Mariupol residents unable to evacuate | ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

Ukraine said residents of Mariupol are unable to flee as Russian shelling continues to destroy buildings in the city.

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By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “Mariupol residents unable to evacuate | ABCNL”
  1. What I don't understand is why don't they just surrender in Mariupol. Like I understand you're trying to defend your country and all, but if you know the city bond to fall (literary surrounded in all sides and getting shelled at) its kinda cruel to not surrender so that the citizens can get supplies. Like what is the purpose of holding out there, waste Russian ammunition? Waste Russia troops as they have encircled the city? Trying to get your citizens killed so you can gain more international sympathy? If its the third, then I would say the Ukraine commander/official there are no better than the Russian that is shelling them.

  2. Ukraynanın mariupol şeherinde emim oğlu Abdullayev Hüseyn qalib.telebedir.üçüncu kursda oxuyur.taniyan bilen varsa çox xahiş edirem yazsin

  3. Ukraine is fighting for the world! They win and we all win and Putin is gone, his people will take care of him! They lose and were screwed and will have to fight Putin someday on NATO soil and NATO blood will be shed including America blood! We have to support Ukraine 110% for our own sake! Ukraine is gonna give up land to stop the bombing nightmare and save something, rewarding and embolding Putin to terrorize more! Wish our leaders had spines like Ukraines president! We're holding back planes and missile defense systems etc while innocent people are being slaughtered by this devil! Shame on us! If we don't do enough we will regret it someday! God bless Ukraine!

  4. This is genocide, using Hitler’s and Mussolini’s playbooks, autocracies vs democracies to distract and confuse M&L class voters, the 40% of M&L class voters from realizing it’s the wealthy republicans/right/far-right politicians, corporations, GOP, and autocracies on the right restricting supplies in China while savings and demand increased in the wealthy democracies causing higher inflation and now Russia starting WWIII w/an attack on Ukraine, which he likely won’t win control of the whole country in the end but increases gas and inflation on the wealthy democracies, especially the US while Dems r in power, so the autocrats and oligarchs in the US can push more M&L class voters to vote for republicans or far-right autocratic puppets to continue applying pressure to the majority of the US population in the M&L classes which was already about to break and conning them into believing the tough times seem like they r occurring while Dems, the pro-democracy, pro-rights, freedoms which we r losing quietly under right and far-right control. Putin has been running pro-democracy republicans out of office and getting pro-Russia/autocracies and blackmailed/threatened who refuse to fall in line w/turning control of the US government and military over to Russian puppets by manufacturing most all that we’ve been experiencing stealing, and cheating the WTO and international laws to replace as many M&L class/labor costs in the US and our allies w/robots and cheaper labor in developing countries causing the decline of the M&L classes in the US and wealthy democracies to profit off China’s cheaper labor while forcing Western corporations to train native Chinese to strengthen China while democracies grew weaker for the M&L classes/labor and shifting the income, wealth, and power which has been going to the M&L classes/labor/Western democracies to shift that $ and power to the few at the top of the US and Western democracies while the autocrats, specifically China and Russia stole money, research, intellectual property from U.S. and Western democratic corporations who cared more about profits for the few at the top and didn’t care about anything close to democracy. This is the problem when the wealthy corporations and adversaries own too much of our governments which began in the US in 1971 when a republican Supreme Court justice sent a memo to the US Chamber of Commerce titled, “The Lewis Powell Memo: a Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy.” This is similar to the Civil War, late 1800’s, early 1900’s, WWI, 1918 Spanish Flu, Great Depression, and enough US voters waking up to the majority of the US population suffering so terribly during the Great Depression and so many homeless and soup lines in the streets/public spaces bc we had no unemployment, no Medicare, no food stamps, Medicaid, public school only affordable for most M&L class ppl until jr high when the fewer wealthy kids got to go to high school and college while the M&L class kids worked in factories as really cheap labor. Too many M&L class ppl became more educated and fought for the right to form labor unions w/out the employers firing them for trying to talk to colleagues into forming labor unions, 8hr/40hrs per week standard pay then time and a half for over 40hrs, employer based healthcare, other benefits, and fair wages for labor, then corporations who want the benefits of basing their headquarters in the US where they get to steal seats from Dems/M&L class representation in all levels of government and majority control over the judiciary, and hardly any taxes for the wealthy and corporations which works great for large corporations and the wealthiest in that country, pr controlling that countries government and the rights of the wealthy and corporations who benefit off our labor and country can reap the benefits off the US labor, off China labor, etc w/no care or concern for that country’s long-term stability, strength, sovereignty, M&L classes, labor, etc Bc the relatively small few at the top in each country and worldwide hold a huge amount of the nation’s and world’s income, wealth, and power. For example, Russian Oligarch’s live in luxury in NATO countries while they r supporting Putin’s and Xi’s expanding their borders while Russian Oligarchs r using our election, campaign finance laws, social media, the laws becoming much more corrupt over the past 40yrs to work for Putin’s/the far-right’s/policies which benefit the top 1% and autocrats from inside NATO countries while attacking Ukraine w/their military killing, harming, starving, large numbers of M&L classes, stealing land, $, and power and consolidating over fewer and fewer ppl worldwide. Now, we need another landslide swing to the far-left and control of government most of the time for the next 40yrs to save our democracy, our rights, our Freedoms, or vote for republicans, corporate Dems, or allow them to divide and conquer the M&L classes enough to defeat the M&L classes, the majority of the US population just enough to write our election laws and policies to benefit the wealthy, corporations, and GOP and allow them to maintain control of the US economy by being a “representative democracy”, that represents the minority of the minority of the population which makes it difficult for the majority of the citizens to choose the majority of the government most of the time. When Russian and Chinese autocrats have been allowed to con the less educated M&L classes and the republican establishment is okay with that bc it has been helping then con republican voters from inside our countries and outside to pull the 40-45% of the votes necessary to put the GOP in control most of the time. Now, we r seeing puppet presidents and more and more in congress, the state level, etc that we r now being threatened by the autocrats inside our government fighting for power from the GOP and Dem establishment while Russia and Xi will be using the dictator’s playbook/military, killing, harming, starving, the little ppl for Putin and Xi to work together to attack Western democracies when the left is realizing the enemy/the autocrats r attacking us from w/in our government, our countries, while using their mi,itaries to overwhelm us and take control of our countries and the world order according to dictators who could care a less about human rights, civil rights, etc, especially Putin who has lived to harm the West since his early adulthood when he began working for the KGB. If they win control western democracies are going to go thru some pain while Putin gets his revenge for the decades of losing $ and power when the West, the US won from the last full on autocracies attacked democracies during the WWI, possibly the 1918 Spanish Flu, Great Depression, and the 2nd major attempt WWII around 1930’s-1945 when the West had to use our military to kill the tyrants and defang Japan and others to get off our land and out of our governments. The left and Western democracies r fighting for the rights and freedoms, $ and power for the little ppl and the right/autocrats r fight for the freedoms, rights, $, and power for a small few oligarchs at the top, while the majority of autocracies r suffering worse than most of us in the West but they r conning their population, and our M&L class voters in the US and our allies, to believe the opposite of reality. Social media and about 35% or so of the US population not being educated to the corruption and cons of Russian propaganda and that the right is lying to the voters, may be all that the autocracies were lacking during the last attack in 1917-45 attacks on the Western democracies. Putin was behind several terrorist attacks which killed hundreds or less affluent Russians that Putin had no problem order the KGB/FSB to attack the Russian population bc violence, crime, terrorist attacks shift voters to vote more conservatively for the little known Putin who conned the Russian ppl to elect the guy who manufactured those terrorist attacks in 1999 to help himself get elected. He is a sociopath who see’s u as the ppl who should die for his wealth and power. The worst type of ppl to put in power, for Russia and the world!

  5. The Second Appeal of the citizens of Russia to the citizens of the United States of America!

    Dear Citizens of the United States of America. 
    We, the citizens of Great Russia, are appealing to you with our request to stop your politicians from  destroying our common world. It is not we who have come to you, it is you who have come to our home from the land which is many thousands of miles  away. We, the People of Russia, want the armed forces of the United States of America and the  NATO military forces to leave the territory of the former USSR in order to prevent the mutual destruction of our world.  We are not interested in a nuclear war, but we will use any means necessary to defend and liberate our homeland USSR and the countries of the former Warsaw Pact, as we have done many times in our history!

    Please leave soon, or things will be different.

    We hate an idea to strike the Nevada nuclear testing site with the intercontinental nuclear missile to convince you even more how serious are our intentions!!!  Don’t make us to do it! Please be reasonable, do not make your situation worse than it is.Please do it in the name of peace on Earth!
    The citizens of Russia.

  6. Blessed Mother Please Save Ukrain & the Ukrainians 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  7. Watch for: Putin began the online attacks long ago and you see the results in comments containing pro-Putin, pro-Trump, anti-NATO, anti-democracy sentiment all over the internet. Don’t be fooled. See the commenters and bots for what they are: pro-communist fascist propaganda.

  8. Kamala Harris does not have the mental capacity to come up with any rational plans to help any situation we are being faced with now or ever, she laughs at everything to keep from looking more stupid. All she can do is open her big mouth to swallow her face because nothing of any intelligence comes out of it.

  9. The infectious human waste called Biden did this, he is responsible for these deaths and this piece of garbage is not done yet. Democrats celebrate death in any way shape or form they can cause it. To the absolute brain dead idiots who think these deaths, $7 per gal gas, perverts marching into 1st and 2nd graders are a GOOD THING, you're missing the point of all this, IT'S TOO DESTROY THE REPUBLIC WHILE GETTING RICH. The first victims of these horrors are black people AND ITS ON PURPOSE (Notice it was Democrats who burned and looted OUR neighborhoods). Our only hope is the #CeaușescuSolution. #BidensBloodyHands #ABCLies247

  10. Vote against Biden in the next election..let's get rid of Biden and the Squad📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚


    40 miles of Russian vehicles are sitting in a row. 80 years ago 100 American ships were sitting in a row at Pearl Harbour .

    $US1.7 Trillion was spent on the multiple failed F-35 fighter jets. That is enough to house ALL the US homeless 29 times over .

    2021 a F-35 was downed due to failure. 2022 a F-35 failed to land on a carrier and fell off into the South China sea ……

  12. Protest Oil company and Supermarket executives like they are Vote officials and Fauci .

    Protest outside oil executive houses and send them and their family members threats .

    Auction oligarch yachts and offer a bounty on Putin and then help black students escape this pinkies-only war .

    Poland, the land of Auschwitz Birkenau and Krakow Plaszow death camps helps it's neighbours ……


  14. The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked EVERYDAYS.CF 2021 was an action-packed year I got a feeling 2022 is going to get even crazier â„–-11

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