Mark Cuban reacts to suspension of NBA season

Mark Cuban reacts to suspension of NBA season

The NBAs decision to suspend the season came after two Utah Jazz players tested positive for coronavirus.


39 thoughts on “Mark Cuban reacts to suspension of NBA season

  1. Safety over profit that’s a first

  2. Cuban compensating employees in advance so they will have to work for free later. What a swell guy. What does he care? NBA teams have insurance for such scenarios.

  3. Stay stafe 🤨

  4. “Nothing you could have anticipated.” What? This suspension of play has been inevitable for at least a month.

  5. Thank you to Mark Cuban for not using this as an opportunity to blame our Government and more specifically, our President. She tried to give you an opening but the look on your face said it all. Nobody saw this coming and it is a disaster that will only be helped if we all work together to get through it.


  7. Everybody "say stafe" out here that Corona virus "Beadly" 😂😂😂😂😂

  8. Marc Cuban is one of the best sports owners period !!! Much respect 🙏🏾✊🏾

  9. His B.S. meter is way up!!💩🤭🤪🤦‍♂️👀 At least #jeffepsteindidnotkillhimself

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