La. trajectory will ‘overwhelm our capacity to deliver health care’ by April: Edwards | ABC News

La. trajectory will ‘overwhelm our capacity to deliver health care’ by April: Edwards | ABC News

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards is interviewed on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Louisiana #JohnBelEdwards


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21 thoughts on “La. trajectory will ‘overwhelm our capacity to deliver health care’ by April: Edwards | ABC News

  1. Ordinary Flu: 500,000 deaths annually

    2-3 million infections annually

    Coronavirus: 37,015 deaths

    771,870 infections

    Global Road Crash Deaths

    1.25 million deaths annually

    20-50 million are injured or disabled


    37,015 deaths

    771,870 infected

    Global Deaths from AIDS in 2018:



    37,015 deaths

    Global new cases of AIDS in 2018:

    1.7 million

    Global cases of coronavirus:


    Global Cases of Skin Cancer:

    2-3 million per year.



    Global Deaths from alcoholism:

    3 million per year


    37,015 deaths

    "Coronaviruses are common viruses that most people get some time in their life.

    Coronaviruses are fairly fragile. Outside of the body they can only survive for a day and are easily destroyed by common detergents and cleaning agents. Public health experts in the UK have stressed that the risk to the general population remains very low. A novel coronavirus does not seem to get passed from person to person easily"

    -Official BBC Website

    From @t…

    Status of COVID-19

    As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases ( HCID ) in the UK.

    Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall).

    The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID .

    Definition of HCID

    a high consequence infectious disease

    So….after pondering all of this information carefully, my question is: Would you allow your family to be taken away in a truck to a quarantine camp under a state of global martial law to prevent the spread of the seemingly insignificant 'coronavirus'? Or would you….RUN…. LIKE…. HELL ???

    I could NOT visit a hospital and find coronavirus patients nor any deceased doctors or nurses and you could not, either. The phenomenon seems to exist ONLY on television news broadcasts. Many YouTube videos have been made (and are being removed by YouTube) where an independent researcher is turned away from access to major NYC hospitals when it is apparent they are videotaping. Outside the hospitals, however, these videos clearly show large fleets of ambulances parked as if it's a normal day. NOT responding to an apocalyptic 'pandemic'. The birds are chirping in the trees as the ambulance drivers enjoy their lunches!

  2. Look you mindless sheep they the govt wants us alone .let's face facts are we going to die anytimes if not from this than it will be something else .the answer is to face death and fear you scared sheep

  3. Part of the problem is the "essential business" definition. They way its being interpreted anything can be essential, car washes, storage places etc etc. Totally ridiculous. And no they dont have police out enforcing it. Get with the program, shut everything thats really NON ESSENTIAL down now! Food and medicine is all thats really essential. And a curfew would help also. You can not count on entitled people to do whats needed.

  4. Trump is the

    Trump wants Americans to
    fill the churches on Easter Sunday, a day Christians most want to be there, and
    then go back to work like everything is fine.

    Would the Anti-Christ
    not want to infect and kill as many Americans and Christians as possible?

    Would the Anti-Christ
    not enjoy great pleasure infecting them in God’s house on Christian’s most
    joyous day, when Christ rose from the grave?

    Would the Anti-Christ
    not want to be able make those infections and deaths the fault of Christian’s
    own greed (wanting to earn a living)?

    Is Trump not the Golden

    Is this the beginning of

  5. Our “President” is
    killing thousands of Americans, sickening tens of thousands and bankrupting
    hundreds of thousands.  And HE DOESN’T
    CARE !!!

    The measures being
    started today should have begun last December, but the President and the
    Republican leadership was ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH.


    The only good thing is
    that most of those sick and dying are Trump supporters, because they’re the
    only ones stupid enough to believe him and his rallies were Petri dishes.

  6. Governor – You ADMIT you won't be short on anything for a Week.
    Not a SINGLE whining Governor has said we have X Vents and X people on them. NOW!
    TELL US what you HAVE and What You'll need TOMORROW. Otherwise STFU.

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