Live: White House Covid-19 Response Briefing | NBC News

Live: White House Covid-19 Response Briefing | NBC News

Watch as the White House Covid-19 Response Team holds a press briefing on the coronavirus pandemic.

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Live: White House Covid-19 Response Team Holds Briefing | NBC News


23 thoughts on “Live: White House Covid-19 Response Briefing | NBC News

  1. ANSA – BRUSSELS, JUN 29 –
    “The European Commission has announced that it has identified five "promising” treatments against Covid-19. These are therapies "that may soon be available" across the EU. Four are monoclonal antibodies currently under review in real time by the European Medicines Agency, another is an immuno-suppressor, already authorized for non-Covid patients and which could also receive the OK for Covid. The five products could receive the green light by October. By the same date, the Commission will develop a portfolio of at least 10 potential therapies ".

    I specify that various cures against Covid, without waiting for the approval of EMA, already existed also in 2020, when the "pandemic" was at its peak, but their experimentation was always rejected by the Ministry of Health and AIFA without any valid justification, presumably to allow the introduction of anticovid vaccines, whose testing could not be allowed in the presence of an effective cure.
    There is a case in which the deception is clear, as can be seen from the following comment of mine some time ago on the drug Adenosine:

    "In June 2020, two doctors of the Great Metropolitan Hospital of Reggio Calabria, Sebastiano Macheda and Pierpaolo Correale, had discovered that the aerosol administration of Adenosine, a well-known anti-inflammatory drug, together with other drugs, effectively contrasted the acute lung damage caused by virus covid 19, to the point that, following its use, the number of deaths of patients in intensive care in the hospital had drastically reduced. Based on these results, the two doctors formally asked AIFA to urgently submit the treatment protocol they had identified to further experimentation, but AIFA expressed its refusal with the following reasons:

    "In consideration of an indefinable risk / benefit ratio, it is believed that, given the current availability of some therapeutic options of proven efficacy, the proposed study cannot be authorized".

    The Ministry of Health and AIFA have always affirmed that there were no effective treatments against covid and that the only solution to defeat the disease would be obtained only with the preventive use of specific vaccines, while already in June 2020, by their own admission, there were "therapeutic options of proven efficacy" for the treatment of Covid 19.
    Then one of two:
    a) The therapeutic solutions of proven efficacy were the result of a guilty lie to reject the Adenosine treatment protocol, with the necessary consequence that an experiment that could have saved many lives was in fact denied;
    b) Therapeutic solutions of proven efficacy really existed, but then it is not explained why, in that same period, the number of deaths in intensive care units that used approved methods and intubations were constantly increasing, contrary to what happened in the Great Metropolitan Hospital of Reggio Calabria.
    In light of the above, I would like to remind you that the use of experimental vaccines could be authorized by the FDA and AIFA only in the absence of a valid alternative for the treatment of covid 19. This also applies to other "off label" drugs, recommended by some doctors both in hospital and at home, also proven effective in the treatment of Covid and however rejected by the same health bodies in charge "

    Anyway, since I have no confidence in the EMA, it will be necessary to check in the coming days if this opening does not prove to be yet another deception.

  2. Ill get the vaccine when they start giving it to illegal immigrants from the boarder before they drop them off in my state . The states with high corona cases are states getting bus loads of immigrants not vaccinated from the boarder .

  3. Don't you think that if this regime were to GRACIOUSLY THANK the former President Trump for his success on getting the vaccines out in record time through the HUGELY successful Operation Warp Speed, that more of the supporters would consider getting a vaccine?

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