Leaked surveillance video from inside Robb Elementary mass shooting l ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ investigative reporter Aaron Katersky discusses the latest on the leaked surveillance video from inside the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting and where the investigation may head.

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By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Leaked surveillance video from inside Robb Elementary mass shooting l ABCNL”
  1. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

  2. Bring attention to fact that the police force only hire "certain breed", these "certain breeds" of course, are not going to risky life for people,  instead are designated to become privileged class by taking decent salary while enjoying "superman hero image" only .

  3. Every officer should be fired and just gone! How could you wear the badge and not serve and protect? Like how do these people sleep at night knowing they could have done something to change part of this outcome! They make me sick! It’s awful how they didn’t do anything! By all means though sanitize your hands!

  4. Once again the cops just sat there afraid to engage well kids are getting slaughtered ? Yet they’ll shoot unarmed people every other week 🤦🏻‍♂️. WOW

  5. Why did the footage of this shooting get released in about a month or two after the shooting, and the footage of the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting in 2012 still hasn’t been released after nine to ten years?

  6. what a great news
    I wish for these kinds of Incidents everyday in USA, Ameen.
    When you try to spread Propaganda and play divide and rule by making movies like MS MARVEL.

  7. They REALLY didn't expect America to wait for them to get back from protesting the guns that would have saved their kids, from being in their own hands.
    They would rather the inept, "all hat and no cattle" cops, to decide when the perp dies.

  8. Don’t join law enforcement to protect the community if you’re doing it for a “good salary and benefits” smh

  9. Q- "Why did you choose to be a police officer/law enforcement ?"
    A- "Because I like to help the community".

    No buddy, that's a fireman. You chose law enforcement because your lunch money was taken away from you while on the playground in school. I apologize to the 10% of honest cops.

  10. Those police officers took an oath to serve and protect…. AND THEN THEY UNZIPPED THEIR FLIES AND PISSED ON THAT OATH!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  11. Grown men just standing there, checking phones, bullet vest & gun but running the opposite way, hearing children be shot and dying is absolutely inexcusable and you are all a pathetic excuse of life. Least you could all do is spend your time left on this earth making sure this doesn’t happen again! The bare fucking minimum. Do better America and stop sending your kids to these schools ffs. How many more
    Kids have to die before you realise your school system is literally death row. Yeah, we’re all not teachers but I’m sure we can show our kids a lot more than the nozzle of a gun!

  12. Greg Abbott deliberately lied to our faces!
    Judgement Day is our responsibility to protect our children. VOTE to remove Greg Abbott from office, he made it possible for the gunman to obtain a AR-15 and massacre our innocent children.
    WE need responsible leadership and Greg Abbott is looking out for his blood money from the NRA.

    VOTE to remove Greg Abbott from office… Abbott is useless!!!
    VOTE to remove the Uvalde Mayor.
    VOTE to remove every incompetent officer in this video.
    VOTE to remove all the city council that knowingly, deliberately tried to cover up the truth by lying to us.

  13. A lot of talk about command, who was in charge, communications, it's not that complicated the officers, each and every one of them where COWARDS. LIVE WITH THAT.

  14. No it doesn’t raise any questions. Your liberal agendas have done this and you have paid the price. You had the opportunity to hire an entire generation of combat veterans. But you know what you did, you said nope we want to keep this a good old boys club that only friends and family can get into. I was in special operations and applied to 5 major departments who needed people. I made it all the way to the interviews. You the first question I was asked every single time. Do you know anyone on the police force or who was retired police? Nope, I wanted to help my community. No, that wasn’t good enough. You hired a bunch of soft, diversity box checking, and people who you thought would take the heat off. You should of hired better talent to do the job. Yes, I am better than most law enforcement officers. It’s not arrogant, it is the truth. I have had extensive training in deescalation, use of force, less than lethal, riot control, counterterrorism, how to talk to people, mma and cultural awareness. This shows it and it’s sad. Nobody took initiative. You just stood around waiting for someone else to do something. YOU ARE DISGUSTING

  15. cowards with badges 🐷🐷🐽🐖

  16. There is no excuse for who ever leaked this.

    They are as morally bankrupt as the shooter.

    Trasperancy is not the motive of this a hole.

    It was scheduled to be released.

  17. I see so many beginner level firearm violations in the video that it makes me think these fools aren't even cops and this whole disaster was created for the 2022 gun grab legislation.

  18. It's absolutely beyond maddening. Sanitizing his hands! WTF were they waiting for??? Hold these chicken shits totally and fully accountable for their cowardly lack of action.

  19. All the taxpayer money going to these people and their toys, vehicles and weapons of war…money well spent.

  20. ❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine verwohntt.online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennp ich 4 wählen würde

  21. Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine verwohntt.online Brünette und eine anderek Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  22. It's really, really important to have sanitized hands while you're waiting around for the order to go in and do something. You just never know where your rifle's been. /snark

  23. Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine sleepfriendd.Online Brünette und eine anderea Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  24. Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine emprutt.ONLINE Brünette und eine anderet Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  25. ❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine warmthh.Online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennm ich 4 wählen würde

  26. I get that it’s scary and they can lose their life but it’s the job they signed up for. If they are incapable of facing fear (or the worst this country has to offer) head on it might be time for some more training.

  27. Reduce guns and crime over time, not overnight:

    – Amend the 2nd Amendment (“militia” “arms”)
    – Make it harder (age, background etc) to buy
    – Ban AR-15s, similar weapons (reduce w/ time)
    – Increase sentence for illegal guns
    – Embarrass suspect(s) to reduce copycats
    – Pay cops same as pilots to improve quality
    – Build more prisons to demonstrate oversupply
    – Reform the bail policy; lock repeat offenders
    – Shame, recall judges and DAs who reduce sentences

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