Lin-Manuel Miranda discusses hit Disney film Encanto

Lin-Manuel Miranda discusses hit Disney film Encanto

Encanto earned three Oscar nominations for best animated feature film, best original score and best original song.

#Encanto #Oscars #AcademyAwards #Animated #LinManuelMiranda


41 thoughts on “Lin-Manuel Miranda discusses hit Disney film Encanto

  1. I freakin called it, I already loved the trailer for it and fell in love with it when watching it 😍

  2. Y’all she makes my day better and it’s also my birthday

  3. Y’all she makes my day better and it’s also my birthday

  4. Y’all she makes my day better and it’s also my birthday

  5. My 4 year old loves this move. Interesting to see ppl on leftist news having the same taste 😂. No, honestly it's pretty good for a kids movie.

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  7. It’s over rated as story telling watch it yesterday 🙄music nice but they story short give me frozen lol

  8. I never even heard of this movie 🎬

  9. Encanto won an Oscar!! Love this movie. Very exited and very proud ❤️🇨🇴🙏🥰

  10. Bruno’s original was supposed to be Oscar

    Coincidence I THINK NOT!

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  14. Third comment 😖😝

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