Kobe, Gigi Bryant honored at NBA All-Star game | ABC News

Kobe, Gigi Bryant honored at NBA All-Star game | ABC News

Players and stars, including Jennifer Hudson and Common, paid tribute to the NBA legend and his daughter who died in a helicopter crash along with seven others last month.

#ABCNews #NBA #AllStar #KobeBryant


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20 thoughts on “Kobe, Gigi Bryant honored at NBA All-Star game | ABC News

  1. When the helicopter crash occurred January 26, 2020 that took Kobe and Gianna's life and the lives of 7 others including other young people like Gianna, I was devastated and shocked. As I read the news reports about the crash, I learned that for many years, the N.T.S.B. has recommended a technology called TAWS/HTAWS be required on helicopters but the F.A.A. has refused to do so. Finally, the F.A.A. took the N.T.S.B.'s recommendation for ambulance helicopters after unrelenting public pressure due to crashes like the one that killed these 9 people, making HTAWS mandatory for the ambulance copters. They should do the same on ALL helicopters to prevent another needless, horrific tragedy from ever taking lives and destroying families like this again. Please sign this petition NOW and put the public pressure on the F.A.A. We can make a difference for families in the future and not let Kobe, Gianna, and the other lives lost be in vain. Peace and thank you. https://www.change.org/demand-FAA-make-TAWS-system-mandatory

  2. Im sad 😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭

  3. Me on January 25, 2020 😂🤣😍🥰😛😎🤓🤪🤩

    Me on January 26, 2020 😭😢😤😩🥺☹️😞🙁😕💔

  4. 💔💔💔💔💔my heart is broken R.I.P kobe💔💔💔💔💔💔💔🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 for another tribute check this out:https://youtu.be/7KQqevi5MUQ

  5. Bryant wasn't this great hero everybody is screaming, he distanced hisself from blacks until he did that thing to the white girl and they came for him, that's when he became pro black looking for support

  6. Kobe is dead 😭😭😭😭

  7. محالوات

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