Landmark opioid ruling, Trump sits out G-7 climate meeting, Amazon fires rage | ABC News

Landmark opioid ruling, Trump sits out G-7 climate meeting, Amazon fires rage | ABC News

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16 thoughts on “Landmark opioid ruling, Trump sits out G-7 climate meeting, Amazon fires rage | ABC News

  1. far as I'm concerned a lot of weak people I've quit all that s*** I've gone through all of it I went to all the f**** shakes the Downs the highs the lows but I made it and I made it because of Christ but I know there's a lot of weak people out there so they get addicted and then they blame somebody else and they get more addicted and instead of getting themselves off at they just want to blame society than their children die then they overdose then they blame society some more instead of taking responsibility for their own s*** like really just a bunch of weak humans weak then blame others for their own pathetic weakness And yes I HV lost family to so called Weakness .

  2. – It'll be interesting if that underwater volcano is reacting to the poor state of health humans have caused on earth.
    – While I agree forests can be a resource they should be properly managed and kept in a healthy state. RIP Brazil.
    – It's kinda your job to do stuff for Politics. Your a leader of one of the most powerful nations.
    Maybe it'll become the G-6 when they kick out America, or unless they replace America with another nation?
    – I've never taken a proper selfie before though I've been in one before.
    I think it's okay to do once in a while, but to make selfies as apart of your weekly life is quite lame.
    – He's shaking his head because he just saw how much a wedding costs. That's all.

  3. I was addicted to oxicoten and hydros you can’t blame the company for supplying all the doctors and hospitals

  4. Haha… the President chose not to attend talks over a FAKE issue… climates always change over time so joke's on those who still believe we can do something about it. If you think we humans can actually make a difference, talk to the leaders of China and India, two of the world's greatest polluters. Until then, don't even consider the possibility of the United States taking action.

  5. Does anybody remember the TV show the lifestyles of the rich and famous? Is America still selling this idiocracy? I want to know how many people in the world believe we should keep paying this cost so a shrinking minority of the world can be the ones living happy in the world. Why don't we just take welfare away from the poor and give tax breaks to the rich it would make just as much sense wouldn't it. Shouldn't we make laws against poverty so poor people will stop thinking they can walk around with the rest of us? Feelings do belong more in a two-dimensional reality than three-dimensional reality don't you agree? Television is the answer nobody can own a TV station, is this not where we go to get our religious leaders and presidents. Only the rich should know the difference. Only the rich should know what walking around in a three-dimensional world feels like. What good is voting Republican if our lawmakers can't make this work? With all the sickness in the world, I do not want to die because some homeless man sneezed on me.

  6. What! DID IT RAIN! ☔☔☔

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