Baton Rouge General Medical Center is treating nearly 200 infected patients, more than at any other time in the pandemic.
#ABCNews #COVID19 #Louisiana #DeltaVariant
Baton Rouge General Medical Center is treating nearly 200 infected patients, more than at any other time in the pandemic.
#ABCNews #COVID19 #Louisiana #DeltaVariant
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Why isn't Biden's Adm testing for immune persons instead of wasting their time with CoVid testing?
When bodies start to pile up in refrigerated trucks 🛻 they will be shooting at each other just to move closer in the line.
That yesterday in the parking lot eating my chicken nachos watching helicopters land at the hospital and ambulances constantly pulling in with the lights going.. never seen anything like it. Not even last year. It's really bad in Texas right now.
This is Why I live in New York City where there is More Vaccinated People!
The SOLUTION to this PANDEMIC was announced in December 2020 but no one listened because it was the beginning of the vaccine rollout. After eight months will critical care doctors, nurses, PA’s and pharmacists now listen to the ever rising mountain of evidence ????
Excellent OVERVIEW of IVM: End this pandemic by sending the following video to all doctors, nurses, PA’s and pharmacists treating COVID patients. This will end pain, suffering, hospitalizations, death and personal bankruptcy. IVM prevents and treats all phases of Covid, its variants and long haulers. Many patients recover within 48 hours.
YouTube video: Paul Marik, M.D.: Treatment of COVID-19: a Focus on IVERMECTIN
Is Using Ivermectin to Treat COVID Really Safe for Everyone? 2/14/21
For Prophylaxis and Treatment of all phases of Covid-19, go to:
Watch these videos below. The person who decides what Americans should
know about our pandemic is NOT A DOCTOR ! ! ! She decides what Facebook pages should be removed regarding COVID treatments ! ! !
There is no freedom of speech with Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and someone needs to step up to the plate and fight this health information CENSORSHIP. This holds true for other media platforms. Consultants for governments around the world should be critical care doctors, respiratory experts who are treating and observing patients in the ICU and on ventilators daily. Only then will the public know the TRUTH about the cure for coronaviruses.
Tucker calls out Big Tech over COVID censorship 8/12/21
American FOX NEWS finally exposes the GREATEST COVERUP in World History…the SOLUTION to the PANDEMIC : Ivermectin COVERUP 6/20/21
Matt Taibbi: Silicon Valley Makes Ivermectin ‘Right-Wing,’ Medical Community Held HOSTAGE By MSM
No deaths have been recorded using IVERMECTIN for prophylaxis. It has a proven safety record for 45 years, yet medical incompetent health officials clamor for more data when so much already exists. The cost of treating 100 people with IVERMECTIN is about $3.00; with the double-dose Pfizer vaccine $4,000. After much debate, the Philippines finally approved IVERMECTIN on May 14, 2021 so that doctors could begin treating Covid-19 patients with these newly discovered features of an old and trusted drug, IVERMECTIN.
Long Hauler testimony: “Ivermectin helped with my Long Hauler symptoms after 9 months. Ivermectin, Amitriptyline, and 500mg/day B3 are the only drugs that helped. But in the end ivermectin made the most difference. I took 12mg dose for 5 days with no side effects.â€ÂÂÂÂ
Ivermectin Sources Nationwide (USA):
IVM Sources:
Brian J Weinstein MD Phone (888) 329-0120 Email:
J. N. Cox MD Phone (912) 632-6000 Covid positive-only patients.
Philippines: Dr. Allan A. Landrito (IVM) Phone: 09323137060
Drug Interactions with Ivermectin: Page 12 of 55, Current
Children and Vaccines – Breakthrough Cases
Ivermectin is safer than vaccines for infants, children and teenages when used to prevent and treat Covid in all phases.
Pregnant women in their 2nd and 3rd trimester can be given IVM.
Woman Emotionally Claims Her Daughter's Adverse Reactions From Vaccine Trial
Jul 2, 2021
Teen son in hospital after COVID vaccination 6/13/21
NIH report and the Safety of Ivermectin on infants and Children
“Ivermectin Science for Covid†5/23/21
One Man's Experience About Getting COVID-19 Twice, Even After Getting Vaccinated | NBCLA 7/20/21
These Vaccinated Groups May Be More Likely to Get COVID-19, Study Says 7/24/21
CDC leak, summary and full report (DELTA VARIANT) 7/31/21
Vaccine jabs – ASPIRATE before you vaccinate; thrombocytopenia
Vaccine Adverse Events in the US VAERS System
If You're Vaccinated, This is How Likely You're to Develop Long COVID 8/21/21
This COVID Vaccine May Give the Least Protection against Delta Variant,
Study Says 7/26/21
Alternative Covid treatment: Colchicine Reduces COVID Intensity and Deaths
The Drug that Cracked Covid – Text: History of Ivermectin
Serious question for all the doubters: When did you decide that everything was a lie? That everything had some nefarious purpose? Second question is how do you distinguish the lie? Do you not believe weather reports? If the "government" National Weather Service says there's a hurricane do reject that immediately? If the local news says there's a shoot out or robbery or road rage… pick a topic… you reject immediately? I'm trying define what makes the distinction? You don't believe the CDC? Would you believe your own doctor? Do you know doctors or nurses? Are they ALL paid actors? You folks have so many conspiracies that I can't imagine how you get through the day. If a cop tells you there's an accident ahead and you have to detour do you call him a liar? If you don't…why? Do you believe there was a war in Afghanistan?
At least it’s taking a majority of the RWNJ’s out. We won’t have to deal with them.
Sweet Home Alabama
Ohhh noooo the sky is falling🙄ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ🙄🙄😅😅🤣
ABC is propaganda you can really really trust this time……really
The brown shirt Orwellian democrat dark ages are here
What happened to Southern Hospitality? That should include taking the vaccine to help save your neighbors, or offering to drive them to the vaccine clinic.
It seems like southerners are leaning toward in-hospitality.
“Mid level providersâ€ÂÂÂÂ. Ochsner docs are in the stone age
These are breakthrough cases from experimental vaccines that not only don't work, but actually produce the virus. Wake up, people. Don't accept the CDC B.S.
liar……….. covid is giving big fat pay check to hospital workers……
So many delusional people in this thread. Some people just don't learn. You can't help someone like that.
They don't deserve the brave, dedicated doctors, nurses and health care professionals who care for them.
I'll wait until all the homeless people downtown start dropping…. then I'll know something serious is going on. Until then this NEW FLU will keep making its way through annually. Move along folks.
Booster shots every other month…why don't they report on deaths. They just report cases. This is a joke I'm so tired of liberal Democrat fear and hate mongering
Ignore these satanists.
Fake news
Keep the southern borders open allowing covid to flow freely across. If covid stops then the covid money stops.
Illegals (with an 18% infection rate) are being dumped in Louisiana, flown out of Loughlin AFB at taxpayer expense.
No mention AGAIN in this article of fatality rates which as we all know are in the basement.
How strange that not a single American has gotten the flu, a cold, or even allergies in a year and a half!! Apparently, all three were simply eradicated overnight, and the media completely missed it!! Amazing!! Ah, the wonders of modern medicine!!
Fauci is the covid godfather
Frances passport has 8 slots for boosters.
Let's OD people's immune systems on experimental gene therapy. I'm certain there will be no long-term effects.
We have the most so-called fully vaccinated people in the world yet the covid numbers are as high as last year? This vaccine is super duper effective, isn't it?
The Delta variant is just a mutation of covid. Nothing to panic about. My spouse and I both had it and we are doing just fine. Viruses mutate all the time…. every single year. I wonder what name they will come up with next…. because there is going to be another time. Are they going to call the flu "covid" again like they did last year? I, along with multiplied thousands of other people, no longer trust the medical community. Far too many lies for too long. (Like the CDC, NIH, WHO etc., etc.) They abandoned their patients when they really needed them and they were not sick with covid at all. Thankfully, some of their colleagues stepped in and tried to fill the gap. I have had a broken ankle, from a fall, since July, 2020. I saw two different orthopedic surgeons from two separate but well-known clinics who refused to help even though they stated that I needed surgery. Instead, I got a boot to wear …. indefinitely I guess.
I recently fell again and my right foot is all messed up. What do I do now?
Too many patients fell through the cracks because the doctors essentially frozen in place and reneged on their oath. They, too, have blood on their hands. Fauci and Friends have a lot of blood on their hands as well. They also have a Judgment Day coming with the Almighty whether they believe it or not.
Trust is hard, if not impossible, to regain when it is lost.
When people get hurt or sick, we call a doctor…..NOT a politician. Unfortunately, too many doctors became politicians but they too can answer for themselves on Judgment Day.
Force everyone to get the vaccine
When will this epidemic of demented people stop the propaganda? No, I don't want your poison, lies, or disgusting role acting.
Making antibodies produced And distributing is the only solution….
Sounds like the Tuskegee experiment.
what’s covid?
Just like the fake numbers you put out for Florida huh, give it up,hahahahaha
(Insert triggering vaccine comment for fully vaccinated here)
Maybe they should bring in some untested folks from across the border, and spread them throughout the country. Because that makes perfect sense ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
Nothing good is going to come out about this. And messing with Mother Nature is never a good idea. When will it ever end
So how does the vaccine stop the spread? How are vaccinated still getting sick from the virus? How is a vaccinated person in danger around an unvaccinated person? How come the PCR test was shown to not be able to differentiate between the flu or common cold and you still want to use it to test for false positives. Winter is coming.
Booster shots like come on y’all can’t be serious y’all say one shot then two shot now a third bullshit
hypochondria =
: excessive concern about one's health especially when accompanied by imagined physical ailments
looking like natural immunity is stronger than artificial immunity.
Johns Hopkins – Dr. Marty Makary – Natural immunity is durable. Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis reported last month that 11 months after a mild infection immune cells were still capable of producing protective antibodies. The authors concluded that prior Covid infection induces a “robust†and “long-lived humoral immune response,†leading some scientists to suggest that natural immunity is probably lifelong.
Faulty pcr tests !! Again!!!!
I’d rather die from COVID than to die because I got tricked. Facts…
3 nurses, 1 fake patient. Hospital looks really empty to me. 😂