Massive turnout as community supports man whose wife was killed in El Paso shooting | ABC News

Massive turnout as community supports man whose wife was killed in El Paso shooting | ABC News

Strangers showed their support for a widower whose wife was killed in the Walmart massacre after he said he doesn’t have any other family in the area.

#ABCNews #ElPaso #Texas #MassShooting #Community #elpasostrong


26 thoughts on “Massive turnout as community supports man whose wife was killed in El Paso shooting | ABC News

  1. And this is a world u wanna live in trumpsters?, this bastard that killed over 20 people is one of you guys, think about it, think about what could happen in the future if u keep bringing all this negativity, we are a whole country, we are a family, we shouldnt be judging each other for the language we speak or the color of our skin, rip to the families that lost a loved one in this shooting, stay safe everyone.

  2. Awww 🥰 this is just touching blessings and loving care 🙏🏼💪🏽

  3. 😭😭😭

  4. Antonio I wish I was able to give you a hug & let you know you have at least 1 more family member & someone who cares about you & Margie all the way from Northern California….I know all the love from every person could never compare to the LOVE of you n Margie but I hope the love of all your new friends n family will ease your beautiful heart!!!!

  5. 😩😩

  6. Soo sad 😞! Rip angels 👼

  7. Why does The world need to be such a disaster 😩 , God Bless the man and his wife and to everyone who showed support , we need to stop killing and stop joking about these types of stuff on social media !

  8. Some person on snap said they were going to shoot up a school on Monday hope it was a really bad joke😔

  9. 🍐

  10. Stay strong El Paso.

    From Ontario, Canada ♥️🇨🇦

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