‘Many people will not be able to afford’ a public option: Sen. Bernie Sanders – Car Mod Pros Portal

On “This Week” George Stephanopoulos interviews 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders on Medicare for all, President Trump meeting Kim Jong Un and busing. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2YnbAbz

#BernieSanders #2020Candidates #ThisWeekABC #Politics #2020Election #ABCNews


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “‘Many people will not be able to afford’ a public option: Sen. Bernie Sanders”
  1. It is a bit strange to me listen to a discussion that in my country was going on in my grandfathers youth. In my country all healthcare schools and more is funded by the government through tax money. They who earn most pay the highest percentage, middle incomers not so much, retired and real low incomers very little sometimes nothing. However, no one is against a private solution so that exist also simoustanielssly. You choos. Not many use the private options, why should they, they can get it for free and the quality is good ?

    I am just a little bit scared hearing how ignorant Americans sounds on things like this.

    To not let anyone left under the bridge save communities from a lot of crime done in desperation. It will not help you to salute the American flagg because it is after all a piece of fabric, unless you like a tribe in the Amazon jungle start acting on taking care of each other and other Americans for real. That means like the marines and the tribes to not let anyone behind. Scandinavians do this but I really do not think they think of it as politics or a certain system, they have just always look out for each other.

  2. FACTS: ABC is owned by Disney. Bernie has gone after Disney with a vengeance on its labor practices, pressured them into raising their minimum wage, and is now pressuring them on unions and other labor rights. Second, Bernie has released a sweeping media reforms proposal which begins with breaking up ALL of the media monopolies. When you find out which of the 5 transnational corporations owns each news outlet and keep in mind Bernie's overall agenda for the media, as well as for the media's main oligarch sponsors in every industry that is threatening democracy and the environment, their agenda toward Sanders and his campaign is 100% transparent.

  3. A few facts that people who support public option-style plans over Medicare For All don’t want you to know:

    1)Public option only gives the illusion of choice. No matter which plan you choose, you’ll still be forced to deal with restrictive networks, multipayer bureaucracy, surprise bills, plans that don’t cover everything, inequity in care, and cost barriers from copays/deductibles that true Medicare For All eliminates.

    2)Under a public option, insurers will cherry pick healthy profitable patients and drive sick patients to the public plan, turning it into an underfunded high risk pool. Biden even unwittingly described this key flaw of a public option himself at the third debate. This will lead to cuts in benefits, which will be worsened by the fact that more money will be wasted on needless multipayer bureaucracy instead on going towards actual care. Thus, people will be paying more out-of-pocket.

    3)In contrast, true Medicare For All doesn’t have cost barriers or restrictive networks. It covers all medically needed care (dental, vision, long term, etc) at no premium/copay/deductible, isn’t tied to employment, and has virtually all healthcare providers in network. That’s true freedom and choice, not the illusion of choice from public option. In other words, a public option and any plan that allows duplicate coverage can never provide all the benefits of single payer Medicare For All.

  4. Sorry Bernie but teachers do not need to earn a "living wage" they need a wage which reflects their education and stature in society.

  5. They’re trying to say that it won’t work because it doesn’t favor them and their greed. We need the help not them. 👍

  6. look at how this interview is framed from the outset to put Sanders on the defensive despite the facts being on his side. There is no journalistic integrity here.

  7. We will pay tax no matter what . Hey, when was the last time, you didn't have to pay any taxes ? Do you remember ? You will pay tax no matter what. But Bernie will make sure, your tax money goes to right direction including healthcare.

  8. …………Mr. Bernie Sanders is a PROGRESSIVE COMMUNIST DEMOCRAT that desires to DESTROY AMERICA. it starts with the DESTRUCTION of the AMERICAN FAMILY, a married male and female with their children. This MARRIAGE is the DIVINE DESIGN of GOD……NOT SAME-SEX MARRIAGE with adopted children…..that is PERVERSION, ungodly, it is SIN. To KILL THE BABY within the womb of the mother, or to MURDER the baby out-side the womb of the mother. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. The GLTB AGENDA, is to DESTROY THE FAMILY. This is the works of Satan the Devil……to DESTROY LIFE. " Where there is no vision, the people perish ". Ref: PROVERBS 29:18a. " The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God ". Ref: PSALM 9:17. AMERICA ……REPENT in HUMILITY OF YOUR NATIONAL SINS, and call upon JESUS CHRIST The Lord for FORGIVENESS, and thou shalt be saved. Ref: 2 CHRONICLES 7:14. NO GOVERNMENT PROGRAM, NO PRESIDENT….can save AMERICA from DESTRUCTION. ONLY THE JEWISH MESSIAH JESUS can SAVE and HEAL. Amein.

  9. Simply put, it’s all of us or none of us. Bernie should make the point that Medicare for all means all Americans and any other proposal is a half measure and will surely leave some people out in the rain.

  10. with hope, it will be going to work? George, please go visit all those countries who already have single-payer universal healthcare system for decades.

  11. Fuck this guy George Snuffalopugus 🖕

    Bernie 2020 🇺🇸

  12. Dear corporate media, we see through you!! We know that you make millions of dollars off of pharmaceutical and medical insurance ads. You don't want change because you won't profit off of this type of change. People wake up!!!! Bernie all the way!!!!

  13. George hasn’t had to worry about health insurance for 30 years! Also, ABC takes money from pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies

  14. Many people (often middle class) fall through the cracks when you do not cover all people. I am one of those who cannot afford a public option! Student health insurance is a scam and too expensive to even be an option for many for example.

  15. The caption on this video is misleading. Bernie's program is all about helping ordinary Americans. The standard of living for most people in Europe is much higher than in the US. This is a fact and it's thanks to social programs. I hope America starts to wake up. With Bernie we have a perfect opportunity to do something that can work for everyone and not just the millionaires.

  16. I don’t like how people say white people have extreme supremacy over others, and that people in minority groups struggle to purchase houses because of the prices. I was living in a house for 11 years when all of a sudden we were evicted, and a mexican family purchased the home for less than what we purchased it for. You might think that the price was lower because it was a bit worn down, but it wasn’t because of that obviously because they payed $150,000 less than us.


  18. These polls are worded in ways to trick people into thinking medicae for all is bad. Medicare for all will eliminate private health insurance. Well private heath insurance does not cover as much as the new medicare for all will cover, so you would be paying for nothing. And medicare for all will make you pay more in taxes but doesn't mention that you will be paying less over all when you deduct the amount your private insurance would cost. This is why people don't trust mainstream media.

  19. Right now you pay a private tax for your healthcare to essentially a middle man between you and your doctor. These middle men take your money and buy yachts. Oh and you can’t negotiate with them. Why do you think we all pay the most for healthcare in the world?

  20. Support drops when you tell people they lose their private insurance and drops again when you say your taxes go up. Then you tell them they will not pay both taxes AND pay into a private insurance racket, that they get to keep their doctor/hospital, never worry about being out of network and that medicare-for-all would force Big Pharma and Big MedTech to negotiate on prices to lower costs and people suddenly support it again. Hmm…

  21. ABC and MSNBC are the fakest of the fake news. Pure garbage.

    Nothing but disinformation, lies, clickbait and war mongering for more fake wars.

    Bomb ABC, MSNBC and all the fake news media, shoot the scum bags that work there.

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