Latino astronauts, engineers inspiring the next generation in STEM

Latino astronauts, engineers inspiring the next generation in STEM

ABC News Marci Gonzalez reports on astronauts and engineers encouraging young Latinos to open their minds and pursue careers that are out of this world.

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32 thoughts on “Latino astronauts, engineers inspiring the next generation in STEM

  1. Growing up in Inglewood we didn’t really get the best education. Looking back and being my age now, I feel that we must do better. We must engage in STEM and girls to get into STEM. This is the future and very under represented.

  2. ILLUMINATI SOCIETY. Do not mistake our times of silence for times of inaction. The clocks ⏰ has many gears ⚙️- some so small that they are impossible to see – but all are vital to the turning of time and humanity’s transformation. It’s invisible mechanism continues to function as designed. fear not⚠️ WhatsApp contact only +1 (234) 401-7208. Email 📧 :::::: 📧

  3. Ignore the polls and trolls!
    Vote too big to rig!
    Vote country over party
    Vote too save democracy in America!
    🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Biden/Harris 2020

  4. We need our youth inspired and motivated. Inclined towards a curiosity for learning and dreaming about possibilities. Challenging themselves and being supported in their pursuits towards increased learning. Stay on track for a better future!👍🏼

  5. As an American for so many years until the time I was a little guy I want you to think carbon in the street I'm living out in the cold weather and no money The Collector f**** space stuff ain't never did this before

  6. Franklin Chan a COSTARICAN worked for NASA and went to space over 30 years ago. 🤭🤭🤭 Hernandez is not a trailblazer

    🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 BIDEN HARRIS 2020 VICTORY!!

  8. Fake Space Program, remember the top of water is always level-flat- Sea level, Sea's are not earth only the dry soil is earth Adam was formed from .There are no planets, no satellites, no Moon landings, everything NASA show you are cartoons, we live in a immovable Realm, your whole reality is a lie, delusion to the unbelievers, Christ said " I am the way the truth and the life" If we live in a Realm then the Lord in Heaven put us here.

  9. #Vote for #TRUMP2020 and save this Country from the far left who want the NEW GREEN DEAL which would destroy this Country's economy and jobs. #MAGA2020👍👍👍👍

  10. Send um home’

  11. MEXICAN AMERICAN 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽

  12. This is a letter to Donald Donald Trump , but I can’t reach the big man , so could you do me a favor to Pass the letter to Trump, many thanks.

    I hereby certify that I’m not a hacker ,and I never ever possess any Donald Trump or Ivanka’ emails ,text messenges, pictures, or videos.

    Hi, Trump

    Two months ago, I wrote some words to you, trying to persuade you to pardon Assange, a few days later, I guess I saw some signals, then I took for granted that we reached an tacit agreement, so I am just waiting for good news, but pardon didn’t come until the day of Nobel Peace Prize, now I have to talk and persuade you again, please do the right thing , pardon Assange .

    Dear Trump, I agree with all your policies besides Corona-19 and trade war with my country, and I admire your attitude towards fucking George Bush, the scum launch a war to Iraq no reason, destroyed Iraq and cause thousands of people dying, it’s ridiculous that Assange was prisoned just because he exposed the evilness and dark ugliness of Washington warmongers , and it is totally wrong and unacceptable .

    My friend, what’s wrong between you and mask ? wearing mask would bring you a easy win , but your crazyness is beyond my imagination, seemingly that you always want to be a charming wild western hero , but actually you act like a stupid villain, yes , I know you like to play tough , and at your age you have nothing to be scared of, but please thinking about Ivanka for a second, you really want Ivanke to be the first beautiful woman president of United states, or a slut bitch showing her eroticism to all of the world, my friend , all is upon to you.

    the earth is getting small with the plane and fast internet communication , physics is there, developed country like your America is going down and developing country like China、India、brazil is going up,that’s an unstoppable trend, It will go on and on until our small earth got its equilibrium, so face it and don’t reffered your America’s falling to China or anybody else, I wonder, my pal ,do you really belive factory will come back to your lazy American people? Do you really believe your stupid embargo and sanction of China will stop and turn the trend.

    America have been a great and respectful country for one hundred years , but you bullying and mercurial clown style ruined it just four years, compare your failure at covid-19, your embargo and sanction policy are more dangerous , what the hell are you doing? you know what, your securities market and high technolog is your America’s only two valuable asset, but you moron don’t realize that you are destructing America , I told you, you are the one to make China great, MCGA, I don’t want elaborate here , but everybody knows that China is full of corruption, especially in the field of securities market and technology reasearching, but it’s you are pushing so hard to make China anti-corruption and accelerate the reform in the two field, and it’s your sanction and embargo are pushing China to develop high technology sparing no effort, morden technology develop quickly and the updating becomes so fast, you guess what, in 5-10 years , China will be a real finance and high technolog power , capital pouring into open and innovative China finance market, China’s high technology replacing American high technology, people may argue that I’m exaggerating and bragging , no , I’m not, you know it’s true, Huawei and Tiktok is best sign. wow, Donald Trump and MCGA, I am so sure that China’s greatness and success would own you a lot, you spoiled boy.

    My dear friend, Coercion and intimidation is not real fight, I know you have been into showboating, but I have a word for you here , don’t act too much , you are lucky that you body getting through the covid-19 test, but you can’t getting through the doomsday, in 5-10 years , your high tech company collapasing, your stock market collapasing , and your great America would degenerated to like Mexico or South Africa, Dear Donald, it’s you bring the Amrican’s biggest failure in the history , you are the one reponsiable for utterly destruction of America, trust me, that day your once crazy supporters would do bad things to you, gun shotting, knife stabbing, or rope hanging, Damn it, It’s horrible to imagine that day . so don’t kidnap your American people, and be reasonable and cooperative, how about giving Huawei license and freeing Men wanzhou ? believe me, Huawei will appreciate your great move, doing the right thing is biggest politics, as I always said, you are the real and raw man, since porn star can made a deal with you, I have confidence that we will reach agreement at this piont.

    Let me be very clear , my friend , I will chasing and challenging you and Ivanka until I get that pardon, so when trouble is coming to you, just thinking of me , I give you my word here, should you pardon Assange, I would never ever walking into your life again, and bad thing would never ever happen to Ivanka.

    Dear Trump , everytime when I saw you fighting the fake news and hypocrite, I’m getting so sorry, Washington don’t like real and raw man, just let sleepy joe and incompetent democrats deal with the mess, four years later , it’s time for beautiful Ivanka big win, by the way, can you recommand a publisher for me and put a good word for my novel “the great future of Riquelme and Elber”, the book is about internet crime, fascinating and terrific. undoubtedly, this book will be the greatest mystery novel of all times.

    Good luck.

    Senior Sergeant Vaskov

  13. Incredible! Much needed video clip. 🙏🤲👍

  14. In the name of of Allah the Merciful Peace, mercy and blessings of God I am your sister, Aisha, from Palestine, from the Gaza Strip, a widow, I have 4 children. We have no breadwinner but God. I ask you by God, oh good people, look at us with the eye of mercy and compassion, as long as we are the breadwinners other than God May God reward you richly rewarded For Whatsapp communication 00970597097104

  15. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
    أنا أختكم عائشة من فلسطين من قطاع غزة أرملة عندي 4أطفال ليس لنا معيل إلا الله ساكنين في بيت إيجار لأن لدي بيت ملك صغير يحتاج إلي تشطيب ساعدوني من أجل تعليم ابني الكبير في الجامعة ودفع الرسوم و تشطيب بيتي لأني لا استطيع دفع إيجار البيت
    أسألكم بالله يا أهل الخير أنظرولنا بعين الرحمة و الشفقة ما ألنا معيل غير الله
    وجزاكم الله خير الجزاء
    للتواصل واتس

  16. ii Appreciate George and the ABC NEWS CREW 💯

  17. 저는 하나님의 계시를받아 전세계에 하나님의 뜻을 전하고있는 한국 사람입니다 성경에 세상 마지막때가 노아때와 같다고하셨는데 지금 전 세계가 노아때처럼 모든 사람들이 음란과탐욕으로 타락되어 하나님의 심판이 전세계적으로 들어가고 있지만 사람들이 깨닫지 못하고 있다고 하나님께서말씀해주셨습니다. 앞으로의 세상은 전세계가 더 갖가지 재앙으로 불안해서 살수없는 세상이 될것이라고 말씀해주셨습니다 오직 살길은 영으로 다시오신 예수님의 하늘의 이름인 ^^와이솔 라이팅 능력^^을 진심으로 믿고 회개하는 사람들만 어디에있든지 죽어서도 살아서도 구원할 것이라고 하나님께서 말씀해주셨습니다 이렇게 기도하십시요 ^^와이솔 라이팅 능력을 내가 믿습니다 나의 모든 죄를 용서해주세요 ^^라고 기도하시면 마음을 살
    피시는 하나님께서 보시고 지켜주실것이라고 말씀해주셨습니다.

    이웃에게도 꼭 전해주세요

    Type "Wisol Lighting" on YouTube. 🙂

  18. Where is Biden?? Why should we vote for him when he can’t even show up for us. He just expects us to pick up his slack??????

  19. TAKE DOWN THE CCP ,中共斃死#路德社

  20. I bet her never saw himself as a victim! Kids take note! ❤️

  21. Why was it landing on a astronaut👩‍🚀👨‍🚀

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