Last decade was warmest on record: Report – Car Mod Pros Portal

Global land temperatures are increasing and scientists said the Australia fires were part of the dramatic fallout from climate change. READ MORE:

Last year was the second warmest year on record around the globe, making the last decade the warmest in recorded history, according to a new government report released Wednesday.

Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and National Aeronautics and Space Administration said the higher average temperatures are the result of human activities that release greenhouse gases and that the trends of warming show that the effects of global warming and climate change are continuing beyond year-to-year fluctuations in temperature and weather.

#ABCNews #ClimateChange #Temperature #WorldNews


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Last decade was warmest on record: Report”
  1. Very warm year! 2019 2nd hottest on record! Temperatures were 0.95C (1.71F) hotter than normal (20th century average). Only 2016 was hotter, that year was 0.99C (1.78F) hotter than normal.
    North America had its 14th warmest year, the hottest was 2016. South America had its 3rd warmest year, 2015 was the hottest. Europe had its 2nd warmest year. 2018 was the hottest. Asia had its 3rd warmest year, 2015 was the hottest. Africa had its 2nd warmest year, 2016 was the hottest. Australia had its hottest year, 2013 previously held the record. While 2019 was only the 2nd warmest year for Air temperatures over the ocean, 2019 beat 2018 for the hottest ocean heat content. Heat content is basically the temperature of the water going down 300 feet. It was not just the temperatures that was recorded breaking, both the Arctic and Antarctic had their 2nd and 7th lowest sea ice ever recorded respectively. Sea levels rise another 3 millimeters and CO2 rose another 2.3 ppm in 2019. For the U.S. 2019 also broke records, while it was only America’s 34th warmest year, Georgia, North Carolina, and Alaska had their hottest years while South Dakota had its 12 coolest year. 31 of the 50 states had above normal temperatures, 17 had Top 10 hottest years and 10 had top 5 hottest. The U.S. also had its 2nd wettest year, , North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan all had their wettest years. 24 of the 50 US states had Top 10 wettest years while 10 of the 24 had top 5 wettest. Washington state did have its 9th driest year for 2019.
    So 2019 broke a lot of records. And our climate will keep changing thanks to human activity for decades to come.

    Climate Information:
    Climate and Planetary Science:
    And for the future affects of climate change and more:

    Remember adding a little amount of CO2 can dramatically change the planet. Our planet is delicate. Hopefully we can work together for a cleaner, healthier, amazing future. 🙂

  2. North Carolina has been in the 70s all winter..a few days of 40 degrees then goes right back to 70s.. I was in flip flops and shorts all this past week.. we normally get snow around this time.and it’s been summer weather. I’m scared to see summer when it comes might be 115 degrees outside every day.

  3. Our Winter in Queensland Australia was very short in 2019, I know we don't get as cold as our southern states do, but we normally do get those really cold mornings. I know for ANZAC day, I always hope for a Warner morning for the dawn service (April 25th), but 2019 saw a warm morning. Is it Global warming? Or is the earth moving or tilting? Or just natural Climate changes? Why take a chance on it being natural and do nothing, cleaning up our earth and lowering the polluting of our earth is not a bad thing. We only have one earth. 😊

  4. lets say the dinosaurs went out about 70 million years ago, and since then lets say abc has been in charge of history and all aspects of nature the environment the climate and every atom of effect relative to their understanding. would they confess the dodgers being cheated, would they even attempt to contemplate fairness ?

  5. The thing is we are entering the grand solar minimum, that means normally temps would drop somewhat. And it may keep temps steady for a while, but when the sun wakes up the next time around we are going to see temps really climb. Dont be fooled by the lull of the solar minimum over the next few years.

  6. I am concerned about summer this year, we are into some bad weather. Let’s pray for Australia,;Australians and their animals bc I think this is going to be a global crisis yet to come. Let’s pray for the end of government betrayal. Please Lord, take out California and Florida lol

  7. So why is all propaganda aimed at telling white people to have less babies, but these same people advocate for creating more non white populations?
    It's almost like there is some agenda?

  8. Lets tell the truth:
    1) Climate change is a replacement term for global warming.
    2) Global warming is a discredited pseudo science that preys upon those who do not do research. Case in point:
    A) Hurricanes happen when sea water is above 80 degrees. In January 1954 a hurricane hit the "west indies" ( eastern carribean). Imagine if a January hurricane happened today. The alarmists would declare "case closed".
    B) Christopher Columbus wrote of enduring a hurricane in February 1493. The 1954 hurricane proved that Cumbus wasn't writing fiction.
    3) The Australian wildfires are the result of extremely poor land management, just as the "dust bowl" of the 1930's was the result of poor land management (Go to the library and read BOOKS!!!).
    4) ABC, George Soros and a lot of other entities try to push the agenda of "climate change" which is actually a desperate push to create worldwide socialism. Since socialism has failed in name and practice around the globe, Soros and others hope to frighten sheeple into giving up their rights so that EVERY country is under the control of an oligarchy.

    Fat chance. People like me read books and have an attention span longer than two seconds.

  9. 🌎 Climate change is a liberal Lie to get a carbon $tax$ and make everybody pay more in $taxes$ that will be given to Third World countries that are the biggest polluters.

  10. We gotta do something about this ☹️😰 🌵 🔥 ☀️ 💦 we need cold weather back

  11. I'll tell you what, if anyone comes to my door asking to take away my car or my computer, I'll be sure to greet them with an AR-15 assault style rifle in my hands.

  12. Lol loads of trolls in the comments trying to push their conspiracy bullshit face it global warming is real and very much caused in most part by humankind

  13. lies!! tony heller proves over and over again that the earth has been hotter before, co2 has been higher than now, and this is just an agenda to tax humans to death, except for the planets' biggest polluters-china and india. try telling the truth for a change, disney…

  14. How could 2019 be the hottest the earth has ever been, when the planet was made by a big boom. That must have been hot

  15. First of all, you can always stretch time to a point where you can get the hottest temperature ever. You may have the hottest decade ever, but that doesn’t mean you have the hottest day month -year ever. Also they dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, and I didn’t hear anything about any climate change back then . And World war two probably produced twice as much carbon monoxide or whatever back then with all the tanks planes , fire bombing / whatever. Total non-sense !

  16. Sick of this shit. When people learn why climate change is actually happening, that co2 is not bad and is VITAl for all life. Its not the same as monoxide. Hopefully you are just getting those confused because if you actually think co2 is the problem.. Than you are needing some serious mental help. Also.. Its cooling. Not warming.. What a load of bull lol. Snowing coast to coast.. In Minnesota its -25 right now and last year it was -50 for the polar vortex. We have a mini ice age going on since 2015 till 2035. When theres 300 "scientists" telling you this shit.. Theres 1,000s more that would say what i typed here if they could.. And are probably more legit

  17. The morons are outnumbering the people capable of rational thought about 5:1 here. Thank goodness they don't reflect the beliefs of normal people.

  18. There is a a lot of ignorant excuses for people on this. I don't know the difference in between climate and weather that don't know the difference in between winter and summer the claim they're intelligent people and I know more than scientists and proven facts.

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