Lori Loughlin faces new charges in college entrance scandal

Lori Loughlin faces new charges in college entrance scandal

The actress, her husband and 14 other parents were hit with additional charges, including a count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, federal officials said.


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45 thoughts on “Lori Loughlin faces new charges in college entrance scandal

  1. Why do people pronoince her last name like lockland? It's a gh sound which would sound like f and that's how she's always pronounced her name. Why did it change suddenly ? No one can read anymore?

  2. Expel the kids, fine parents and forget it.Your country is on a witch hunt – go back in time for the number of parents who have done whatever (yes, include mega college 'donations') to get their kids into more refined colleges and your jails will be overflowing with your most unexpected 'offenders'. Give these people/helicopter parents a break – they really haven't hurt anyone. The colleges are well aware of 'ring ins' and I am sure no Albert Einsteins miss out. Keep athletic prowess out of it – shouldn't be the only reason to assure a placement anyway. Forget 65 years in jail – that's for a friggin' murder conviction! Your legal/judicial is on the path to insanity, and this hyped up destructive garbage will serve no good but to ruin the lives of an entire family for no good reason other than them having the honestly earned means to jump a queue or two….xx

  3. Expel the kids, fine parents and forget it.Your country is on a witch hunt – go back in time for the number of parents who have done whatever (yes, include mega college 'donations') to get their kids into more refined colleges and your jails will be overflowing with your most unexpected 'offenders'. Give these people/helicopter parents a break – they really haven't hurt anyone. The colleges are well aware of 'ring ins' and I am sure no Albert Einsteins miss out. Keep athletic prowess out of it – shouldn't be the only reason to assure a placement anyway. Forget 65 years in jail – that's for a friggin' murder conviction! Your legal/judicial is on the path to insanity, and this hyped up destructive garbage will serve no good but to ruin the lives of an entire family for no good reason other than them having the honestly earned means to jump a queue or two….xx

  4. I can’t control my words on this topic ! I just don’t want to see no family fall apart ! And I don’t see this a crime family! All I can do is pray for them and hope she and her kids and her husband will be ok and go back to a family ! I am sure my mom would have done the same for me ! A mother like her only wants her family to be so happy ! Mr trump please help them ! People who work like animals they don’t scam or even think of breaking the law ! Stupid guy running the scam ! Stupid bipolar it changes every few hours !

  5. I have respect for Felicity for owning up to her mistake and taking full responsibility. Most of us have made colossal mistakes in our lives. I'm assuming however, that Lori won't be laughing and waving at cameras from the prison yard.

  6. If I was on Laughlin's jury. . . she walks. . . these people have done nothing more than what the elites like the Kennedy's have done for a 100 years . . . How else could Teddy have plagiarized and cheated at Brown, got caught and stayed in school? This is all crap . . . NotGUILTY

  7. The kid doesn't even want to go to college; she only wants to go to parties and such.  She's pretty and RICH and doesn't need college …. she'll get all the party invitations she can handle.

  8. She’s guilty period. Should just admit it and take the punishment. Arrogant to think differently. Typical of the wealthy. She should be ashamed.

  9. Omg I just read that she got indicted.Oh no! poor thing!
    the struggle!,what is she gonna do when she gets thrown into camp Disney and the judge swallows the chocolate-marshmallow key?
    Hope she don’t do it again and I’m praying her meals come complete and nothings missing.Things like lil crunchy crouton breads and lite ranch on her tiny salad bowls & salmon/fillet mignon/shrimp a la Vera Cruz prison plates & and…exotic drinks 🍸 🍷 🍹
    I could’ve just said she a rich bitch but I fina typin

  10. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  11. Filicity Hoffman is the poster child of rich, celebrity, white privileged as she only got a 14 day sentence for her white color crimes simply because she put on the waterworks and cried. Lori Laughlin faces 40 years and it claiming her innocence meaning she feels she did not break one single law and has no remorse. African Americans, Latinos have a tremendous valid argument here mirrored with these two celebrity criminal cases. Had they not been white with status and money they’d be given much harsher sentences and fines. Truly an example that proves just as the Black and Latino citizens have been fighting against. The judicial system is racist, plays favoritism, can be bought off and is corrupt. I single mom that happens to be black enrolling her child into the wrong school got five years in prison! This white privileged actress knowingly paid for her child to have her tests altered and admitted into an Ivy League university. Where’s the justice for that black lady that paid her dues and serves five years in prison? Felicity and Lori should get same same if not way more time in prison than that mom who enrolled her child in the wrong school. Additionally the school should have caught the error and corrected it with a criminal charge.

  12. what a disgrace smiling signing autographs, obviously she feels no remorse for what she did, or sympathy for the millions who fought hard to earn it, she is taking it as a joke because she believes like many she will get away with it, i hope nobody buys into her sob stories later on or fake cries after all she is an actor

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