Man who filmed Arbery killing arrested

Man who filmed Arbery killing arrested

Attorney Lee Merritt joins Linsey Davis to discuss the charges against William Roddie Bryan, Jr., which are felony murder and attempted false imprisonment of Arbery.

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34 thoughts on “Man who filmed Arbery killing arrested

  1. TheThe worst thing the murders and the Glenn police was to not help Ahmaud Arbery while he laid in the street trying to breath. I am a white man who served in Vietnam. Basic medical assistant when someone is shot in the chest is too close the wound immediately. Here is the basic first aide. Keep a hand over the wound. Find chest seal or tape to seal the wound. Call emergency medical assistance immediately. The murders and police officers could have saved his life if they would have followed proper procedures. They did not want him to live and that's why they did nothing.Roger

  2. No lips.

    Snake 🐍 people?

  3. And we must remember-he gave it to the lawyer to release because they thought it would exonerate those who killed the young man. It wasn't out of the goodness of their hearts they released this.

  4. You in trouble: he's so insincere, and disingenuous I don't believe a damn, word this "good old boy" is trying to put forth, I was correct (he) was found to have racist, texts, on his phone amongst other horrifying things.
    I got a new name for ya "Rotten Racist-ass Roddie"…….🥺

  5. As of June 24th the plot thickens,
    A grand jury has indicted all three men accused in the death of Ahmaud Arbery, each with nine counts including murder.

    The Cobb County District Attorney posted on social media Wednesday the grand jury’s indictment formally charges Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael and William R. Bryan on the following counts: malice murder, felony murder (four counts), aggravated assault (two counts), false imprisonment, and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment.

  6. At 1st i was like its bs. Get charged for catching proof on camera. But now it does look like they set this up by antagonizing him to catch him going after the Mcmichaels so they could have an excuse to kill him for a self defense case. Looks to me it was a setup for attempt to get away with murder

  7. I believe him if it wasn't for the video it would have been no evidence it would have been nothing that they can do I believe he don't have nothing to do with it and why is this man locked up he did the right thing because I would have done the same thing I wouldn't have went up there trying to stop something and got myself killed too he is a witness not a suspect he cooperating with the police gave them the video also this man did a lie detector test why is this man locked up I believe it's a lot of good people out here I believe it's a lot of bad people out here free him into the family I pray yeah see what I'm talking about what stuff like this happen is never a video is Never Enough evidence these man been out for 2 months no police arrest for so long. Of time but you will arrest the man that have the evidence did the system needs imma stand up for what is right our president is doing more stuff then we will ever know I'm scared for our people but me being a black American I'm scared for my life in my kids future God bless every last one of us we stay strong🙏🙏🙏✊✊💪💪

  8. When will rhe alt left media quit lying?, there was a camera in the house under construction that showed the man committing a felony and in the following video it shows him committing at least two felonies during the altercation

  9. He needs to be arrested for his haircut 💇‍♂️

  10. He was in on it that’s why he shot the vid

  11. It was good that he filmed it but the fact that he filmed it and didn’t call anyone and recorded it till the end that was wrong

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