Latest on Ghislaine Maxwell trial as defense opens its case

Latest on Ghislaine Maxwell trial as defense opens its case

ABC News’ Aaron Katersky talks about the latest in the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell and shares updates as the defense calls for testimony from a former assistant and memory expert.

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40 thoughts on “Latest on Ghislaine Maxwell trial as defense opens its case

  1. Totally rigged and corrupt. Prosecution rests case just after a few days. Prosecutor is James Comey’s daughter. It’s all rigged and corrupt.

  2. She, r kelly, and the likes really need to be kept away from society to prevent them from harming more people. These guys build their fortune harming others and this ill gotten money is not coming out any other way except by incarcerating these evil people and confiscating their dirty money from destroying countless lives to strengthen the government and provide support for the victims.

  3. Judge Alison Nathan ; The White House in its announcement said that if confirmed, Nathan would become the second openly LGBTQ woman to serve as a federal appellate judge. U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan is overseeing the sex abuse trial of Maxwell in the U.S. District Court in Manhattan.

  4. She’ll get away with it like all these type of people do and they never suffer because they have no conscience.

  5. Ghislaine’s lawyers are just trying to gaslight now saying witnesses memories are faded etc! What utter BS!

  6. The whole system is a joke, a lie a facade. The left-right paradigm is nothing. The only important thing is authoritarianism vs libertarianism. That's all that matters in the political world. We must always keep in mind that when the government takes a lot of power, it will not be easy to take back, and they will not do good with it. Government is a necessity to run a civilisation, but we must keep their power to a minimum, and we must make sure they know they work for us

  7. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that YouTube is quicker to recommend Strictly Come Dancing news than the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. They've always done this. Release some important information and smother it with some nonsense the masses will be absorbed by

  8. Why isn’t the former sexual predator and chief been called to testify. The other obvious question. Why haven’t any male underage victims been found? Did Maxwell focus 100% on young women? If she’s so bad didnt she participate in this crime with males?

  9. how exactly does this prove anything other than two very smart child molesters maintained a professional facade at all times? are the contents of all those harddrives being veiwed? watching her is like watching bundy defend himself.

  10. I'm not sure if the witnesses who used to work with Eastern and Maxwell are credible. If they knew that there was sex trafficking, it means that they were complicit. So of course they're going to say that they didn't know what was going on. Duh.

  11. "his lurid world"? There are millions and millions of us who are alive. We cannot expect 2nd homes, vacation, inheritance, investment, etc.. Just NOT going to happen. What we CAN anticipate is that WE cannot be expected to die. Reproduction. The State constantly bombards us with sterility (not reproducing) is the proper conduct. A man who loves a woman and 'that' woman loving 'that' man can enjoy this lifetime. And seeing progeny burst the bubble of State propaganda with anti-religion (self) is likely to be a moment of glad tidings. "lurid" to see children survive in time? Some people love their baby's baby pictures. The State loses. Sure would be nice if Ghislaine does some speaking about the composition of 'that' State (Aristotle's 'state') . . . the state of authority and privilege . . . if she spoke directly to the blind woman holding scales. Let's see if Ghislaine will talk — because there have been FIVE Justices who continue to hold their tongue.

  12. The expert psychological witness was sort of saying, "what you really remember is laughing with your girlfriends about going uptown and jerking off an old pervert in a mansion for 300 bucks a go, isnt it"

  13. The dense bringing in experts that state that memories can be less accurate over time and influenced, with regards to the alleged victims need to remember it goes both ways. Maxwell may want to forget and try and erase from her own mind any sexual abuse that she may have put young girls through.

  14. They will let her go. These are the same devils that get to do what they want. They get rich while we stay poor. They had children that kings and princes got to sleep with do you really think they’re going to go to jail? No. The Rothschild Family of England aren’t going to let ‘em

  15. Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !"
    Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam."
    Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!"
    Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?…"
    Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"
    Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky."
    Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."
    Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"

  16. Difficult to understand and believe that such a beautiful, intelligent woman and rich could get caught up in this BS. Should have left his sick butt when he started to want to mess with these young girls. Tragic mistake for her!

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