Martha Raddatz reporting on Arizona | ABC News

Martha Raddatz reporting on Arizona | ABC News

Martha Raddatz reports from the battleground state of Arizona ahead of the 2022 midterm elections on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Arizona #MidtermElections


36 thoughts on “Martha Raddatz reporting on Arizona | ABC News

  1. President primary concern is to save & protect the country and countries people. Bid him Godspeed in life.
    “Beauty is truth truth beauty”Shakespeare

  2. If you have a sworn oath to a terrorist group like Neo Nazi, Oath keeps should not be able to run for government office. They can not take an oath to the constitution and belong to these groups.

  3. Even when the facts and evidence are present and show the truth of it. the devil will keep telling you the LIE. and if you're blind then you will believe it. I'm going to put it to you simply. if you believe in Donald Trump then you believe the lie and if you believe the lie, then you don't believe in Jesus at all. For if you believe in Jesus then you know the truth For he will open up your eyes and give you wisdom so you can see the LIE, and know that Donald Trump is a liar. Believe in Jesus and you will not be blind of the worldly ways and the devil that blinds you with lies.

  4. Remember God loves you!!♥️
    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    Please turn your life around and repent.
    the clock is ticking…….

  5. I would like to do one question for Joe Biden and your administration. Joe Biden, are you believe that American people and the rest of the world are dumb? Do you believe that American people and the rest of the world are idiotic? When you lied that the criminality isn´t increase and the crimininality is under control in the US you was saying that defund police was good for Americans citizens? Are you kidding? All people know that you is socialist and that you is one danger for all of the free nations but don´t forget that you and your evil socialist politic never will go win.😡😡😡😡😡😡

  6. Once again, Republicans are creating the problem (election lie doubts) and then coming to the rescue where no rescue was ever needed. The lying makes it effortless for them and it's the perfect cover for being the actual thieves.

  7. NO MAIL IN VOTES!!! Why has joe biden and the govern of Minnesota Tim Walz expressed concern over trusting the results of the next election? YOU NEED A ID TO VOTE, YOU NEED TO BE A LEGAL CITIZEN TO VOTE, ELECTION DAY IS ONE DAY!

  8. Thinking of solutions, first anyone still claiming TFG won should be disqualified. After hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds of cases by tfg Judges. All this has been debunked. PeriodT.
    Now, step up and primary all these nuts in every election. The Democrats & Media are horrible at correcting this nonsense and their messenging is not hitting. They are not holding rallies or promoting decent candidates. This is insane… WTH, wake up!
    We must #Vote 🗳 the party who doesn't kiss TFG a$$ obviously this government doesn't care and seems to want to lose.

  9. Got $38,000 🗣Intellectwebsc🟣m

  10. Got $38,000 🗣Intellectwebsc🟣m

  11. Republicans and Democrats need to UNITE to demand the Senate approves the Bi-partisan Federal Standardized Voters Rights that passed Congress with Electorate and Campaign Reform measures aimed at protecting safety and security at the polls. The electorate is highly ceremonial and a reflective measure of the actual vote [when done correctly], a backup system not a replacement. Now before the next election, then we can all feel represented. Lead by example and walk with your God and Love will survive. In my opinion

  12. Martha cried when her pal Hillary Clinton the war monger lost….👎

  13. I’m beginning to think the only way forward is without a single Democrat.

  14. A Noble Prize winner, Thomas Carlyle, said: “He was to kindle the world “. He described him adding “… as if he had lights within him to illuminate the darkest of nights.

  15. A Noble Prize winner, Thomas Carlyle, said: “He was to kindle the world “. He described him adding “… as if he had lights within him to illuminate the darkest of nights.

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