Major storm moving East with ice, snow and Arctic blast to follow l ABC News

Major storm moving East with ice, snow and Arctic blast to follow l ABC News

From tornadoes in the South with more than 60 miles of damage to freezing rain across Ohio and the Northeast, millions are in the path of dangerous weather. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #Weather #BreakingNews #Winter


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50 thoughts on “Major storm moving East with ice, snow and Arctic blast to follow l ABC News

  1. You were WARNED Heathens, 🐒so what's the problem?; you don't obey GOD/Christ like Pharoah, AMERINATI/ABROAD/ UNITINATI!!!😒 Don't mess with GOD & play with your image of Christ; there's only one Satan🎅, oops I meant Santa.🎅 Hmmm…

    Jer 10:3-4, "KJV ONLY", Thus saith the Lord, 3, "For the customs of the people are "vain": for one cutteth a tree out the forest;…" 4, "They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not." Is this NOT the so-called Xmas(Chris) tree? 🌳Why are they honoring the Christ with a tree?; never read the wisemen stood by a tree, & not 3 but many with 3 gifts. Perhaps it's bcuz He was "slewed & hanged on a tree" per Acts 5:29-30, 10:39, 13:29, & 1 Peter 2:24. We ought to obey what is written by the apostles who are witnesses of what happened & whom walked with Christ, & not follow after "commandments of men's traditions/doctrines" per Mark 7:7-9.

    If anyone has a problem with biblical "TRUTH/FACTS", take it up with our Father, the true I AM THAT I AM GOD. STOP with your hand/mouth signs too👌👅 on everything you do ie, entertainment, Satanclaus. Move the 'N' in Santa on the end & it spells SATAN & that's why God said, "your customs are in VAIN" i.e. USELESS to Him, Amen! O ye hypocrits, & STOP aiming your LOCKHEED-MARTIN lasers, ATHENA/ADS @God's true CHOSEN, or it will be as in the days of Noe. Love n Christ, "daughter of Zion", Jer 6:2, 8:19-22, Is 14:32, et als, KJV only & NOT BOWING🙏💜🙏

  2. Tornado destroyed a church in Mississippi 😂🤣
    There's a message from Above about your fake religion 🤣🤣


  4. I body surfed an F5 one time while riding a spinning cow!

    No I didn’t! 🖐

  5. When the people of Israel when away from God, and where following the occult, there was great calamity in the weather, all over the land of Israel, then God send Prophet Elias, and declared rain and it rain. Today many, many, many peoples are invoking the forces of darkness, and if these practices don’t stop, we going to be in a real great calamity all over the world. God showed me in a vision about 13 years ago, how the nations where invoking, all these demons, not knowing that this is for their own destruction, if this doesn’t stop, God will make it more clear, that is His judgement. May God help us all, amen.

  6. This will become worse every time every year. An we the people are going to realize that climate crisis is going to eradicate Humanity off the face of the Earth. Sad but it's already going to be inevitable. What time limit is running faster than we will be able to fix it.

  7. It's weather wars (weather being used as a weapon) and if you doubt it you need to look up Dane Wigington's videos and watch them. The relentless chemtrailing/geoengineeering
    of the skies by military psychopaths are destroyed the jet streams and causing catastrophic weather conditions.

  8. As I expected. Not three seconds in and it's already a lie. Hyperbolic bullshit clickbait.

    "Here's a bunch of shocking footage of a place where no children were harmed!"

  9. Illegals get driver's licenses and can't read or Write the language.can you say law suits, and by the way let's keep them in the in the states that think that's a good idea, f…ing idiot's

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