Man, child charged by elephant at San Diego Zoo

Man, child charged by elephant at San Diego Zoo

A man and his toddler allegedly bypassed multiple barriers before coming within feet of a charging elephant.


32 thoughts on “Man, child charged by elephant at San Diego Zoo

  1. And that’s Darwinism at it’s finest

  2. Anddd id put a restraining order on him, make it that he cannot make contact unless given permission by me. Id take full custody, and move. 👌🏻

  3. Why is very easy to find this kinda news inside USA.. when something like this is very common, there's something wrong about that country and society and makes me question the truth world leadership… This suppose to be a first world country with evolve people… But is not…

  4. This man absolutely needs to be charged with numerous charges, be removed from caring for the child alone and stripped of his parental rights‼️

  5. 😏 Well he's in 100 videos now!…but Did he atleast get the picture!?? 🤭🤦🏾‍♂️

  6. I'm a trained elephantologist, what the elephant said roughly translates to "Dude, are you drunk??? They keep me in this pen but let you roam free? Give me that child before you hurt her, you mouth-breathing moron"

  7. What an A-Hole !!! And had this elephant 🐘 hurt this man or child. The zoo would have had to kill this poor elephant 🐘 and it wasn’t even doing anything wrong. Just protecting its home. That man doesn’t deserve to have children 👶. God forbid if something would’ve happened to that poor child because of the stupidity of her father. What is this world coming too !!! You risk 3 lives for a picture & clout !!!

  8. So the elephants a prosecutor🤔

  9. Stupid 🤬

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