Legal expert: Roe v. Wade is not long for this world

Legal expert: Roe v. Wade is not long for this world

ABC News Phil Lipof speaks with a Cardozo law professor and ABC News’ Kate Shaw about what comes next in the abortion rights battle after a federal judge blocked Texas abortion ban.

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43 thoughts on “Legal expert: Roe v. Wade is not long for this world

  1. I sure hope not. Libs: “Ban guns, too many people are being murdered”…

    Also libs: “We demand our right to murder innocent babies”.

  2. I don't understand why folks don't mind their own business . If someone wants to do this ok well let em. These protesters dont even know these women . Wat do they care? Gonna take em in support a child? No ? Ok well mind to your own garden, leave others alone.

  3. 道化師とは神の真似出来無い者達です。 ジョウカー。浄化する事です。

  4. You are SAVED by BELIEVING in JESUS CHRIST who DIED for ALL sin to SAVE ALL who BELIEVE in HIM. PROMISED ETERNAL LIFE by BELIEVING in HIM. He DID ascend to Heaven on the third day. HE IS at the right hand of God. He is preparing a place for ALL who BELIEVE. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all. Know the truth. Know who IS your Savior. Know that he suffered for ALL. To SAVE ALL. This life is clearly temporary and when you know why then it will confirm the truth even more! SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH. FEAR GOD. NOT MAN. PREACH THE GOSPEL. ITS WHAT JESUS DID! All Glory to God. Look at the world! WATCH 🎁

  5. I will believe when I see it. I don't think people should be aborting 8 months in or anything like that. I also don't think these things should be dictated to women. Abortion is not a form of birth control. Nor should it be considered ethical to remove the autonomy of one's body or right to make their own personal medical decisions. That's not even anyone else's business. Thank God I don't live in Texas.

  6. 😶😶😶

  7. Out of all medical procedures, abortion is the only one people take issue with. Why? We don’t have fed/state laws regarding when, who, and how someone is treated for anything else – cancer, diabetes, broken bones, heart problems, influenza, etc. Abortion is a medical procedure like anything else and should be kept between the patient and her doctor, without people in the government sticking their noses in bc they have religious hang ups.

  8. This is what happens when the separation of church and state is not honored. We end up with people ruling based on their ethics rather than the law. Then, progress to getting rid of any precedents (Roe) to further enshrine religious ideals.

  9. the real problem is not about abortion, its about one branch of government assisted by others circumvent checks and balances. to me this looks a lot like warfare.

    how can a law state immunity from the effects of a checking branch? law and order by definition means that at every point in time everybody has to know what the law is. if limbo is a valid state there is no law and certainly no order

  10. It takes two to get pregnant. The burden is on the woman, while the man walks away. How about sterilization for the man who participated in the pregnancy.
    Or he should be responsible by wearing a condom.

  11. The reason why it is difficult for the United States to truly ally with the Japanese.
    1. During World War II, they attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, sacrificing thousands of young Americans.
    2. The U.S. pretended to be an absurd victim of killing a Japanese civilian by the atomic bomb of Hiroshima and Nakasaki. – An absurd request to apologize to the U.S.
    3. If the Peace Constitution is revised, far-right forces insist on attacking Washington this time – to restore the honor of World War II's defeat.
    Therefore, eradication of Japan is for human peace.

  12. The argument isn't only about having an abortion, it's that people want Christian's to pay for it. It's not something we citizens believe in. People just need to start being more responsible for their actions.

  13. Yeh Texans are my heroes. They have is my suffragettes woman’s heart. They are standing up to protect all women even our female unborn. Liberal women like to behead their own children. How are they any different than Taliban terrorists who do the same.

  14. I believe that every woman has a choice. UNTIL they wait until 9 months gestation. I know I'm a woman, but to abort a fetus that is about ready to be born and can breath on its own is wrong. It's irresponsible of the pregnant woman to wait that long. I'm sure she knew long before that if she wanted a baby. I guess you have to ask yourself "When is it about constitutional rights, or when is it considered murder, and what can your conscience bear?" Yes, we should all have the right to choose. But I can't see aborting a baby when it could survive outside of the womb on its own. At that point I feel that the mother should give birth and give it up for adoption. Either way she would no longer be responsible for the baby and can walk away. No worries.
    I'm probably going to get blasted for this, but please remember that we are all free to have an opinion, and this is just my opinion.

  15. Thank god Texas did this now we can avoid any stories about Bidumb, let’s go Brandon!!! 👏

  16. Congratulations: US students use the Chinese app Tik Tok to take down anti-abortion site.

    Boo: US app Facebook uses algorithm to spread hate and make little girls body-conscious.

    Covid deaths: US 730,206 Mexico 281,121 Guatemala 13,902 Honduras 9,949 China 4,636 Haiti 634 NZ 28.

    WTF: US parents protest about? A: 184 school shootings in 10 years B: Masks.

  17. states rights supersede federal laws… per the constitution! why else is marijuana still federally illegal but some states CHOSE to legalize it?

    stop spreading lies and misinformation, disney puppets.

    no constitutional rights have ever been taken away (and roe v wade, wont either) but states CAN and WILL continue to make their laws, according to what its citizens say. the federal gov't reach is limited.

    try not getting pregnant to need an abortion, its not hard… all kinds of birth control and pills for after.

    trying to make people hate each others' points of views and beliefs is unamerican.

  18. Them-Hey don't be upset we are firing people because they want to choose what medical procedures they take. (vax)

    Also them-I can't believe they are taking peoples choice away to make medical procedures they want! (Abortion)

    Every last one of you liberals are hypocrites and I truly cannot wait for this country to split apart.

  19. Your body, soooooo, choose sterilization instead of abortion. Children are just created huh, they don't have rights because it's your body your choice, well choose a different choice other than killing another human being!

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