Matt Lauer accused of rape by former producer l ABC News

Matt Lauer accused of rape by former producer l ABC News

An excerpt of Ronan Farrow’s new book “Catch and Kill” details an on-the-record accusation of rape against Lauer from a producer who worked with him at the 2014 Winter Olympics.

#ABCNews #MattLauer #RonanFarrow #BrookeNevils #CatchandKill #TodayShow


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37 thoughts on “Matt Lauer accused of rape by former producer l ABC News

  1. Rape is a very self-degrading…She was probably in denial..Victims of abuser often stay with the abusers for this reason…Its is very hard to accept to yourself that you have been abused or raped…She was probably trying to justify her denial by having an affair with that guy…

  2. Ugh i hate to say this but i believe him. Why would you go to his hotel room the 2nd time or even continue a relationship with a man who alledgely raped you? Common! It's matt lauer giving you attention and i'm sure she was flattered by the attention. sorry but we need to look at text mesages to see if there were mixed messages she was giving him. We need and should look at both sides of the story

  3. So we going to ignore she willingly went back and had several more sexual relations with him? #metoowill lie for money.
    Kinda disappointed that you women do not call out these inconsistencies


  5. HELLO!! A woman who is prone to drink too much, should take responsibility to prevent that from happening, especially knowing she is not in control when this happens. Going to a guy’s hotel room is going to his bedroom. To go twice is sending a message. Rape is a serious incident for a woman and a serious allegation for a man. But to continue seeing a man for sex and claiming rape, in this case a married man, is not believable for me. This incident will always jeopardize a woman’s claim of rape in the future. Sad.

  6. The court of public opinion is muddier, more debris filled than the mighty Mississippi after a flood. One thing is measurable, certain and troubling; she is making a fortune as a resulting allegations. It's very disturbing in either case. The truth is often somewhere in between both accounts.

  7. Really sad all the way around, these are people who are suppose to be educated, have a step up in life , can make a difference in the world , and this is what they make of it.. sad

  8. A woman can accuse a man of rape, destroy his career and life and everyone believes her without any evidence or collaboration. Even when she continue an affair with the man and try contacting him after the break up. Why would a woman continue to pursue a man she says rape her? She said she was doing it as transactional to save her career when she didn’t even work for him or for NBC. And people really believe her story???? I don’t believe her, she’s just trying to profit off a book. Sad what America has become. I can’t believe those women on the today show wanted to cry for this bullshit story, I bet they probably just wanted to appeal to their audience, all for ratings, no one has the balls to call this for what it is because they all afraid to get attack by #MeToo.

  9. Kind of funny how Lauer’s female ex-coworkers are supporting the female accuser. Yep, I think Lauer is one of them creepy sexual predators. Lauer’s comments and body language seems to have “guilt” all over this story……

  10. Rape….Then Consensual sex ?…Sounds like she forgave him even if it were rape… 🤷🏽‍♂️

  11. Oh HOGWASH! I don't care for Mr. Lower(spellcheck) but this is some foul bathwater if nothing else. She's full of it! In this instance, if this is an acceptable version of "rape" or assault" then every man or woman when a relationship ends is at risk of being labeled a sexual predator! Stop this madness before it's too late. Unbelievable!

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