LGBTQ communities react to the popes historic support of same-sex unions

LGBTQ communities react to the popes historic support of same-sex unions

ABC News James Longman reports on the major shift by the leader of the Catholic Church and what it means for people in the LGBTQ community.

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33 thoughts on “LGBTQ communities react to the popes historic support of same-sex unions

  1. What is Pope Francis real Idenity in the world scene today?? The false prophet of the Antichrist!! ". Satan's" own pontiff here on Earth to decieve all mankind if possible with lying Divinations and false Christianity!! Millions of souls are being Decirved by Satan's Falsehood!! All sacrements performed by Pope Francis are black magic rituals!! +++ ( Blasphemy). We must do our Catholic duty to Expose this demonic man for who he really is in the world!? Don't be Decirved by Satan's Falsehood!! Follow the Leadership of the Holy Spirit and Jesus instead!! May God bless you today!! Deacon Mike St Mary's Catholic church.


    Whosoever shall call upon the name of JESUS shall be saved! – Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, no one cometh to the Father but through Him.

    🙏Say the sinner's prayer sincerely from the heart ❤️

    Dear God:

    I know I have sinned and that my sin separates me from You. I am sorry for my sin. I believe Jesus died on the cross for me so my sin can be forgiven. I believe Jesus rose from the dead and is alive.

    God, please forgive me. I ask Jesus to come into my life and be my Lord and Savior. I will obey you,  follow you, and honor you.


  3. The fact that Pope didn’t bring Encyclical meaning he’s just showing understanding to LGBTs and even stated that “If a person is gay and seeks Good and has good will, who I am to judge” He’s just being understanding and compassionate to them but him not writing Encyclical means that he doesn’t change anything from the doctrine and their stand stays the same.

  4. Wouldn't surprise me if Francis proclaims himself to be god at some point soon. He seems to be drawing gays, atheists, muslims, pagans and every other religion and ideology to his church, but born again believers in Jesus he despises.

  5. Space Time and Matter had a Beginning and was created by God our Heavenly Father 🙏The Greatest Creator of All Time, Get too Know God while we are Breathing and Living.

  6. The HolySpirit spoke too the Pope Francis about what he wanted him to say,in reference to Gay and Lebian Marriages , And the Pope doesn't care about satisfying people of the World, Because he's concern what God thinks of him , because when all of us leave this Earth on a different time Schedule 📅, and stand in front of God on Judgement Day 🙏 , and answer Him on the Good things and the bad we did on Earth 🌎, and if we build a relationship with Him in the righteous matter, and God will show us everything, Which the Book 📖 of Life will have our names inside of their, if we Honored and Served Him in a righteously matter, and if we didn't serve Him at all or in the right way, the Raft will be upon us forever. 🙏

  7. My I Q is to high to pass judgement on what people do in their bedrooms.Its nun of my business and I can only pass judgement on myself.This christian dont point fingers.

  8. The disciples asked Jesus Christ, concerning the Enoch's master?
    He replied,
    Some are born that way

    Some are made that way by men and king's

    Some make themselves that way to serve God!

    we live in the sins of our fathers in this world of good and evil.

    And this is how you may know that which is antichrist!
    Anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ and he rose from the dead .

    No not one of us are rightous!

    The least of us shall be the greatest of us all.
    And those who think they shall be first shall be last.

    Did you feed me, water me, clothe me , visit me in hospital or prison?
    When did I see you master not to do these things for you?
    I say if you didn't do it for the least of these you didn't do it for me!

    Now people who have not been in prison or hospital or had any tribulations in life, how does it feel to be in captivity in a open prison and needing a visit!?

    Perhaps we should all remember that we are all sinner's and no not one of us are rightous and the only way to God is through Jesus Christ.
    And he didn't judge anyone as judgment is the lord God's.

    We need to strengthen eachother and then go out and make disciples just like Jesus Christ said, cast out demons heal the sick,etc

    The hospital has the staff of Moses symbol with the serpents twinned around the staff.
    And the majority of the healers and nurses are LGBT people who are being put off God by the enemy with news, tailbairing gossip slandering and everything else God hates.
    Through music movie idols drugs and chemical castration.

    May God almighty have mercy on us all in Jesus Christ's name as he gives us all.

    There is good and bad / dark and light in everyone and everything , Even the church, jail, hospital/ house for the I'll.
    Army and all institutions.
    I have been in the majority of all institutions from the army to jail and hospital and I have seen that even the politicians and ruling elites have good and bad in them and me.

    Forgive your brother 7×70 a day !

    And the strongest of us all should be strengthening the least of us all.
    Even the sinner stood up in the midst of the congregation and spoke.

    One man was praying at the temple looking up to God on his feet and praying, I thank you lord that I am not like these sinner's!

    The other man a tax collector was on his knees taring his robes and beating his chest, praying and crying out forgive me lord I am a filthy sinner!

    Jesus Christ asked who is more justified?
    The man who was on his knees crying out to God .
    And in the end of days/times we will have moving images in our hands and on our walls TV internet, etc
    Written and prophicied thousands of years ago by ISAIAH.

    And when the wolves come the hired Shepard flees as it's not his sheep and flees for his life.
    And think not that I came for peace but to divide!
    And thy enimes shall be that of your own households!
    These are the words that made me believe in God and Jesus Christ.

    And I confess my sins freely that they are brought into the light for reproof and correction and chastisement if it's God's will.
    Let God's will be done not ours.

    May God almighty have mercy on us all in Jesus Christ's name.

  9. Knowledge shall set you free Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various agents are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined orientation. It is not a choice, not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of mammals & found commonplace in nature. Research in this area clearly explains this process. The book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by goat herders, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. Peace

  10. I am Christian, and I support LGBT+ but I myself am straight 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈❤❤❤❤

  11. “You must not have any other god but me. “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me. But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands. “You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name. “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God. On that day no one in your household may do any work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you. For in six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. That is why the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy. “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you. “You must not murder. “You must not commit adultery. “You must not steal. “You must not testify falsely against your neighbor. “You must not covet your neighbor’s house. You must not covet your neighbor’s wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.”

    Exodus 20:3‭-‬17


    The separation of church and state has only been a concept debated around the globe and in a documentary that just premiered about Pope Francis here in the U.S. the pontiff says that he endorses same-sex civil unions. The message has received mixed reactions, but America media’s Jesuit review went as far as saying that Pope Francis has just thrown a lifeline to LGBTQ people where homosexuality is illegal. Here’s our James Longman on the worldwide impact of the Pope’s words.

    Every weekend, Michael Delian and Greg Bourke go to church.

    “It really gives us such a great feeling. It’s hard to describe but one thing I can say is that I always feel better after church then before.”

    This week was no different. Suits on, they made the fifty minute walk from their home to Our Lady of Lourdes in Louisville Kentucky. Except this past Saturday Michael and Greg walked into mass with something they’ve never had before. Support and recognition from the church’s highest order; the Pope officially coming out in support of same sex civil unions. His comments were originally made last year but never seen. Now they’ve aired a new documentary and a Rockstar Pope has rocked the world again.

    “Homosexuals have a right to be in a family,” he says. “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered.”

    The pope didn’t endorse gay marriage nor is he issuing a formal change to Catholic teaching, but Francis’ statement is still a momentous shift to the Catholic Church. Its less about the words he uses but the tone he struck.

    “It feels like an earthquake is happened. Everyone else has felt it but no one here. We’ve been trying to get attention from many Vatican officials, the communications department, anyone. It feels like its taken them a little bit by surprise. What they’d ordinarily say though is to listen to the Pope’s words and they stand alone and if we do, then we hear him say that homosexuals are the children of god.

    The world’s 1.2 billion Catholics have never heard the pope say words like these before and for those living in conservative regions of America’s south, its life changing.

    “We’re very optimistic. We’re very encouraged because we’ve never had a pope who’s spoken so compassionately about gay people and we walk on that. I mean, we’ve been waiting almost our whole lives. We’ve been waiting for something like this to happen.”

    Michael and Greg met in the 80s and bonded through their faith.

    “We went to church and those were some of our first early activities.”

    The couple married in Ontario Canada in 2004. They have two children and have been champions of gay rights for years. In 2015, they were the main plaintiffs in the supreme court case that led to the legalization of same sex marriage in the US.

    “All these years I would have never dreamt that we would’ve made such an impact.”

    But Greg and Michael are comparatively lucky. They live in a country where their call for justice was answered and where for the moment, their marriage, their union, is recognized under law. In places like Poland, members of the LQBTQ community frequently face violent backlash, propelled, and encouraged by their far right president Andre Duda. Homophobia runs deep in Poland. I saw for myself during the 2017 national day in Warsaw. These books were being sold on church property.

    “What is this one about?”

    “Homo terror.”

    “Homo terror?”

    Its hard to say whether the pope’s words will have any profound impact here.

    “You can’t be too optimistic because the catholic church in Poland is very autonomous. They largely act along with the politicians in a very homophobic way.”

    Ashlea Gremula is a devout Catholic and a member of the LGBTQ community in Poland. But there has been friction with her bishops who don’t accept who she is.

    “That’s what Jesus asked us to do. To love oneself. To love others as you love oneself. So, we need to love oneself and my bishops ask me not to do that. So, I just feel they’re wrong and basically do not agree with them.”

    She hopes to see the day where church is more accepting of her and the people in her community.

    “I think I can see it and I want to see it. It’s a civil union for gay people. And bishops do not oppose that. And say: okay we accept you and we see that there are homosexuals. We see you exist.”

    Andrea Rubera, his journey to acceptance in the catholic church started with a phone call from the pope five years ago. He lives with his husband Dario and three children in Rome; Otomesia, Chloe, and Yakepo, who joined us on the call. His story is featured in the new documentary, but it almost didn’t happen. He wrote a letter to francis asking for guidance but didn’t expect him to call and he hung up on him. Twice.

    “I heard a voice saying: mr rubera this is pope francis. I called you twice but you’re not answering me. And so I said: oh my god. He asked me: do you have problems with the parish and I said: no I haven’t even tried to go to the parish because I feel really fearful and really doubtful. And so he told me: listen to me I think you have to go to the parish.”

    So that’s what Rubera did and five years later he says he’s part of a loving and welcoming community.

    “When he was arch bishop, he said: a child should have a mother and a father. Do you think he’s become more openminded? Do you think the catholic teaching is going to change?”

    “I don’t think this is the point. I personally think that trying to consider people starting from their life situation. I mean, we are a gay couple. We are married. We have three kids. It cannot be ignored.”

    Rubera says he thinks gay unions will one day be blessed in catholic churches. For others like Leo Raelmarez, who lives in Manila in the Philippines, the hope is that the Pope’s words go even further, into concrete law.

    “I do believe that the endorsement of the pope for same sex civil unions may be a catalyst for the passage of a law. Recognizing same sex marriages.”

    The church has always emphasized the importance of family and life. Both as a metaphor for a community of faith and in the literal sense of the word. For the pope to recognize and support gay families is a deeply meaningful shift.

    “So often gay people are cast as these people who will influence the next generation. That somehow there’s something untoward about having children if you’re homosexual. Hes embracing that idea and that is very very powerful for me.”

    In the pope’s hometown of Buenesaries where same sex marriage is legal, the endorsement was welcome news.

    “The pope’s sayings are a very good step towards accompanying social changes, access to rights.”

    For some, theologians and religious purists though, the popes words are a contradiction. Itll take time to change the mindset of some people.

    “Same sex marriage breaks a society down and mainly for the children, it’s a bad example.”

    But not for the first time in his pipacy, francis has put one very simple truth at the heart of his message.

    “we love because we love. And that’s that.”

  13. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
    And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
    And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
    Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

    Romans 1:26-28,32

  14. This Pope, And Any Christian, Read The Bible. I'm sorry it's Clear as Day, Men and Women. No same sex, no same sex marriage. All those that approve, You know where you will be at End Of Times. Keep Preaching a False Message Pope and all you Heritics. God Will Judge You!!!!

  15. I'm not sure what else is needed. Gays can live with whomever they want. They can make legal decisions on who will inherit their money or make end of life and medical decisions for them. Marriage is for procreation and maintaining an integral family situation. Homosexual people can't procreate.

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