Manchin not serving West Virginians, ‘he’s serving himself’: Yvette Simpson | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Powerhouse Roundtable breaks down the latest news on “This Week.”

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By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Manchin not serving West Virginians, ‘he’s serving himself’: Yvette Simpson | ABC News”
  1. I think Joe Manchin doesn't care about the people of his state. Is he blind that he doesn't see the degree of poverty around him in WV. How can someone be so callous to the needs of his people. I have no problem with rich people. What I have a problem with is how he makes his money off the backs of poor people.

  2. She is a Stooge (the Black Woman) for the White Liberal Democrat, talking Covid Deaths. Kamala the Klown. Manchin is an American HERO! Not willing to hurt America in the long term.

  3. Once again Corporate Media to the rescue for Joe Manchin how about Manchin voting for a 775 billion defense spending bill. What about inflation and the deficit didn’t say one peep this white ppl in the blue is a joke she knows nothing what she is talking about

  4. Love Manchin. Its a bill full of pork and way more expensive than advertised according to the CBO. It also has zero tax increases for businesses ir the Wealthy

  5. The only Company with 1.6 million employees would be Wal- Mart and those people can't afford to QUIT. " You Deserve the Government you elect " Thomas Jefferson.


  7. I love how other states know what w Virginia needs but doesn’t want. The cancer cult killed any chance he would reconsider. Socialist rats

  8. Let's all get out of denial with all this talk, and face the truth and reality appearing right before our own eyes. These people are all without a doubt prejudiced Anti-American who are out to destroy our democracy and establish RULE over Governess.

  9. The guy has a 60% approval rating in a Republican state. I think he knows what he's doing a whole hell of a lot more than some bitter Liberal who isn't getting what she wants and is throwing a typically immature and ridiculous temper tantrum.

  10. I remember when the late Senator McCain single handedly poked his finger in Trump's eye and stopped Republican legislation. He was touted as a "Maverick". I don't remember anyone accusing him of blowing up democracy. Simpson is being disingenuous to be kind. All these parts of the bill have been polled to death. I would like to see those polls. She deflects from Manchin's primary argument by claiming he supports the military. Many of these provisions are funded for 1-3 years. How many government programs that are enacted disappear in a year ?. The true cost of this bill, and the full funding of its provisions for a decade, is in the ballpark of 5 trillion dollars. Pass BBB and in a year or two there will be another bill called the "LOL, lets actually fund BBB".

  11. Pleas keep pretending mansions problem with the bill I ideological and not his corrupt financial incentives like his coal company, his daughters pharma company, and his campaign donations.
    Try honest reporting next time.

  12. so Rachel should never work in politics, tone deaf on money in politics has nothing to do with inflation or debt ceiling, FYI this is middle class people money, it should be used for those who pay the most taxes, shockingly the middle class

  13. Seeing how the last election went, Joe manchin knows which way the wind is blowing, and he has an IQ over 100, unlike the rest of the Democrat senators

  14. Thank you Joe Manchin…this Latino Democrat (Me) in California thanks you.
    Here we are all literally for a 1 bedroom is 2500 per month while our Democrat leaders fly Helicopters that we pay for…my white Liberal friends think they are the great white saviors but they are also homeless..
    Anyway thank you Joe Manchin

  15. amazing… another case of educated people grabbing hold of the wrong end of the stick and beating the wrong bush…
    ABC should be ashamed of their misinformation and pro-corporate bias showing so plainly here… ridiculous framing (snarky blonde on screen left blames Biden for a military withdrawl that Trump locked us into before the election…?) BULLSHIT!

  16. Manchin serving the VIRGINIANS what they want and it sure the hell ant no damn LIBERALS SOCIALIST bill THE DEMONRATS are trying to PASS!!! PLAIN N SIMPLE!!

  17. Hes getting very rich for holding this up! Hes dishonest, and out for himself not the people of his state! One of the poorest states in our nation, Manchin is going to make it more poor! Hes a disgrace to his state! I feel he will be voted out !

  18. Lies lies lies!!! The supply chain is why we have inflation because people are ordering online more. And companies are jacking up prices and blaming inflation. How do I know that and I’m a massage therapist and you don’t know that and you have a whole show with money behind you. Either you know and you’re lying or your incompetence smells

  19. Throwing money at problems never solves them. Are you fixing anything, it looks like a trainwreck . Now you go out and may come back dead. Crime is up people come to you door to kill you, people try to take your house ,your car ,your life. BBB will really help you throw money and lose. The more you give these career politicians the more debt you have, you can never prove otherwise. Progressive s** for this world to see. If they can't make a point distract from their failed wants. This Trump thing is going nowhere the real crooks and crimes are covered up that is the plan. Attack to distract.

  20. Same group of hand picked thugs posing as balanced journalism. That being said i don't care really what they say it is sadly garbage . These black journalists are selling crap blacks fall for this why they are doomed to lose in life. Handouts keep you poor! Ever read the forms to get help, stay poor, get government money that is how it works. Karl a Trump hater gladly written his bias book proclaiming his hate, true jew stand. I guess he forgot Trump created 3 peace treaties with the Middle East as a jew Karl never talks about that. This show is a Agenda selling station , what a disservice to a public dependent on good information, bent to sell .

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