Emmanuel Aranda, 24, was angry because he’d been rejected by women he approached at the Mall of America, authorities said.
50 thoughts on “Man who allegedly threw 5-year-old from mall balcony faces attempted murder charge”
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Emmanuel Aranda, 24, was angry because he’d been rejected by women he approached at the Mall of America, authorities said.
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Prison time for this homeboy. The Aryan Brotherhood will deal with him there.
my goooood wth
There is no way as a mother he wouldn't be over that balcony right behind my kid
Blm more violence
Ang update of the kid?
More like rest in heaven. Kid sufer in hell bad guy
Rest in heaven kid and rest in hell bad guy
If he did that to my son I would murder him😤😤😤
Go to hell
But is still Dead
Weirdo incel
I wish they'd quit using mental health is an excuse to cover up their disgusting crimes he was just playing sick and stupid he's done devil
Just another Black Lives Matter Supporter in Action!
As a parent you have to always be on the defensive no matter what. Thats why my kids never walk by the rails. My wife thinks im paranoid. No im just aware of how shitty humans are.
Just have a cop kneel on his neck until he's dead. Fatality!!!
Cruel beyond words. I just can't believe some people are so sick.
Hate crime.
"by a stranger" wtf abc news it was a black male.
Don't worry Emmanuel you won't get rejected by Big Bob in the pen. 😂😂😂
Just sad… Why'd he do that?!
Hey, what's up, piece of shit ABC Fake News?
Liars!!! They coarse him into confessing..he never had problems getting women..liars!!!!
A lot of psychos in America !
You suck George!
Mental health issues can't be used as a defense since he already said he knew it was wrong
No one cares if he has mental issues. He tried to kill a child. Justice needs to be served.
If he ‘truly’ has mental issues, lock him away in prison for life for the safety of all
Rejected by women, hmmmm wonder why. Look at him, who would want to date that thing.
There aren’t even words to describe the ways I would love to this pos suffer…
He doesn't have mental health issues. He is a PREDATOR AND A KILLER. Put him in FEDERAL PRISON with BUBBA.
This is why I no longer go to malls. They are littered with predators and killers.
This isn't normal! Whenever I got rejected by girls in high school, I sure as hell didn't respond to it by harming a child! This is some fucked up shit right here folks!
Aryan brotherhood will deal with him.
This really isn't that surprising considering this was committed by the same race that invented The Knockout Game.
Sick fuck…ðŸ˜ÂÂ
I pray for the child and him he has Mental issue.
If this were my child I don't care I'm stabbing him in court and not give a fuck real talk a little kid? He will pc up watch bitches like him get killed
How could something like this ever happen? Oh yea Obama brought in Somalia to Minnesota to make it better…. you leftist are going to pay….you brought this on yourself idiots, now live with it .
How could something like this ever happen? Oh yea Obama brought in Somalia to Minnesota to make it better…. you leftist are going to pay….you brought this on yourself idiots, now live with it .
When he ADMITS his crime there is no damn alleged or accused!
Honestly he has a f**king punchable ass face
Hang the Fucker, we want Justice!
He is not a Stranger we know exactly who he is!!you can lie all you want!!
There is good and evil in this world. We have to stop conflating "evil" with "mental health issue".
I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to reinstate or build new institutions for the insane and get people like this Aranda and and or who have been released from the institutions in and away from the potential danger they present to society. We have too many people with mental illness homeless and running free when they need real help or simply can't function in society without endangering themselves or others.
now his ass belongs to inmates LMFAO
I hope this man gets 100X as much Hell as he put this little child and his family through.
Yea a Somalian Muslim , you are going to say someone did something to a kid?
This is not a man. He is sniveling peace of shit. I hope he goes to hell and burns.
We bring Somolians here to save them and then this is his thank you! Of course the news won’t tell you his background