Authorities released surveillance footage from the massive robbery in Dresden, Germany that shows the thieves smashing into a museum and making off with “priceless” jewels.
#ABCNews #CCTV #GreenVault #GrünesGewölbe #Dresden #ArtHeist #GreenVaultMuseum
I have the jewels. You want it back? Show the world Epstein’s video surveillance before he died
Im getting gta 5 vibes
Nice potato cams.
Good for them
Shawtys voice: snatch and run bitch, SNATCH AND RUN
It was the china watch kenton bento to see why
Well if they didnt think about taking out the diamonds now thanks for giving them the idea lol
Bro just chill and let them go. Good for them. Innocent crime. Steal from the rich. They don’t need it.
Nobody even wants to touch my jewels, let alone steal them. Lol
Baubles are of very little value now since they will have to break down the “jewels aka mineral rocks†and without the lineage certification of where the items came from,
it would just be the same merchandise sitting in many jewelry shops depreciating by the minute…🤓 Crime, people, never pays..and Karma is a bitch that will bite back hard!!!!
They belonged with the people who were robbed of them…NOT the museum
Isn’t diversity great ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ¿
Must've seen rivk and Morty heist episode
Inside job
So which insurance company pays , smart
"Epstein didn't…" etc etc you know the drill
I hope they don't get caught. I wish I had the balls and smarts to pull that off. I fantasize about robbing banks and fleeing the country for a better life.
Good thing they didn't store these jewels with Epstein. The cameras would have malfunctioned.
Damn ! Oceans eleven in real life ! Or did Rick and Morty plan this ?
Biggest heist in history is a smash and grab?
Why not Epstein video and or the las vegas massacre? WE'RE BEING LIED TO
Good for them! Class warfare 😂
Hillary got Epstein videos..
I smell inside job. How are these things so poorly secured
Epstein didnt kill himself, no funeral
Our entire world is basically just a compilation of comic books now.
What if they came from a time machine and took their stuff back lol ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Biggest heist in history is the government stealing from the middle class.
Good Luck 😂ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
They should use Facebook's facial recognition software they been hiding from users for years .. I bet even with masked and in the dark that software will tell you who exactly they are and what they had for breakfast.
Why not say the name and location of the museum? I mean really. Isn't journalism supposed to give us the basics like who, what, where, when and why? Naaaaaa!
Some thieves, just a regular smash n grab.
If it’s that easy to break in, you folks must’ve not been all that concerned over it.
Better call Inspector Caruso
Real news !!!
It was Rick and his crew. Maybe someone will get it lol
Fuck ocean's 11! REAL LIFE BITCH!!😂ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ😎
Probably just jewels that the nazis stole anyways.
A diamond sword
Oceans 2
Did he call 1700s ancient?
Gta mission passed
Someone has been playing payday
it's just man made things it don't mean anything
How could they steal jewelry that is already stolen… via AFRICA 🤷ðŸÂ½â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂ