Legal analyst breaks down the Chauvin trial closing arguments

Legal analyst breaks down the Chauvin trial closing arguments

ABC News Linsey Davis speaks with ABC News contributor Brian Buckmire about the closing arguments in the Derek Chauvin trial as the jury deliberates.

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48 thoughts on “Legal analyst breaks down the Chauvin trial closing arguments

  1. You can’t defend the indefensible. Eric Nelson did the absolute best he could with what he had. You can be the best lawyer in the world but if your client is a piece of sh!t caught red handed on tape, what do you expect?

  2. Apparently many have never watched the full video from the officers body camera. Floyd said he couldn't breathe LONG before he was pinned.

    The entire event was over 25 minutes long, not just the last few minutes conveniently showed by the media. Watch the full video, foolish people.

    It's a sad day in America when people jump to conclusions and want to convict a man of murder based on his skin color. It's becoming increasingly clearer who the real racists are.

  3. Off to Jail scumbag! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  4. He took his mask off!!! He mite need that tomorrow so he can hide his mouth cause he’s gonna be on his knees when bubba gets his hands on him!! Don’t worry chavin you will be queen bitch in no time!!

  5. There was a whole lot of reasonable doubt. If you don’t understand this you didn’t watch the trial. This media coverage is a travesty.

  6. The nation witness a murder of an unarmed and bound black man . So much bull just to bring a white racist cop to justice for executing a black American citizen in the eyes of the nation and the global community

  7. Nelson whitewashed and evaded the most important evidence in this case…that it was Chauvin who failed to let Mr. Floyd breathe, even after the EMT's arrived. Mr. Floyd was not a danger to anyone and died a barbaric death at Chauvin's lack of compassion for not letting him breathe. Chauvin has shown no remorse during his trial and was too cowardly to take the stand. Being stripped of his uniform and job, he has become a full-fledged yellow-belly. He truly is an evil and diabolic and demon infused man. All that he and Nelson could do were to squirm in their seats at various times, but again, no remorse!

  8. Typical media spin of the trial.


    The US is becoming more like North Korea every day. Nobody should be entitled to a defence, right? It’s just something we all have to tolerate, right?

  9. This morning, I sat down on the chauvin trial, took a blm movement, then wiped my george floyd twice with a black nationalist flag, to get all the bull crap narrative, lies and propaganda. Then i spit on it before flushing with my middle finger

  10. This so called "legal analyst" doesn't understand reasonable doubt. And what about innocent until proven guilty? Eric Nelson does not need to prove his client's innocence. The burden of proof is on the state. This is how our legal system has always worked. Emotional appeals are NOT evidence. This should be a mistrial. There is no way Derek Chauvin will ever get a fair trial when politics are involved in this case.

  11. Hope the jury see thru the existing evidence: an autopsy report that doesn't support neck u juries and the testimony from the government top notch government Dr. Tobin who said Floyd had 98% oxygen saturation. Those facts don't equate to asphaxlia! There's reasonable doubt!

  12. What Brian said was so true about Nelson not representing Derek Chauvin as a person. In fact I would have liked to hear more about his personality as a juror to understand what he is really like, is it because his wife left him and those prior complaints. Ultimately even George Floyd looked bad for the things he did but the prosecution succeeded in painting him as a likeable human being who regardless of his flaws didn't deserve to die. But I feel like the defense didn't do that for Chauvin and now we will never know what was in his heart.

  13. Why did it take ABC so long to report about CRISIS on the border. It wasn't until two small children were dumped over the border wall that they decided maybe we should report this. Democratic slanted news agency for sure.

  14. As a senior citizen who has experienced every war since the Korean War, why doesn’t your network ever report the truth, shame on you , and your corrupt network

  15. That dude last name can’t be “ buckmire”

  16. “Legal analyst” or activist for the mob?

  17. Just in Chicago alone 875 people who died from gun violence (3261 shooting) last year; 78% of the victims were Black and they are not upset 🤷🏻‍♂️. They (BLM, etc) use the police as a scapegoat, to distract from the real issues in these Democratic ran cities (the cops are not the issue). A conviction Derek Chauvin's or any other cop will not solve the issues within the inner city.

    The race hustling groups such as BLM are hucksters, frauds, who hate the nuclear family. BLM and their allies care so much about “black lives” they set abortion clinics and in the hood. They want to balkanize this country. Then you have a bunch of fools handing out money to these race hustling cultural marxist, while they (BLM founders) buy multi million dollar homes in white neighborhoods.

  18. Chauvin is not gonna last long in gen pop. He’s gonna have to align with a group quickly for protection. So he’s gonna either be associated with some like-minded racists or be somebody’s girl….

  19. What a stupid move by a so called politician! 🤦🏻‍♀️

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