Major US policy reversal over Israeli settlements on West Bank l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reversed a 40-year position and declared settlements on the West Bank did not violate international law.

#ABCNews #Israel #WestBank #Pompeo


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Major US policy reversal over Israeli settlements on West Bank l ABC News”
  1. Pompeo is useless and lunatic, spreading political lies and slandering.

  2. One can tell a lot about the company people keep. When bad things happen to Trump, socialists, communists, SJW's, career politicians, liberals, mainstream media, anti-Americans, anti-Constitutionalists, Democrats, and traitors and tyrants all celebrate as one.

  3. Jewish Land for Jewish people… there are 22 surrounding Arab lands … why not go to your home land and leave the Jewish people to their land given by G-D Himself – not Trump ! I am grateful that Trump embraces Truth and is not a history revisionist like the European Union and the UN – whom are full of deception distortion of truth and seek to reduce the world to depend on them by corrupting basic human rights like poisoning young children’s minds to think it ok to go against G-D and believe your one gender while biological you are of the opposite gender … wow to all of G-Ds enemies – your time is up – better reverse your ways before it’s too late – G-D blesses those who bless His People and Curses those whom curse His people…

  4. Why would anyone in their right mind go and live in a desert war zone in a rapidly warming world with rapidly dealing resources? Answer – religious people.

  5. אני מודה לאל על הסרטון ×”×–×” שהוא נפלא. ישו חוזר, בבקשה תתכונן. התייחסו לכולם בכבוד, נתנו לעניים, בקרו בחולים, אלמנות ויתומים כדי לעודד אותם, אלוהים עדיין בעסקי הריפוי, הוא לא מחייב את ברכתו. ברכות מגיעות אלינו חדשות בכל בוקר … הימנעו מכל פעילות או דיבור רעים. אנו נישאנו באחריות לכל מילה רעה שאנו אומרים, לכן נאמר מעט או כלום ונחזור בתשובה על מה שאמרת או עשית שייחשב לרע בעיני האל. זכור צרה היא הדרך, אז תשאלו את אלוהים מה יידרש כדי להכניס אותה? ואז עשה מה שהוא אומר. אני אוהב אותך ומתפלל גם בשביל שאכנס לזה. אלוהים יברך אותך.

  6. How shameful for "Christians" in the USA (ie. supporting racism, ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, violating human rights, denying human dignity to Palestinians) and embarrassing to be so ignorant of New Testament teaching which shows that all believers (Jew & Gentile) in Jesus, the Messiah, are "children of Abraham" and heirs of the promises (Galatians 3:16-29). Ethnicity, natural birth, doesn't give any special rights nor inheritance to anyone; only those born by the Spirit are children of God and thereby heirs (Galatians 4:21-31). Christians, read your Bible for yourselves and listen to what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Do you really believe that Jesus approves of what Israel is doing to the Palestinians (Christians and Muslims)? Christians, please educate yourselves, the living stones of Palestine need your prayers:

  7. So glad we changed the policy. This helps America because…uhh… Well its important to Americans because…. Well there are definitly more jewish voters than palestinians so

  8. Never forget. Epstein did not kill himself. That sick fuck and all those who were with him are gonna pay either with time or with lead.

  9. I mean it’s amazing how they are allowed to do this. It’s unacceptable

  10. Today, the Zionists spin the word "Nazi" to distance themselves from "NAZI" an acronym formed by combining two groups, the National Socialist Zionists with the Frankist Zionists, which became the NAtional ZIonists.

    24 March 1933
    "Judea Declares War on Germany"

    Zionist Jewdaism, this political party and religion represented less than 0.70% of the German population (about 505,000 people), but controlled more than 75% of the German Infrastructure (Government, Banking, Trade, Media, Theaters, Railroad, Shipping, Metals, Property, etc).

    25 August 1933
    The “Haavara” or “Transfer” agreement was signed by the German Government and the NAZI's, this broke the Zionist policy against their "German goods boycott", and provided for, mostly orthodox Jews, to be emigrated into the Palestine J e wish Colonization Association (PICA) under the directorship of James Armand de Rothschild.

    History 1933 – 1941
    o German Army, responsible for recovering it's land and citizens annexed by the Treaty of Versailles.
    o Zionist J e w (NAZI), responsible for staging and immigration of Jews into the new Zionist State within the region of Palestine.
    o British government, controlled Palestine and were paid a service fee for each Jew immigrated into the Zionist State.

    "Between 1933 and 1936 more than 370,000 J e ws arrived in Palestine, increasing the J e wish population to 27%, and bringing about a significant deterioration in relations between Palestinian Arabs and J e ws." ~ Krämer, 2008, pp. 239–240.

  11. US should recognize Israel territory. we have screwed around this issue for over 50 years. Just get over it and move on.

  12. conflict of interest, since jared kushner & ivanka trump were involved with funding illegal Israeli settlements thru Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation which jared was co director.

  13. These Jews over here been acting like Nazi’s. There is no excuse for anything less than equality for all from the West Bank to the Mediterranean.

  14. Screw the Mideast reversal! Tell us the truth about Epstein ABC! Never forget that ABC is complicit in Epstein’s pedo ring!!

  15. This is Israel taking advantage of a cornered, scared Trump. They will get anything they want from that loser. Including his blessing to take away the land allotted for a future Palestinian State and homeland. It is not the Russians who have been meddling in our politics. When Trump leaves the White House, our policy towards peace between Israel and the Palestinians will be back to conformance with International Law.

  16. U.S. War Crimes Act of 1996. Hague conventions on warfare 1907 incorporated.
    Israel is guilty of the war crimes specified in Article 23 (p)8, Article 26 and Article 43.
    Our law says we cannot do business with them at all
    Why does OUR law mean nothing?

  17. US Supreme Court said you stole land from the Cherokee… your settlements violate humanitarian law.
    Doesn't matter what same fat pig idiot says.. that fat pig and everything that he loves is going to pay forever… and anyone that supports the freak.

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