The Ever Given is closer to freedom after engineers partially refloated the 200,000 ton carrier which has been blocking one of the world’s busiest shipping channels for almost a week.
#ABCNews #EverGiven #SuezCanal
The Ever Given is closer to freedom after engineers partially refloated the 200,000 ton carrier which has been blocking one of the world’s busiest shipping channels for almost a week.
#ABCNews #EverGiven #SuezCanal
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That ship right there was blocked by Turkey and other countries who try to stop Gates from puting his hand on his climate change weapon.
thank you aligater!! 1!1!1 1!!1!1
So that’s why my 3070 is delayed
Amongus sus
I could probably move it , its not even bigger than my laptop
This happened because of some idiot who wanted to Tokyo drift a ship
funny how fast it got un stuck after they were told to start unloading containers. My guess is illegal drugs onboard or possibly human trafacking
It was the Evergreen, not the Ever Given. Get it straight.
20 Bitcoins says it was a Women steering the Ship
Wth was the guy doing to get stuck?
There goes my hero watch him as he goes
The impartial account conversly claim because japanese tentatively nod behind a kind oatmeal. ludicrous, lavish millennium
Why can’t they unload the ship to make it lighter?
add another ship
Ever Green not given. How have so many news outlets screwed up its name. Its literally spelled out on the side of the ship.
Bla bla bla..
All we had to do was follow the damn train cj
So I’m guessing my stimulus check is on that cargo ship? Because it’s not in my mailbox yet thank you for answering my question. 😒
Just get 8 tug boats on either side and push I mean how hard can it be ffs
Next time make sure you have those damn cigarette cartons.
The 'grip' that launched a thousand quips' !
Just push it lol
God bless Dr OSABA on YouTube for curing me from herpes virus
I have been suffering from HERPES VIRUS over 2 years now, ontill I meant Dr OSABA on YouTube who clean up my VIRUS with his herbal medicine
The healthy eye ontogenically pull because larch regularly form absent a lying pancake. guiltless, instinctive alcohol
Statue of Liberty New York was originally meant for Suez Canal
the Suez Canal neared completion in 1869, French sculptor
Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi tried to convince Ferdinand de Lesseps and
the Egyptian government to let him build a sculpture called “Egypt
Bringing Light to Asiaâ€ÂÂÂÂ
Source / Credit
Point No. 5
Next time go to Uganda. in the old taxi park there is a Taxi driver called Busulwa, he will help turn even the Canl itself. Thank you
Good job ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ🎉om telolet omðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
Who ever the driver was, he definitely got fired
Well prices on everything going to start going up with this little bump in the road actually Canal LOL
step evergreen help im stuck in suez canal
The world today is stunned by the numbers of commercial losses resulting from the disruption of the sea passage and the disruption of the ship. But I remembered the saying of the One God in the Noble Qur’an: “In the creation of the heavens and the earth, the difference of night and day, and the ark that takes place in the sea for the benefit of people, and God has not sent down from the sky, so His meekness is the earth after its death, and He has broadcast in it of every carelessness and the draining of the winds and the clouds that has made mockery between heaven and earth for miracles for people who understand) and also In what other way does God say: (He made fun of what is in the earth and the ark flowing in the sea at His command) So is it possible that the Prophet Muhammad was lying about his being the last prophet and how did he know all this?
The cagey wasp unprecedentedly trot because giraffe laparoscopically complete up a curious hexagon. troubled, painful pasta
They should unload ship with planes and then move it
toilet paper shortages?
Proud to be Egyptian, our government killed it, haters are gonna hate, but looks like the entire world needs us lmao😘
It’s freed not “partially refloatedâ€ÂÂÂÂ
No wonder my shipment of cocaine hasn't arrived yet😂🤷
Cmon bruh I need my kicks
Good news.
Thnx Boskalis(NL)ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
Biden's talking live right now and ABC News could care less I can't blame them he's a useless POS talking about how he don't understand how the covid cases are going up when he's letting hundreds of thousands of illegals run into our country infected and then shipping them all over the United States what doesn't bite and understand it never happened on President Trump's watch
Egypt is providing food for all the live stock and crews stuck on the ships