Laura expected to make landfall as a Category 4 hurricane – Car Mod Pros Portal

Tracking Hurricane Laura’s path as it closes in on the Texas-Louisiana border with storm surges as high as 10-15 feet in some areas.

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By carmodpros


22 thoughts on “Laura expected to make landfall as a Category 4 hurricane”
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  4. See, disasters are coming one after the other, because we are living in a world of curse with many evil-driven people & other environmental forces around ( Genesis 3; 1 John 5v19; Romans 5; )…This happened due to sin/defect in human spirit; we read, first human creations of this earth, disobeyed the commandment of the creator of this universe & they got expelled out of the Heavenly glory, human spirit dead; humans came under the influence of evil power of this earth ( Genesis 3; Romans 5; ) ..Lord Jesus Christ/creator Himself came in human form to deliver us out of curse/out of evil power ( Gs John 1v17; 20v23; Mark 2v5; 1 John 3v8;) )…& Lord came with the GOOD NEWS/GOSPEL of a heavenly promised, New sin-free, curse-free, etc. earth for those who are obedient & humble in Lord's Heavenly kingdom Commandments /teachings ( Luke 12v32; Gs John 14v23; )…Those who walk in Lord's teachings of forgiveness, compassion, praying to Father in heaven (creator of universe) for heavenly grace to live in this world & pray to Father in heaven for promised heavenly kingdom to come, & proclaim the GOOD NEWS/ GOSPEL of New earth to others around, & those who desire peace, righteousness, truth, & heavenly/spirit freedom in this evil driven world, will live in soon coming Christ's kingdom (Rev 21; Isaiah 66; 65; )…That is why Lord said to pray to Father in heaven for Heavenly kingdom to Come to earth ( Matthew 6v10; )…That is why Lord said to desire for His Coming to rule this earth ( Revelation 22v17, 20;….When Heavenly kingdom /Christ's kingdom Come to earth, then no more natural disasters like Hurricane, no deadly storms, no violence, No COVID/plagues, no wars, no fights, no curse, no fear, no sufferings, no death, no abusive people, no attackers, etc. on this earth, because Lord & our creator will be with us always ( Rev 21; Matt 1v22; )…So, Let's upload "Heavenly kingdom App/Lord's teaching" in to our minds & into our life & walk like Lord walked on this earth in compassion, in forgiveness, in prayer to Father in heaven, proclaiming the GOSPEL/GOOD NEWS of Coming of Heavenly kingdom to earth, etc., Until soon Coming of Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings' to rule this earth…(Gs John 14v21; 15v7; Ezekiel 36v26; )…Let's Command to the deadly disasters to stop/calm down as Lord taught us, Until Lord's soon Coming ( Mark 4v39; )..So, Let's pray to our creator/creator of this universe/Father in Heaven, For heavenly kingdom to come & let's desperately desire for Lord's Coming to rule this earth ( Matt 6v10; Rev 22v17; )…If You pray or not for Heavenly kingdom to Come, for sure, Christ's kingdom is Coming soon & unseen evil kingdom is ending/perishing soon, but only those desire & pray for righteousness dwelling Christ's kingdom to Come, will be living in Christ's kingdom (Revelation 11v15; 2 Peter 3v13; Hebrews 9v28; Isaiah 40v31; )…Lord said, plague, violence, disasters, etc. are signs of perishing of evil kingdom & it is the Start of Christ's kingdom/Heavenly kingdom ( Matthew 24; Luke 21; Rev 12v12; 9v20; 11v18; )..We read, for those who's sins are not forgiven in the Grace in Lord Jesus Christ, & those continuing evilness will end up in everlasting hellfire ( Rev 21v8; Matt 13v41; 25v41; Luke 16v24; )…Lord said, Those who have ears [in their spirit], Let them hear ( Matthew 13v9; )!!

  5. If you are reading this comment and do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please know that it is no mistake you saw this message. Hard times are coming. The mark of the beast as warned about in the book The Holy Bible is soon here. ID2020 with mandatory vaccines, quantum dot tattoo to verify vaccine compliance and cashless society/ cryptocurrency have been planned out for humanity, ushered in by the new world order elite ( not with good intentions*) Soon the great tribulation will be here as warned about also in The Holy Bible. A time that the world has never seen since even the beginning ( not good*)
    (Matthew chp 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be) A powerful world leader will also arise only to deceive the world. ( Revelation chp 13:16-And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”) The world's only hope is a Savior sent from God our heavenly father, His Son Jesus Christ who died for our wrong doings
    (John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”)

    It's not too late for you if you are reading this but soon it will be. Please call on the name Jesus Christ now while there is still time. All you have to do is pray and ask Him for forgiveness of your sins and ask Him into your heart by believing with sincerity and He can begin a personal relationship with you. Please see the book the Holy Bible for more information or leave a comment. Please remember it doesn't matter who you are or what you have done, He loves you more than you could ever know. Please remember this when times get tough

  6. Hurricane Laura, secret Dept of Homeland Security codename 'HURRICANE SLIPDACK' in honor of all deceased dyslexic Covid-19Coronavirus US Military who gave their lives to treat all of the old people in nursing homes who (Supposedly) didn't know their Rsoul from their elbow 😉

  7. It just simply amazes me to see how powerful tropical storms can be. I live in South Dakota, and such things don't affect us. Feel bad for everyone in Laura's path and I am hoping ya'll make it.

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