Luke Bryan, Lionel Richie on ‘silver lining’ of quarantining during COVID-19: Part 2

Luke Bryan, Lionel Richie on ‘silver lining’ of quarantining during COVID-19: Part 2

Both Bryan and Richie were in production for “American Idol” when the pandemic hit. The two artists spoke about how nice it has been to spend more time with family while under stay-at-home orders.


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11 thoughts on “Luke Bryan, Lionel Richie on ‘silver lining’ of quarantining during COVID-19: Part 2

  1. Thanks for uploading! We're fellow country music fans, and write our own original country music. Stop by our page and let us know your thoughts! Don't be too rough on us 🙂

    Just praying for your sins to be forgiven, and saying the name of Jesus at the end of your prayer will not make your sins that are red as scarlet be white as snow. In this time of disaster and pandemic like COVID-19 Fathe God is calling you now to come before His Word, and be guided into all Truth through the Spirit of Truth, and truly wash away your sins. 5

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been spreading across the world, and countless people are suffering. There is also the locust plague and floods. Do you think these are just coincidental occurrences? The Scripture even says that people will faint from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world. The day in which God brings His punishment upon this earth is this age because of the evil that people have committed. 3

  4. It's amazing how disconnected these people are. These lavish lifestyles are obviously expensive. It's silly that it takes a pandemic for these people to go " oh hey I have a family at home"

  5. BIDEN has not been elected yet, so how how the FAKE NEWS MEDIA say that BIDEN is the President Elect.
    The FAKE NEWS MEDIA does not decide elections.
    The elections will be certified December 4th, and definitely not by the FAKE NEWS MEDIA

  6. Must be nice. Me and my children are still facing homelessness, I have nowhere to turn.Since the pandemic, I lost my job, of 15 years, still searching for work no luck yet.
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    Thank you.
    God Bless ❤️❤️❤️

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