Living with COVID-19 in Alabama

Living with COVID-19 in Alabama

ABCs Will Carr discusses the rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations in Alabama and how residents in Montgomery are reacting to a new mask rule in the city.

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37 thoughts on “Living with COVID-19 in Alabama

  1. “AMAZING DRUG” SOLVES the Coronavirus Problem !

    IVERMECTIN (Repurposed Drug) 2/8/2021

    SAFER SOLUTION to Covid-19 virus PREVENTION. Lessens Suffering and Hospital Days Even for Critical Patients and those on Ventilators. Good for persons with Allergies, the Elderly,

    and those refusing vaccines.

    Dr. Paul Marik formed the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

    (FLCCC) This 10-member international group of ICU specialists and Professors of Medicine recently discovered that the drug IVERMECTIN (developed in 1975) has been amazingly effective in both preventing the Covid-19 virus and lessening suffering. For the critically ill, and even those on ventilators, a significant drop in fatality rates were observed. Watch this video:

    “The FLCCC Alliance press conference from Houston, Texas” Posted 12/4/2020

    IVERMECTIN has many curative properties, mainly: anti-parasitic, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory. Positive IVERMECTIN results can be seen quickly after administering the initial dose and it is an extremely safe and inexpensive drug. Contraindications list warfarin, however, those who have been on blood-thinning medications have had better results since the Covid-19 virus can cause blood clots. Some people with allergies have been treated with Epi-pens or taken to the ICU after their injection of Covid-19 vaccines (see for drug contraindications).

    The protocol that needs to get into the hands of ICU doctors, physician assistants, nurses and pharmacists is found at this website: It is called the I-MASK+ Protocol. Visit regularly for updates—The dosing in the protocol may be updated as further scientific studies emerge !

    Taken from the website:

    “In October 2020, the FLCCC Alliance developed a prophylactic and early outpatient combination treatment protocol for COVID-19 called I-Mask+. It’s centered around IVERMECTIN, a well-known, FDA-approved anti-parasite drug that has been used successfully for more than four decades to treat onchocerciasis “river blindness” and other parasitic diseases. It is one of the safest drugs known. It is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, has been given 3.7 billion times around the globe, and won the Nobel prize for its global and historic impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world. Our medical Discovery of a rapidly growing published medical evidence base demonstrating its unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and to suppress inflammation, prompted our team to use ivermectin for prevention and treatment in all stages of COVID-19.”

    More Videos regarding IVERMECTIN on

    1) NY Judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin (80 year old lady recovers while on a ventilator using Ivermectin) 1/18/2021

    2) Another NY judge orders a hospital to use Ivermectin 2/6/21

    3) Slovakia (and Belize) approve IVERMECTIN for prevention and treatment of Covid-19 virus


    4) Early Mild To Moderate COVID-19 And Ivermectin: New Study Completed Out Of Bulgaria 1/5/21

    Positive reports on IVERMECTIN use:

    5) Webinar with Professor Paul Marik: the Prevention & Early Treatment of C19 12/17/20

    6) Melbourne GP says Ivermectin treatment is 'very effective' 9/8/20

    7)“Dr. Pierre Kory Talks Covid-19, Ivermectin and the FLCCC” 11/25/20

    8) Ivermectin meta-analyses-the findings-Dr. Tess Lawrie 1/26/21


    9) Covid-19 vaccines and allergic reactions 12/31/20

    10) Covid-19 vaccine: Mexican doctor hospitalized after vaccination 1/4/21

    11) Woman's severe reaction to Pfizer COVID vaccine prompts investigation 1/18/21

    a) IVERMECTIN Playlist for Covid-19 updates 12/20/2020

    b) Beyond The Roundup | The NIH Updates Stance On Ivermectin 1/16/2021

    FLCCC Alliance Responds to New NIH Stance On Ivermectin 1/25/21

    Ivermectin Covid-19 Treatment? The Controversy Explained! Coronavirus Medication. Pharmacist Review (Ivermectin tablets shown) 1/24/21

    Taken from the drug manufacturer’s website: “September 17, 2020 Parsippany, New Jersey. Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals, LLC announces that the World Health Organization (WHO) has added Edenbridge's Ivermectin Tablets USP (3mg) to its Prequalified Medicines List. This marks the first ivermectin product in the world to be added to the Prequalified Medicines List by the WHO Prequalification Team. “

  2. Dumb ass hick trump supporters didnt want to listen but as far as I'm concerned america should let the trump supporters rally and let them not wear masks. Hopefully they will all get the virus.

  3. So don’t wear a mask , buy a ppe shield . Sell them on amazon

  4. People in Bama are over it. I’ve been to the bars 4 times in the past month and it’s been jam packed. Kids are over it.

  5. I have asthma so I can’t wear a mask.

  6. Healthy people should not wear a mask! It lows your oxygen levels and will cause respiratory problems from continuously breathing in carbon dioxide!!! Wake up people! Only sick people should be wearing mask and the sick need to stay home!

  7. I live in California, there's no damn way I'm wearing a mask in 100+ degree heat. Governor Newsom can drink my butt sweat. Indoors such as waiting inside a restaurant or shopping at a grocery store? Sure I'll put one on, because at least there's air conditioning. But outside, when I'm staying more than 6 feet from other people? Absolutely NOT!

  8. Media vs reality 🤕

  9. Too little to late for masks yaaaa think! And looks like they have all kinds of excuses not to wear one! 🤪😷

  10. Don’t

  11. why were a amask when you can just shoot da covids with ar-15 💩

  12. This sounds like the results of all those college kids from Alabama playing around at the beach and one of them Also said if I get coronavirus that's okay …no sir it's not okay because now your family has it. SMH

  13. And I bet the white people say well it's 70% blacks getting it, so I'm not worried. OK let the black folks wear the masks and the stupid whites not and we can watch the numbers shift as Darwin's theory works, most sadly. The virus does not know or care what color you are. If it gets on/in you, you get it.

  14. Idiots. Florida Spring breakers were saying “No sign of the virus here…” Such an attitude not only demonstrates no understanding of virology, respiratory illnesses, etc. but the arrogance of ignorance and a tempting of fate. Get thee to an indoor rally, you fools!🤣

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