LIVE: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn into the Supreme Court | ABC News

LIVE: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn into the Supreme Court | ABC News

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30 thoughts on “LIVE: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn into the Supreme Court | ABC News

  1. She either lied about being able to define what a woman is, in which case according to most on this site, should be immediately impeached, or she's not intelligent enough to know what a woman is. Either way she is NOT qualified for the job.

  2. Help me understand this concept
    During the confirmation hearing when asked “what is a women?”
    She responded “ I’m not a biologists”
    So now the headlines across all msm scream “ historic day in supreme as minority women is sworn in”

  3. Why do you call it reproductive Healthcare when your killing babies. Unreal. What Healthcare is given to the child your aborting, I guess if you state it in such as that Mabye it helps ya sleep at night . Eternity is a bitch

  4. Ayyyyeee! Go on with that now then (southern slang) ok👏🏾👏🏾

  5. Shese only there because shese a black woman…Joe Biden said "I will put a black woman on the Supreme Court" so we know it was about race and not credentials…which makes her a fraud and a joke

  6. Here's hoping President Biden gets a chance to replace Justice Thomas before 2024 so that makes the Supreme Court 4 Liberal, 4 Conservative, and Roberts as the swing vote. That said, it shouldn't even be a 6-3 Supreme Court now considering the fact 4 of the Conservatives were appointed by Presidents who didn't win the popular vote in their elections!

  7. It is a bittersweet moment for the hard left seeing the first black woman in history be seated on the Supreme Court. While proud of the historic moment(which all of us should be) they despise Justice Brown-Jackson is being sworn in by a white male Justice while standing with a white male Hubby.

  8. She becomes the first African American 'birthing person' on the U.S. Supreme Court according to A O-C (her own weird language reacting to the Roe decision)! But it's not that weird apparently. Remember in her nomination hearing, Brown-Jackson when asked to give the definition of a woman said she couldn't!

  9. Well this Leftist is getting this SPOT because she's BLACK. How is she a WOMAN though? She couldn't even define what a woman is! Get all these Leftist RATS out of government. This DISEASE will bring America to ruin.

  10. Does anyone, find this proceeding (like ALL oath, swearing in's), highly illegal? Can you spot the illegality, being perpetrated here🤔?? Look closely 👀, at what her/their hands are on. Yes, that bible! Swearing in, to ANY POSITION, in ANY OFFICE, using a bible to do so, is a constitutional crime 🇺🇲😔!!! Why? The First Amendment, Third article, first sub-article. 'THE SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE'!! Being sworn in, while blatantly using this religious 'artifact', makes THAT PROCEEDING, immediately defunct!! In other words, the power to office is corruptly obtained, thru 'illegal anti-constitutional', means!! From that point on, we shouldn't have to accept, those powers of law and/or, respect those in office, in they're official capacity, of duties!!
    …………Everyone feel me???

  11. Congratulations on all your hard work. Historical moment in our history in the United States 🇺🇸 Of America. Just before the 4th to July. Congratulations to you and your family and friend's. Love the name "Justice Jackson" this is so historical. There's so much I could say but I think Justice Jackson being swearing in said it all. I really hope all people will finally get the Justice they deserve and respect towards all people. This is like Obama winning all over again. History I never thought I'd see in my lifetime. Women from all backgrounds deserve everything they worked for just like men.

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