Legal analyst: Were seeing a crumbling of the blue wall in Chauvin trial

Legal analyst: Were seeing a crumbling of the blue wall in Chauvin trial

ABC News Linsey Davis speaks with civil rights attorney Channa Lloyd about the Derek Chauvin trial testimony and arguments.

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25 thoughts on “Legal analyst: Were seeing a crumbling of the blue wall in Chauvin trial

  1. Liberal ABC give It a break These JW-backed dime a dozen attorney experts. must be so easy now to become an attorney making em judges on TV. I guess to intimidate. Show some other attorneys for a change beside all These JW-backed black female attorneys all the time everywhere

  2. Ok when they the so called crowd asked for him to check for a pulse and he didn’t he did not render aid to a dying man!

  3. Anyone remember that Black guy killing an officer at the Capitol the other day? No more not outraged about that ABC because it doesn't fit the BS narrative? Fear mongering network at work. The mainstream media is the real racial divisionist in this country.

  4. He died of a drug overdose and the lieing propagnda news has caused all the BS riots of BLM, who are just domestic terriots and need to be locked up and given life sentences for their crimes against the American citzens, thats who needs to be on trail, they walking around Washington and Atlanta with A-15 assualt weapons on their backs like they own America, when is the most voted for prez going to have them arrested, Yeah the lieing MSM media news will not report nothing about that but yet demita joe thinks he is going to get our guns, but says nothing about the BLM and Antifa terriots, destroying america and armed with guns but he supporters them and supporters 10,000 migrants into our country and giving them each 2500 and our social security money for life, all they have to do is vote for him in 2024, Yeah and we are suppose to beleive the illegal prez got the most votes of anybody in US history and has so much compassion for people in SA but yet he thinks you should not have ID to vote in a prez election but you got to have a vax passport to show you got a vax in a free country, he is way past what I call insane, Creating all these FF gun shootings thinks he is going to take our guns while he allows BLM and Antifa to walk the streets all day with A-15 assault weapons, like we cant protect our families but he has Wahington guarded with thousands of National guard.

  5. He'll walk in Murder 2 and they'll riot. He'll "get off" on Manslaughter or Criminal Negligence, and they'll riot.

    Minneapolis will burn either way. Please keep y'all bullshit out of Camden.

  6. Guys Ya know the amount of Love Jesus has for you is Unimaginable So just accept him as your Lord and Savior so we will a meet him in heaven.

    Like so more people can see this :^D

  7. MSM gaslighting the sheep into the belief that the prosecution is displaying a good case, when it’s actually the opposite. They are laying the groundwork for more riots, destruction and division if Chauvin is not convicted, which based on the evidence so far, is a good possibility.

  8. The Blue Wall is an exaggerated myth. If anything it applies to the really small things, like an officer showing up to roll call a couple minutes late. The supervisor might ask "Hey where's officer Jones?" and his buddies might say "Oh he's in the lockerroom changing" . But in reality, he's still 10 minutes away, driving up. The 'Blue Wall' NEVER applied to extreme cases like this. Of course there's exceptions, but it's just how the Blue Wall is generally used. It's not supposed to hide criminality. It's supposed to cover fellow officers in minor situations. Finally the public sees the truth.

  9. Maybe its time we accept thier titles and give them what they want…they feel they have the stregnth to take over and shut down white men..come get some..ill be your racsist..youll be with floyd in a flash…were gonna get you know it dont you.

  10. Who's going to be the first good cop to kill a bad cop that's committing homicide on a civilian? Will we ever see anything like that? Maybe if the other cops standing around would have kicked that killer cop in the face the civilian victim would have survived? What were they thinking letting that bad cop kill that civilian? All policemen can't be murdering scum? Can they? Time for cops to grow a spine, be a little brave, have a heart. You're here to protect and serve not kill, maim, terrorize and murder. Keep the peace not cause mayhem. Maybe people would be nicer to you if you were nicer to them. The guy died for a bad twenty dollar bill? You going to kill someone for looking at you cross eyed next?

  11. No we really aren’t. He’s gonna be let off easy. Just in time for nice weather for the riots. Just as they planned it.

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