Peaceful protesters are distancing themselves from counter-protesters who they say are overshadowing their cause. ABC News’ Kenneth Moton reports. READ MORE:
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#ABCNews #GeorgeFloyd #Protests #Police #Curfew #America
That brick tho
Has America gone CRAZY??? O M LORD
okay then abolish the qualified immunity unnecessarily protecting officers from being accused.
People please understand there is an agenda. Like he said at the beginning of the video there are two different groups. That's I will say on that!
The people of New York are continuing to reap what they sow until they finally have the balls to vote out trash and elect those who would give a damn and be responsible.
Looting is unacceptable and is a definite crime in whatever jurisprudence anyone may see. Protest= warranted; looting = absolute NO.
Maskoffweb,com so happy for the hack of $10,000 this really working for us here thank to Maskoffweb,com
Dudes !!… go home !!
Are u guys stupid or what it’s not trump fault nor the government nor police nor protesters it’s the people who’s take advantage of Floyd’s death and looting. And every cops can’t handle all that when there is billions of people looting.
Peaceful looters.
Sounds good. Get them all off the streets.
There are more looters in the Stock market who manipulate the system & screw investors everyday than people looting little stuff once in a decade. Yet no action taken against those wall street bastards who manipilulate things using high frequency trading systems and make people lose money. The whole system is corrupted.
I have absolutely 0 sympathy or respect for these insane looters!
Bububu America is the greatest country in the world. 😂
School shootings, racism, riots, violent cops, poor healthcare, laughable president, poor quality of life, half of the world hates them, country has a horrible past, unhealthy population, no rich history, hunger for war, need I go on? 😂
God bless America indeed. Too bad he doesn't exist.
breakin news USA 4 cops handcuff n X A CUTE unarmd citizan on city street 3 still on the luss
So covid 19 doesnt exist anymore or what
What happens to Crona?? ðŸ§ÂÂÂÂ
Destroy all chinese nail salon
Ok children time to go home 😂
America in crisis. For full coverage visit
Do u wanna more people from Indonesia? we are expert in chaosmaker..
Good cops need to get slapped around
Just in the last 2 years:
Officer Amber Guyger, Dallas – arrested, charged, tried and convicted for murder.
Officer Aaron Dean, Fort Worth – arrested, charged, tried and convicted for murder.
Officer Mohammad Noor, Minneapolis – arrested, charged, tried and convicted for murder.
Officer Derek Chauvin, Minneapolis – arrested, charged and will be tried and will be convicted for murder.
It's a false meme that cops simply commit crimes and get away with it. Police officers all over the country are routinely fired for misconduct and charged and convicted for serious offenses, including murder. Add to this the fact that police shootings over the last 40 years have dropped significantly, and multiple peer-reviewed studies, such as the Harvard Study, found there was NO racial disparity between black and white officers and their use of lethal force against suspects of color. The difference over the last decades is PERCEPTION…and that perception is falsely magnified by a 24/7 news cycle perpetrated by media organizations who know that ratings go up whenever they find a story where a white cop killed a black suspect – justified or not.
Context, people. We're a nation of 330+ MILLION people, folks, and law enforcement is a microcosm of society. Just like it's not possible to ensure that every single American citizen never engages in racist behavior or criminal activity, there is no possible way to ensure every person who ever puts on a badge and gun is not a racist and won't abuse their authority. What we CAN do, and in fact, what we do, is IDENTIFY the bad apples and root them out, as is being done with Officer Chauvin after the horrific murder of George Floyd. Just because we identify a bad apple doesn't mean the entire orchard needs to be burned down.