Kyle Rittenhouse trial enters day 8 in court

Kyle Rittenhouse trial enters day 8 in court

A dramatic day in court after the judge scolded the prosecution and Kyle Rittenhouse was questioned on whether he intended to kill people when he pulled the trigger.

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28 thoughts on “Kyle Rittenhouse trial enters day 8 in court

  1. Apart from 2 very minor biases from the interviewer (which was silly) this is first unbiased coverage I've seen from any news service in America. I'm astounded by the bias by so many from CNN, MSN, both criminally biased to TMJ4, PBS, FOX and a dozen others. The media in the USA should be ashamed.

  2. Rittenhouse should receive an award and recognition for being brave enough to help people against the enemy. I hope this young man gets set free and who ever died then too fucken bad, should've stayed home.

  3. NOW THE GOVERNOR FINALLY DEPLOYS THE NATIONAL GAURD! If he did that during the RIOTS there would be no trial! No one needed to DIE for this GOVERNOR'S political sickness!

  4. Isn't is funny that the liberal media immediately tried to label Kyle Rittenhouse as a "White Supremacist" from the get go…..the needed no proof, they just threw out the allegation with no actual evidence. The liberal media is disgusting, totally unethical, and beyond corrupt. I am predominately talking about CNN and MSNBC…they are the worst offenders.

  5. This judge is working overtime to ensure this murderer gets away with it 😡😡😡

  6. D'you know what im loving most about this trial……..
    The fact that its revealing all the vile hypocrisy of 2020, and the "mostly peaceful protests".
    The light is shining now on all the woke lies and nonsense.
    We all see amd hear, the violence and nonsensical destruction of property, and the inability of these woke fools like blm, to be able to control any of their evil impulses

  7. Had The Prosecutors Done there Jobs In there Jurisdictions, They are Sworn to Protect, The Rittenhouse Killings Would have Never Taken Place, the Prosecutors Let the City's Burn, so The People Have to take up arms against Tyranny. Selective Prosecutions From the Soros Prosecutors are Burning the City's with no Prosecutions for the Looting and Burning. Now that is the fault of a Vigilantly ? or is it the Result ? I think its the Result of the Prosecutors Politics. The Killings were Self Defense, and the Criminal was the Prosecutor of the Jurisdiction of Burning City with No Rule of Law enforced. Blind Justice Scale, or Justice with there eye on Politics ? Truckers are Found Guilty all the time of Crimes For Log Books, if you were in an accident with Your Log Book being ileagle, any accident is the fault of the Trucker, The Log Book of the Crimes Belongs to the Prosecutors. Why Did They Not Prosecute the Looters, or Rioters, or the Piros ??? There Negligence Purposely Caused the Killings. Not Rittenhouse .

  8. I watched the entire event unfold on multiple livestreams on 3 devices. He IS innocent. Bigger question is, WHO paid for all the rioters to fall upon Kenosha? I personally heard a few brag on livestreams about being paid to go. I knew Kenosha was going to be attacked before it happened. So DID THE GOV and MEDIA. Why? Explain it you cowards.

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