Last Defense – Darlie Routier | 20/20 | Part 3

Last Defense – Darlie Routier | 20/20 | Part 3


Darlie Routier’s case evokes memories of Susan Smith

Less than a year after Susan Smith admitted to murdering her children, Darlie Routier’s sons were killed and law enforcement began to suspect she was responsible.

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40 thoughts on “Last Defense – Darlie Routier | 20/20 | Part 3

  1. I hate the defense that “a mother could never do this.” Plenty of them have.

  2. “How can anyone listen to that tape and think that that’s not real? That tape is devastating.” She says, about her taped emergency call. 😶

  3. Yeah she killed her own children who weren't babies anymore. And I believe she killed them when they were watching the secret world of Alex Mack. That show was popular back then

  4. Mother and boys happen to be sleeping down stairs on settee. Husband asleep upstairs with other child.. Mother doesen't wake up until after the attack and then see's male attacker and she manages to fight him off. He escapes through a cut net in the window..Mother picks up the knife for some reason. She phones emergency number even before husband is at the scene and he's only upstairs. So a random male broke into the house to kill to small boy's and mother. What motive? Husband say's she was frightened to the extreme that she would be attacked again while she was in hospital recovering from her wounds but little more than 7 day's later she has a party at graveside for one of the boy's who would have been 7. Lack of evidence that it's the lone male unkown killer. Did any murders occur similar to this in the same county? state? or the whole USA in that year? or that decade? It seems abit strange this whole story of the lone Male killer..

  5. People say 'no evidence' of mental illness.
    The truth is no official diagnosis because she didn't get help.
    She stayed in bed for days, weeks.
    She attempted suicide,
    Her journal said she felt badly for such a long time.
    She just didn't get diagnosed

  6. She was depressed enough a week before the murders to talk about suicide in her diary. Everyone keeps talking about how Darlie was “perfectly happy” but she wasn’t. They were having money problems,
    relationship problems, etc. There is WAY too much evidence against her and way too many things that don’t make sense.

  7. This woman didn’t do this. Horrific miscarriage of “justice.”

  8. Is this a real schizto ??a phycotic??some kind of witch ???why this had to happen??…is she is really guilty of this terrible case …so let her pay what she really deserves …even if it's legal injection…….justice must be done !!!!case closed …Only God knows what lyes ahead…..

  9. I just do not believe she did this!?! I just cannot make myself believe it at all!?! There is zero motive. She was doped up by a doctor on anti-anxiety meds during that birthday party scene due to the lose of her children… whose fingerprint was found at the scene that didn't belong to her or Darren!?! Why was Darren's sock found a few hundred feet from the house!?! And what about how Darren himself was trying to find someone to pay to stage a break-in to file against insurance!?! How are we to know he didn't plan this and it went badly wrong!?! I personally think the wrong parent is sitting in jail. He had way more motive than she did, and reason to set the stage up to look as if it was her if it all went wrong!!! They don't want to admit they wrongfully charged her after all this time, but she deserves to get real justice!!! Find who that fingerprint belongs too, and investigate Darren further!?! That bullsh!+ about the blood spatter is just that… exactly in a situation like that were someone is running around like a maniac!!!

  10. She definitely was celebrating in a very dark way over her child's grave. Who smiles like that in that situation? People don't just go into houses and stab people for no reason. I know you'd like to think that happens bc it's easier than believing this small-voiced, blonde woman would do it, but most murders and violence come from family or people you know. It was different times, for all we know she was depressed and under abusive treatment from the husband that was being taught to her sons. She cried more about being accused than she was about her actual dead sons. Also, those wounds look HELLA self-inflicted. Even her account sounds like a cover story. There are so many important details missing. There's rarely footage of her pleading to find the supposed assailant (if any at all), she has no concrete details. It's a hallow story made by a hallow woman who just didn't want to be a mother anymore.

  11. Darlie failed a lie detector , which she now denies ever taking … her new attorneys are trying to put the blame on her ex husband … just give her life in prison and take away the death penalty , she has wasted enough of everyones time with this nonsense …

  12. She almost died and if she had then he would have been the suspect..also he had people break in before for insurance reasons anything could have went wrong and furthermore clearly she has issues but it doesn't make you a murderer

  13. Compare it to the Julie Rae case, she didn’t do it. They convicted her on the inappropriate comments of a zealot DA for chewing gum and shooting silly string

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