Low-income students grapple with deferring college dreams

Low-income students grapple with deferring college dreams

ABC News Devin Dwyer reports on low-income first-generation students are grappling with keeping higher education plans in the midst of the pandemic.

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34 thoughts on “Low-income students grapple with deferring college dreams

  1. I feel your paun Arabicch8neseenglishfrenchryssian dpabish межунаронв уголовгое суд abaaamahuhakuhah duwakia woginglianheguo i plovrtheun

  2. Asalaam fi alum fi alum wogonglianheguo i love human r9ghrs je me droits des les hommes я работаю в пр-ва человкаyisederecjoshumanos

  3. Арабский китайский ангиц кий фраецуский русский испанский коса африкаанс коса злусский

  4. Blue collar jobs are the ones that are most suffering during the pandemic, all the white collar jobs (stem jobs that can be worked from home) are the ones that are still able to work and have an income, unless if you consider delivering food………

  5. cull the bloated administrator rolls, scale back the needless campus infrastructure plans, and for gods sake support technical/associates/2-year degrees which give access to good paying mid-wage jobs (IT networking, health care, manufacturing, etc)

  6. Reporter needed to clear her throat before she started talking in the beginning. 😭 that bothered me, I had to skip to the story!😂

  7. Colleges aren’t even lowering tuition. You’re basically paying $2000 to learn online 2x or 3x a week it’s ridiculous

  8. I’m security rn doing my homework hoping it while all work out I feel y’all but college it is never easy in any situation or everyone would do it .

  9. College is a scam. There are no guarantees jobs after college. You might end up working again at McDonald's. Only people that need college are people looking into getting into a profession which is a doctor , teachers, scientist, rocket scientist, engineer, lawyers ,judges, etc. For these careers college is necessary. For those that feel there is more than college Follow your passions and you'll get to your life purpose. You'll be able to make money of your passions by starting a business and becoming your own boss. For example if your like to learn to bake. Go on YouTube and start making cakes practice and repetition is a must. Don't give up after failing. Consider it one step closer to glory. Once you get good at baking start telling your friends and family they'll gladly help you by buying a cake. Also another example is by Starting a carwash business you'll have the freedom to work on your own hours. Everything your thinking of learning is on YouTube. Don't listen to your parents follow your inner voice to do that or to learn how to do a certain thing that interests you.

  10. Good luck to all these Brave young souls…
    Y'all have the right.Mindset!💪🏾💪🏾

  11. That’s horrible I feel bad for them, they drop out because they can not focus that’s gotta be hard. I totally understand those teens

    Good thing I don’t go to school anymore!!! I’m done I’m 28 years old now or going to be 28 this year!!! That’s amazing they’re helping their parents. Wish teens did this long ago even before the virus. They just took them for granted everything fior granted I thought now they’re stepping up they see what their parents did for them so they’re paying it forward. How nice extremely cooooool

    Love that people do this. How can you want to help when you can’t see that the people throw live actually needs help and needs you by they’re side, teens never were not last year anyway. This is soooo cooooool and nice to see

  12. All I know is I wouldn't hire someone unless they have a college degree. Period. People who don't have degrees haven't even come close to proving themselves for the majority of jobs. Good thing there's lots of places hiring like McDonalds and…. well good luck

  13. Teachers: "We know these are hard times and school may not be the first on your mind HOWEVER-"

    They're assigning more than usual because we're at home. A lot of students are working and can't spend time on homework.

  14. I'm a first gen college student. I haven't received Financial aid because since I live by myself and work full time I, "make to much money", so that leaves me two choices, work and pay for all of it myself. Which I'm sure some of you may know working full time and going to school full time as a STEM student is real difficult or live in the streets (literally) so I could get help lol Get over it, life isn't fair sometimes, work full time and go to school full time if you must. Will you have a life? You, still can but you have to sacrifice a little more. So tired of all these people giving that, "my parents are immigrants and I'm a first gen college student so you must pay for my school", bullshit. So much complaining going on, it's embarrassing.

  15. A university degree is NOT merely a means to GAIN income. It's also a means to maintain or prevent LOSING what you (or family) already have!! I HATE giving out this "FREE" education. LOL.

  16. First gen student here, came in as a Mexican immigrant. Took me 10 YEARS to earn my BA. Did it bit by bit, working here and there! Couldn’t believe when I graduated!! Best feeling ever!

  17. I have sympathy for all of the college students featured. There is a lot of pressure for first generation college students to succeed. College should NOT be as expensive as it is. Another problem our American society faces.

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