Longest government shutdown in history hits 22-day mark

Longest government shutdown in history hits 22-day mark

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association is the third union to sue the Trump administration over the shutdown; some employees may have to pay their premiums to keep their health insurance.


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32 thoughts on “Longest government shutdown in history hits 22-day mark

  1. I’ve always thought it’s what you can do for your country not what your country can do for you lol

  2. Glad he getting sued stupid Trump! 😂🖕🖕🖕😂

  3. I voted for him and I'm laughing my ass off cause you an't getting paid fools. lmfao!!! Here you government employees been having kushy jobs with full benefits all these years while the rest of us been working for you like slaves and now you an't got shit.lmfao!!!

  4. Trump won't back down for the simple fact that he is never wrong. (Acccording to him). He wants to declare a national emergency for the border wall? Really??? Mr. Trump, you're not above the law. What happens when there's no money available for a natural/national emergency? There needs to be room for negotiations. Government shutdown is NOT the answer.

  5. Get a temp job. I’m sure the manager will understand and get you in ASAP!!! Just saying

  6. Sadly most people aren't going get their back pay

    Just look at the 2013 are still people waiting to receive money from that shut down

    Trump is such an idiot and the only thing this is going to do is continue to damage the Republican party for decades to come

    Regardless if you love Trump and the Republican Party you have to admit

    The family that is hit the hardest by this it's going to remember that was over a stupid wall

    And the children of those family especially the one starting to become a voting age are going to not vote Republican because they could see that in the last 2 years they haven't done squat to improve both the mental and physical aspects of the Us people

    It's the government working for the people not the other way around

  7. So because a bunch of cry babies in congress can't agree on something, completely unrelated government departments are put out of work WTF kind of system is that?
    SO they don't agree on a wall let's not pay the park rangers???? I really don't get it

  8. This shutdown has nothing to do with a wall. The U.S. is out of money and on the brink of total collapse. They cannot fund the government. The annual budget is reaching $5T. No major country wants to lend to the U.S. anymore. They are actually dumping dollars and treasuries, and some are now restricting their citizens from even buying U.S. property. So its sinking the NY, San Fran, and Miami real estate markets. In addition, Europe is on the precipice of financial collapse. Deutsche Bank is in severe trouble and there are bank runs in France.

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