Margaret Rudin on the run after becoming prime suspect in husbands murder | Nightline

Margaret Rudin on the run after becoming prime suspect in husbands murder | Nightline

Ron Rudin was a successful real estate mogul in the 1990s. His colleagues suspected his wife was responsible for his killing. She swears shes innocent to this day.



#Nightline # MargaretRudin #RonRudin #EstateMogul #Murder


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36 thoughts on “Margaret Rudin on the run after becoming prime suspect in husbands murder | Nightline

  1. America's incompetent police just pin it on anyone you could and shut the case maybe even kill the innocent. American police is the most disgusting police existent in this earth

  2. oh my god my 2nd-grade teacher was a blonde a Burnett a redhead all in one year She was my favorite teacher my mother use to say what color is your teachers hair today.

  3. Giving a dislike for not posting any endings. I guess I'll just go watch it illegally 🤷

  4. So…I dyed my hair about 100 times..I’m a killer now? Okay 🙄🙄

  5. How many people have and continue to be sent to prison for crimes they did not commit based on lame, circumstantial evidence. And when , after all you have a man who went to the Mob to borrow money… Then it's fair to say that man had alot of skeletons in his closet and certainly opens the door for many suspects not just one , in his murder.

  6. How can she do all that herself. I’m gonna go with the mob.Bad business. They never kiss and tell!

  7. A silencer too, she has been married how many times. If she divorce him she would have gotten more money than 200,000 she knew that, she didn't have to kill him. It does not nake sense.

  8. Who would have received his ‘money’ since she did not.
    That seems to be who murdered this man.

    They patsied her…

    Also, what is the deal with this freaking weird ass obsession with Israeli Mossad? Honestly…very anti Semitic.

  9. “ Black Widow, Black Widow, like i had killed before”.
    I agree Margaret, so unfair, you only killed one husband.
    20 years in prison did not crack this sociopath!

  10. hey ABC, just put all of the videos in one! we would watch it like a documentary. you’re wasting time uploading them in parts.

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