Lunch lady delivers food to students at home during pandemic

Lunch lady delivers food to students at home during pandemic

Sharon Schaefer talks about how she helped her Nebraska community by serving up healthy food while schools have been closed.


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26 thoughts on “Lunch lady delivers food to students at home during pandemic

  1. Be Smart. VOTE TRUMP 2020'' If you a Living Fish. Living Fish swim thro' the Current.
    DEAD fish FLOWS with the Current/Cultures/MEDIA – BIAS FAKE NEWS.
    America & the World NEEDs TRUMP

  2. Don’t trust that food Democrats and the CDC already put a threat out they predicted children will get sick with something new are all people stupid

  3. Creepy some of these people should not be near children if Democrat news is running it you know a Democrat is delivering those meals some of these people should not be around children he’ll no you would not come to my dam home

  4. SNAP benefits are available to families under economic hardship so there's no reason kids can't get fed at home. I find it odd that food delivery for families is safe but going to school isn't.

  5. Thank you for your service. But i was concerned that when my sister told me they were picking up school lunches, i am worried about the children who are unable or told not to leave the house while, say, parents are away at work, oor unable to pick up. I feel so bad if kids are going hungry.

  6. are some crazy ass bitch's they so fuckings stupid they're gonna put all the students in the cafeteria Say there in the safest Room No bitch your children are in the crematorium across the street Parenting moves like that

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