out banks) would be liable.

    Because of the powerful banksters involved, I predict that nothing will be done as to that corruption, as only fake reforms were enacted after the 2000 to 2009 Wall Streeter frauds. I use the earlier date because the bogus, for-inflated-values-designed-to-be-uncollectible securities that the banksters were selling to the dumb money were profitably sold for years before they needed to be bailed out.

    The banksters made billions or trillions from such frauds for years before they finally got their free TRILLION dollar bailouts from the "Fed" and the US government. See cites below. Of course, after all of the alleged "reforms," the "Federal" Reserve just had to bail out the banksters again in 2019-2020 by buying their garbage, uncollectible, mortgage backed securities. See cites below.

    See “Did the Federal Reserve Begin Secret Bailouts in 2007 Before Anyone Knew of The Pending Crisis” in armstrongeconomicsd o t c o m. See “The Dark Secrets in the Fed’s Last Wall Street Bailout Are Getting a Devious Makeover in Today’s Bailout.”

    See in thestreetd o t c o m “The Fed Now Owns Nearly One Third of All US Mortgages” See at nytimesd o t c o m “The Fed Goes All In With Unlimited Bond-Buying Plan.” See "Report: Fed Committed $7.77 Trillion To Rescue Banks" at npr d o t o r g. See at thenewamericand o t c o m, “Federal Reserve Issues Secret Low-interest Loans to Banks. See "The Fed Now Owns Over $2 Trillion in Mortgages, What Else?" at Thestreetd o t c o m. See “Home lenders brace for up to 15 million mortgage defaults” in the LA Times, which was written in APRIL 2, 2020. Imagine how many mortgages are now in default and will be in a few months given this pandemic?

    See at wallstreetonparaded o t c o m “Mega Banks Tell SEC: Derivatives Could Blow Up Wall Street Again” but nothing is done. See in that same website: Despite Its Five Felony Counts, the Federal Reserve Has Entrusted $2 Trillion in Bonds to JPMorgan Chase and see “The Dark Secrets in the Fed’s Last Wall Street Bailout Are Getting a Devious Makeover in Today’s Bailout”

    See “Federal Reserve Secret Bank Bailouts Topped $16 Trillion!” in goldstockbulld o t c o m. When you retire later, and your social security payments are just enough to pay for some food and nothing else, you will realize how truly you have been cheated through the banksters control of the “Federal” Reserve and SEC

    What amazes me is how long the corrupt have been getting away with this kind of thing in so many, many areas. Do most Americans have to get hit on their heads by 2 by 4 foot beams before they notice the corruption? This corruption is now endemic.

  5. I learned years ago that the legal profession was utterly corrupt: with many, many attorneys paying non-attorney third parties to create fake cases. Many, many others being preferred because they clean out files of damaging information and documents, do not produce damaging documents, and coach witnesses to lie.

    Personally, I actually had a woman who stopped suddenly for no reason in LA after I had gotten an expensive sports car and when I was easily able to brake fast enough not to hit her old SUV, she actually backed up to try to hit me to try to create a fake accident. I yelled at her but was quick enough to back up faster than she did for about one block while blowing my horn, so she finally noticed the bystanders staring at us and drove off. I gave up on the corrupt police.

    The labor authorities in California are similarly utterly corrupt: the FLSA ignores and does not investigate or even contact persons reporting labor violation cases against connected persons or companies. One complaint about a worker being used to commit tax fraud was just closed without even a phone call while when emails to that agency asking about the case were evaded and the FLSA responding person would not identify him or herself.

    The LA workmen's compensation court has allowed persons to just remove and destroy papers filed by corrupt attorneys, so that persons who already appeared, filed papers, and were recognized as employers (for example) later reappear and claim that they were ignorant of the cases for years, while the judges “seem” to have amnesia about the whole thing! The IRS and FBI also do not take action against powerful, connected persons.

    Real estate (RE) boards do not even open cases when corrupt brokers defraud their clients, despite repeated complaints being made to them. E.g., I know of a $700,000+ judgment obtained after diligent efforts despite the constant bragging of two attorneys representing a certain RE broker that they were so connected that the attorney handling it had better just accept money from them under the table, which was successfully defended on appeal, against a powerful RE broker of the right group, whose attorney basically bragged of his parentage from a member of organized crime.

    Nevertheless, when the RE brokers relatives were sued (to whom he had fraudulently transferred his assets and income for years) a member of the right group was appointed to handle the case who eventually revealed his relationship to those two attorneys for the RE broker! During this time, the one, honest judge who had entered the $700,000+ judgment was moved to the court of appeal, so the new judge from the same group as the "connected" lawyers could be put into the case. Those connected lawyers had claimed that they were so powerful that they did not even have to produce documents in response to discovery demands repeatedly, before the honest judge later ordered them to do so.

    The new, corrupt LA judge of that same group then reportedly talked to the client improperly, terrified him so he actually, physically shed tears hysterically asking his lawyer to just settle the case while he never ever disclosed the reason, and convinced him to take a settlement sum that was below the value of one of the many houses of that corrupt, RE broker's families that had previously been located and were going to be sold to satisfy that FINAL judgment. After the settlement, the RE authorities (who were supposed to investigate and prosecute brokers and do prosecute brokers who are Hispanic or African American or Muslim or of other poor minorities) never even responded to prior complaints as to the broker.

    Also, ALL RECORDS of that corrupt, RE broker's judgment and of other, prior suits against him suddenly DISAPPEARED from LA county superior court and appellate court records! If that RE broker defrauds another of his clients, for which offense he had been sued repeatedly, that newly defrauded client will never be able to prove that there was any judgment for fraud against that RE broker again.

    He will be able to claim to a later jury that he never had a fraud judgment entered against him! Similarly, now, the evidence of corruption by brokers and hedge funds has become publicly admitted and blatant. E.g., watch "How Hedge Fund Billionaires Are Crushing GameStop Stock" at casgains academy in yte before it is removed or censored.

  6. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that an IRA should be involved in the stock market, A persons merit for retirement should be based on how many years they have worked for a company and an entirely separate market that is not manipulated by speculation or by billionaires shorting a stock to make more billions.

  7. This would be the most millenial way to crash the markets nowadays 😂 i would love to see the guys up there get into more trouble..

  8. Its funny you guys crying even tho there people out there looseing millions today to you guys but hes the kicker you guy doing the miplulation these guys are laughing and talking about loose porn and not even breaking a sweat I read the reddit

  9. Oh wait the rich might have to live like the rest of us…..yup no wonder their crying they can not handle being strong and surviving the constant struggle. Going days without eating just so your kids and family can eat…wearing clothes that have holes in them…just so your kids can have something to wear…even god freaking tells you to help others…they say god knows all right well this might have been your reality check from him rich people for you to get your self straight and help others…I pity the rich your resolve is NOTHING COMPARED TO US STRUGGLING TO SURVIVE!!!

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