Longtime ‘Hardball’ anchor abruptly retires on-air

Longtime ‘Hardball’ anchor abruptly retires on-air

Chris Matthews made the stunning announcement after 20 years as host of the MSNBC show after a scathing editorial by journalist Laura Bassett who made claims of his repeated flirtation.


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21 thoughts on “Longtime ‘Hardball’ anchor abruptly retires on-air

  1. Ridiculous, Basset seems to have a Problem with Life. Check the 10,000 shows Matthews has done and count how many shows Mr.Trump would need to match his 1-“PUSSY GRABBER” comment, alone. I never liked Matthews, his Hardball was whiffle ball to me, but I always respected him. Sanders would be the only candidate I would not vote for-NMW!

  2. This is from 'the other side of the pond'. Was Mr Matthews given a right to reply to the 'allegations' made against him as no-one seems to have given him that. How would this female journalist have reacted if this 'expose' had been done to her. She seemed very smug that she had destroyed this man's career, and that is what worries me, she used her position to force him out. There are many women out there in low paid jobs being harassed on a daily basis, physically, as well has verbally, I'm sure they would view a old man giving them a 'backhanded'compliment as inconsequential by comparison. Let's do something for those women not this 'journalist'.

  3. The cause its a over sexualize cultrue . Corporations one more time the root cause. Movie industry, Music , etc…. Playboy Mag ? Now Porn Hub? to Chewing gum? Sex sells then that attitude is carried over at the workplace.

  4. A snowflake ❄️ melted away frosty ☃️ 🤣

  5. Are you serious

    It’s like the woman cancelled him of one article that can’t even be proven true, her word vs his…which is bs bc that means her word is biblical text.

    She ended his career with a article about him complimenting her, so don’t compliment women…so next time a woman stand to close to me at the office, I’m gonna tell her…”I’m sorry your fired, you are in my personal space and it makes me feel uncomfortable.” “When you say good morning and smile it makes me feel creepy, Jennifer your fired…the male workers have been complaining”

    How about that 🖕

  6. He should have went on air and called her a retarded bitch 🤷‍♂️

  7. I guess words matter. I don't want to hear another feminazi complaining about how women are equal to men because you are not, you are in fact weaker physically and mentally compared to us.

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